Lab Technician
Re: Eric and Calleigh #34
You are so right... Calleigh needs that consistency, whether she realizes it or not yet, and she's never had it before. Not with Hagen (eeewww) and certainly not with bad boy Jake. But Eric... ever since he was shot and realized how short life can be, what he really wants out of life, he's the consistency in her life, the one thing she can count on to be there for her. He doesn't let her down. And damn, that man loves her like none that's loved her before... he just exudes it. It eeks out of his pores. You can see it in his eyes. And so can she
Yeah... the promo dedicated to Eric & Calleigh was completely a sweeps stunt. Not so important in Canada, but in the US... VERY important (at least, I think ratings are not that important in other countries). I bet the extended promo is the footage Canada got, the Diddy stuff. I bet we've seen all we're going to see of Eric & Calleigh until next Monday night.
If Calleigh and Eric had been together prior to him being shot and what-not, they probably wouldn't have lasted. He's sort of a different guy from how he was back then. Who knows how long it would have taken him then to realize when or if he would ever want to settle down with someone. He's always been a trusting guy, but if he had never been shot.. I just don't think any of this would be happening.
Hagen was obviously not stable and Jake, well Calleigh never knew when he'd be around. Her and Jake seemed to have a pretty good thing going, too. It wasn't a consistent thing though.
Her and Eric work together practically 24/7, plus they have 7 years of friendship. Which is a strong foundation to build up their romance. I'm pretty confident they'll stay together. I don't know how it wouldn't work out between them. It just makes sense.
You are so right... Calleigh needs that consistency, whether she realizes it or not yet, and she's never had it before. Not with Hagen (eeewww) and certainly not with bad boy Jake. But Eric... ever since he was shot and realized how short life can be, what he really wants out of life, he's the consistency in her life, the one thing she can count on to be there for her. He doesn't let her down. And damn, that man loves her like none that's loved her before... he just exudes it. It eeks out of his pores. You can see it in his eyes. And so can she
Yeah... the promo dedicated to Eric & Calleigh was completely a sweeps stunt. Not so important in Canada, but in the US... VERY important (at least, I think ratings are not that important in other countries). I bet the extended promo is the footage Canada got, the Diddy stuff. I bet we've seen all we're going to see of Eric & Calleigh until next Monday night.