Eric and Calleigh #35 She's His Gal; He's Her Dude

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Ginnna, when you say "too fast" what do you mean? If you meant to ask if we think they are progressing too fast in the physical sense of their relationship (like having sex too fast) than I must say NO. Given the fact their history I think it was okay for them to get to that aspect right away. If you're asking are the writers giving us too much EC moments... I don't know. I'm a bit afraid that they'll give us everything right away and than in the next season they won't give us anything. However, life has thought me that I should take and enjoy what I have right now, because I don't know if I'll have it in the future, so I enjoy the EC we're getting. After all, I can always make a "dislike" thread once the writers start storyline that I don't like.

See, that's what I'm thinking. To me, I think it's completely okay that they're already at the point in their relationship where they're having sex. They've known each other for too long and have had all that tension between them.. so that's not unexpected and I don't think that's considered as moving too fast, in their case.

I don't think the writers are giving us too much EC in all... But maybe too much at the same time. There's already been quite a lot this season, not that I'm complaining, but it'd be nice to have something to see next season. The writers may be going a litte fast with EC. If you think about it (and I hate to this) the sooner they get everything out of the way the more likely they are to show a break-up just so they'll have a storyline or something to give these two.

They spent so much time building the E/C stuff up and don't know where they are going with it. I really think anything could happen because there is a lot happening with them. I mean, what.. 7.14 is when they got together most likely.. 7.16, we find out they're together and we get the two kisses..7.18, Eric's daydream..7.19, Eric's jealousy among other EC stuff..Then there's what we got in tonight's episode. And all that is only what's happened this season since they got together. There's bee plenty of other stuff besides that.
*chuckle* I didn't know I'd spark a firestorm. ;)

I agree with everyone who says that they're not moving "too fast" in realistic terms. Of course it makes sense that they're spending the night at each others place, sleeping together, etc...

I'm speaking strictly in terms of the world of TV. Eric and Calleigh took foreeeeeeeever to get to this point. I thought it'd also take foreeeeeeeever to see what we've already gotten to see just a few episodes after they first kissed.

I'm sorry I wasn't able to articulate myself clearly before. *blushes* I guess what I was really trying to say is... it seems like the audience is, relatively speaking, seeing a whole lot at once. I thought TPTB would take their good sweet time spreading out all the E/C canon goodness, but they're showing us fantastic shippy moments in almost every episode since E/C actually went canon. I'm not saying it's a bad thing! I think it's been well balanced with the storylines and adorable! But...

It worries me. It seems like TPTB are breaking the traditional TV rules and showing us more than any show would normally show. I keep thinking that they're trying to make us happy as much as they can because they plan on ending the relationship sooner than we'd all prefer.

Someone tell me I'm reading too much into it and should learn to appreciate a good thing without overanalyzing it!!!
Hmm I don't think they are moving to fast in a physical way. They've known each other for years so it would be natural that they were already sleeping together, I think. There was indeed a lot of tension. Anyways I'm happy with what we are getting;).
My thoughts on the episode:
I have to say I really liked the episode. Just as I really enjoyed last weeks. It's nice to see ryan getting a storyline again. I guess it was indeed to focused on Eric and Calleigh, maybe a bit too much for some. (Not for me though;))
I loved the openingscene. Switching between Eric/cal and Ryan, nicely done. It was really cute and Eric in the shower....:drool::drool: do I need to say more???!! Although it seemed like he was a bit to big for it...
I think it's also very nice to see them work together but professionally. Just doing their jobs.
Calleigh was sweet to ask what was going on with ryan. But I was a bit surprised by her reaction when Eric told Ryan to leave the room. She stood by Eric but I think she should have showed some I don't know compassion. I know they didn't know why Ryan did it but they should have known he wouldn't just do that without reason. Still I can understand Eric's anger but Calleighs...I'm 1000% sure that if it were Eric instead of Ryan she would have reacted differently. But then again she's in love with eric so... a different reaction would be normal. I don't know if I'm still making sense:).
OKay so I miss H his opening line:lol::lol: It's been like that for years so I kinda miss it although he did have the endline 'I say bring it on' such a typical H sentence :guffaw:
Then eric answering in Russian, that was so sexy! I think Calleigh was kind off pride of him :) He's hot!!!! SHe's so lucky to have him and well he's lucky to have her of course.

Ginna, I can see where you're coming from. It could be to soon in tv terms. There are already negative reactions to it, so I'm too afraid that maybe they'll decide to end it or something. But on the other hand, it are small things :ike the opening scene. THey aren't doing anything wrong with that I think. It was what? 2minutes and the rest was all professional. SO I hope people don't get annoyed by it.
I hope you are reading to much in it but I completely understand how you feel.
Thanks for explanation Ginnna. I hope you're reading to much into this, but I'm worried sometimes, too. I'm afraid writers will think that audience is getting bored by this storyline when it's only the people who haven't liked it from the beginning that are complaining. However, let's have some fate in the writers, they've been great to us lately.

I presume it's okay to write without spoiler tags now.

Someone mentioned that they didn't like Calleigh's attire, that they expected something HOT. I must say that I agree, it wasn't hot per se, but I had an impression that she was wearing a robe. I noticed some lace on her chest as if she had something under the robe. Or, you know, the lace is part of the robe and she was naked under it. Speaking of naked, I bet they didn't show Eric get up from the bed totally because they wanted us to realize that he wasn't wearing any boxers. As much as I would love to see his a** I doubt we're gonna see it on this show.

I noticed something... Is it just me or is Adam's skin getting fairer... You guys remember him in season one? If it's true and the problem is not in my eyes or mind, there's only one thing I can say: "Adam, you're hot whatever you look like, but hit the beach once in a while and give us back our tanned hottie we all know and love."
I am not sure what to think about moving fast.The fact is that all those moments tells us that their feelings are deeper then how most relationships starts on TV shows.The things that worried me that could end it like Calleigh not getting used to a man in her bed or Eric being jealous are pretty much covered.They are constructing something so strong that it will be hard to break it.I am getting to the point that it would be not believable for me to see each one of them with somebody else(like Ross and Rachel on friends) rather that it would end for sure once.
I guess we don't need spoiler tags anymore because if I've seen it, trust me most of the world have! :rolleyes:

I really liked this episode, I'm not trying to be annoying but there really could've been more hiphugger moments and it woulnd'nt of harmed anyone! At the begining they were like showing you Eric on his own and Calleigh on her own and then WAM! :eek: both of them in the bathroom !!:eek::):drool::) I really would've liked to see both of them in the bed when you saw Eric liying in bed I expected us to see Calleigh in front of him! Actually when I saw him in the bed I thought I was imagining it ! was I? :rolleyes:
It was nice to see Calleigh smiling when Eric phoned her at the begining!:)
Poor Ryan but I really thought Eric was hot when he got mad a Ryan!:drool: Not to metion when he was in the shower letting the water run down his neck .... :drool: OMG! That made me giggle!!:drool: (I'm pathetic)

Of course the E/C haters will be saying that there was too much hiphuggers! Earlier this week they said the all Eric and Calleigh would worry about their relationship getting outed and not worry about Ryan! :guffaw:Wich was so not true!
Anyways we got our bathroom scene!!! :):drool::)
I rambled a lot Sorry! :rolleyes:
Holy goodness! So sorry I didn't post after last night's show, I had company over and as much as I love posting my recap, I just didn't want him to leave :lol:

Anyway on to the show:

Oh my goodness. Eric in the shower. :drool: I think I was a little too excited there (my friend rolled his eyes, I think. I wasn't looking at him, I was focused on the TV). I felt jipped when they didn't show us Eric getting out of bed, anyone else, please raise your hand :lol: Have I mentioned how much I love the writers, two Eric shower scenes in a season...I can only imagine what's next :devil:

When I saw Eric & Calleigh look at each other in the bathroom I hit my friend and said that they are in love. Again, I really don't think he cared. But he laughed at me anyway.

When Calleigh & Eric were on the phone with each other Ryan looked outside I bet he was wondering if Calleigh was going to lie to him about who she was talking to.

Eric speaking Russian. Oh goodness that is all kinds of hot :drool::drool::drool:
Anyone else think that Calleigh wanted to jump him right there, I know I did.

I am sure I missed some things, but this is what stuck out for me. All in all, it was a good episode. My heart went out to Ryan and Billy. Poor kid. I'll post more in the recap thread.

BTW....Ginnna---love your avatar.
heey guys, I'm new here but I've been following this since
thread #30 and you guys Rock (':
btw, Thank you so much for the spoilers Delkolover
I'm non-American so sorry for the mistakes .
''Speaking of naked, I bet they didn't show Eric get up from the bed totally because they wanted us to realize that he wasn't wearing any boxers. As much as I would love to see his a** I doubt we're gonna see it on this show."

Thank god someone noticed, beside me, that he was not wearing underwear :drool::drool:
OMG, he wasn't wearing underwear :guffaw:
hmm...Eric naked in Calleigh's bed:devil: I'm sure the night was very wild.:devil:
I would have liked to see a little of that night ! Why D/L fans saw and we didn't ?
anyway, it was a great episode :thumbsup:
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Not to metion when he was in the shower letting the water run down his neck .... :drool: OMG! That made me giggle!!:drool: (I'm pathetic)

So not pathetic- I felt the same way too. I guess this is what Corey meant with it being a sexy episode because oh boy was Adam sexy!! :drool:
Btw, has anyone heard from delkolover???

I could say that this was just enough Eric and Calleigh to make me happy and I dont think that they are moving too fast at all. Its been a long time coming and we waited far too long for this to happen and I'm sure the characters feel the same. Now that we had the kiss, the hug, the intimate bathroom scene, how about a quick scene with them in bed, him with his arms wrapped around her...I know its a little fanfic, but a girl could dream :)

As far as Ryan in the next episode and Calleigh and Eric's attitude towards him: I hope he comes clean to them. They are all affected by the Russian mob, not only him. They all are being targeted, so it's only right to share his experience with them so they could look out for him as well as for each other. I thought when Calleigh reached out to him (twice), it was so sincere and I could tell her hurt in her eyes when he continuously lied and mishandled evidence. They are, at the end of the day, a team, and they all care for each other like family; its only right they protect each other.
Last night's was a great episode :)

Ok EC moments :D

-Opening sequence: I loved how they compared Ryan's morning to Eric and Cal's. The parallel was really original. I very pleasantly surprised that there was more to the opening sequence than what was in the CBS clip. The little smirk in Ginna's avatar was so flirty and adorable :D Loved it! I also liked the way Cal looked at him.

-I too noticed that Ryan looked at Eric when Cal was talking on the phone. For a moment I thought that Cal was going to lie and that Ryan would say something, but I'm glad she didn't and everything just went on as normal.

-There were some spoiler that said that Eric would smile when Cal came in and Ryan would later call them on it. I think that since the episode had this intense mood all throughout that maybe having EC have that moment wouldn't have worked so well. So I'm glad with what we've got and that they decided to keep that part out.

-When Ryan said his line of "I keep secrets, don't tell anyone" I was left kind of :wtf:. I guess he was being sarcastic but IDK, it seemed off to me.

-When the lady spoke russian at the end I shouted at the TV "ha! Eric speaks russian!" so when he did I was soooo pleased and happy. Loved the look Cal gave him then :adore:.

-I was very sad with the way things were left off between them all but when Ryan said at the end to H that the russians were trying to break them apart I understood that to mean that this strain on the team is part of a bigger storyline. Maybe it's part of whatever happens onthe season finale.

To comment on "are they going to fast or not" I don't think they are. I do think that the writers have given us more than what I imagined they would but I think that after dragging this out for soooooo looooooong that it's their way of compensating a bit. I don't know if that makes sense, but it's the way I see it. I love what we've gotten cause really it was two years of officially waiting for this to happen and we had streaks of episode where EC was not acknowledged at all. So I'm happy!! Where they'll go next season with them? I have no idea, but like electra said, they've built this up so well I just don't see them ending with anyone else even if somewhere down the road there's a break-up.

I know that there's been a lot of noise from the people who do not like the pairing but I think that it just sounds more now cause they went canon. At the same time we can't forget that even though there are people who do not like the storyline there are A LOT of people who do like it. There are fans that are really pleased and that have been waiting for this for a long time. So everyone has an opinion and that includes US, The people who like it ;).

Welcome TrueloveE\C :)

Where is delkolover??
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Ginnna said:
Is anyone worried that, for a TV couple, E/C are actually moving a little FAST? I mean, I'm not complaining about all the little tidbits we're getting, but in the world of TV... since they officially went canon, it seems a little fast. We've seen a LOT more than I thought we would. Should that worry us?

I don't think they are moving too fast. They are together about two months, so it's not like they jumped on each other immediately. And considering that they have known one another for so long time, I wouldn't say it's fast at all. And come on they are two hot people attracted to each other, so it's not unusual they went to bed, it was invetiable.:)
Yes I agree we've seen a lot since they get together, but still there's so much more to see;). What I'm worry about is that the writers and producers don't know where to go with them in the future yet, it means they haven't decided what they are goinig to do with it. And I admit it bothers me a bit. But I hope they don't do something stupid, because it would be a weird move after building this relationship so carefully and so so long.:confused:
The opening of this episode was just amazing. Eric obviously naked in her bed, shower :drool:. I guess they wanted to tell us that sleeping wasn't the only activity during that night:devil:. And the looks they gave each other in the bathroom simply priceless, especially his smirk;). But it shouldn't surprise anyone, after one hot night with Calleigh:).
I don't think they are moving too fast either. Like others here have said, they have had a lot of tension building up for a couple of years now. All those feelings and passions they have for each other have bubbled to the surface and they are going with it, so to speak. Maybe after the initial newness of the relationship wears off, they might slow it down. But I think them giving in to their natural instincts right now is pretty normal.

When you start a new relationship, it's pretty intense in the beginning anyway. But then it cools a bit and you find a rhythm.

Like others have said, those are two attractive, warm-blooded human beings. You knew they couldn't wait too long before succumbing to their passions.
So, I didn't get home until 1AM this morning and the first thing I did? Oh yes... I watched the episode. Well...truthfully I didn't watch the actual episode until closer to 1:15 b/c I kept rewinding to watch the beginning. :thumbsup: Not only was Eric not wearing underwear when he sat up in bed (omg omg omg!) but Adam with the towel that "V"ed and the little happy trail under his belly button...I'm sure Emily was like "Cut! Can we do it again? I forgot to...uh...blink."

The Eric/Calleigh interactions were fantastic but like a lot of people said, poor Ryan! I have a fear of the dentist and teeth so that whole thing did it for me. I literally felt nauseous when I saw all of that. The end kind of surprised me too, but I understood their reactions. After they forgave Ryan for everything from before that this probably seemed like a slap in the face. Once they know about Billy, I think that they'll be okay but I don't think we'll see them actually find out why Ryan did it on screen. It'll probably take place off screen and there will be hints of slight mistrust in the next episode or two, but that'll be it.

Umm, the "Are they moving too fast" question is a really good one because I've been thinking the same thing. As awesome as this all is, it worries me.
If I remember correctly delkolover said that we don't get E/C in the 7.21 (which might be a good thing) and then we get another little cute scene in 7.22 from Corey! Hopefully the time between now due to March Madness and 7.22 will calm the tides.

Also, real quick...apparently county salary isn't so horrible, at least when viewed from the size of a CSI's bathroom. Dang! I couldn't tell whose I liked better, Calleigh's or Ryan's!
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Good Morning! Overall I have to say I was very happy with this episode, especially the opening scene :) but I have to say I was disapointed that they didn't address the same outfit 2 days in a row for Eric?? I don't like unanswered questions like that, I don't like to be left wondering why he didn't change his clothes, why didn't he have clothes there I mean if they are so close now and all that? I would like to think that he stays there every night :) so why wouldn't he have stuff there? I WAY over analyze these things I know but if they would have addressed it in the show, then I wouldn't have to.
Other than that, I loved it!! I don't think they are moving too fast with the relationship at all and I don't think it's overkill how much time they have given E/C in the episodes. I think the writers have done well in balancing everything out.
I really enjoyed the episode last night, overall as an episode and for the E/C. I loved the opener, not only because the sight of Adam Rodriguez all wet and half-naked is drool-worthy, but because I love little inconsequential moments like that. And we don't really get those on this show. And I'm a little in love with Calleigh's decor. It's so feminine and fabulous!

I"m not surprised that the same-clothes-two-days-in-a-row thing wasn't brought up -- I think the only one watching them closely enough to notice that Eric was wearing the same thing and not just think "oh, Delko must have gotten some last night" is Ryan, who was clearly distracted by much more important stuff. It wouldn't have made sense to call it out, IMO. It wasn't relevant to anything happening in the episode. I'm sure it's not the first time he's showed up to work in the same clothes two days in a row in the last several years. Now, if Calliegh had worn the same thing twice, I can maybe see Valera or Natalia making some kind of teasing comment, because it seems more out of character for her than for Eric.
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