Ooh, I hadn't thought of that. Now that you mention it though, that could be interesting. And really cute, if you think about it. I'd love to see Calleigh take care of Eric the way we know he's taken care of her, after her kidnapping, during SYG, in 7x14. He's been there for her so many times in the past; it could very well be leading up to a reversal of roles or something.I pose a question to you all: Do you guys think that Cal's statement about her protecting Eric, even though it was light hearted, is a type of foreshadowing for something? Either concerning them, or the ongoing storyline of the season?
As much as I don't want either of them to be in any more danger now that they've finally found each other (let them have some happiness!
I love drama and angst and anything that ends up with either Calleigh or Eric needing to be cuddled and taken care of, awww, but I imagine both of them have seen enough of the inside of a hospital to last a lifetime. :lol: Until, of course, Calleigh has their baby, but that's still quite a ways in the future.