Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

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Kinda late but just remembered I had this pic somewhere. Ugh I hate Cal's feelings but then that's how she's human. I don't think that when they do get together that they will date cause its not like she just met the man.
midnight_tiptoes said:
That kid is wearing a diaper, and he's, like, 16.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Sh*t, you're hilarious.

EDIT: It's still a cute picture, though. Emily Procter seems like a geniunely nice person. Thanks for posting that, that_girl1.
midnight_tiptoes said:
That kid is wearing a diaper, and he's, like, 16.
Caro, you absolutely crack me up! :lol: Like said, you're definitely my role model! :D

Anyway, that pic still looks cute! Emily Procter looks great with kids. Maybe she'll end up pregnant and they'll have to write it in the show... just like Poppy Montgomery on Without a Trace, as long as the kid belongs to Eric that is. :D


Luv yall...

delkolover said:
If we go by Calleigh's issues alone it will take til Hell freezes over for these two to get together!

They have put the wheels in motion, thank God! Hopefully, at least by the end of the season, they will be on the brink of being together; if it doesn't happen *in* the finale. I still think by Feb sweeps we will see something substantial for them. Whether it be Cal realizing that she could date someone she works with, another admission from them about their feelings...something along those lines to take this to the next level.

Right now we are at level 1 which is the angst and her issues and Jake; Level 2 is another admission or something happening to one of them to cause another admission; Level 3 is them kissing or getting it on and then the final level will be them together in a relationship.

Let's face it when they get together it isn't going to be "let's go out on a date and see how things work out" With all the tension the writers are bulding up to it is going to be 'we're talking seriously one minute or fighitng and then we're ripping eachother's clothes off the next.' :devil:

That is how I see it anyhow ;)

Jess, your story just ripped my heart out but me being an angst whore, I totally want more :lol:

LOL at how E/C will get together!!! I totally agree but with one minor change. Dinner, or drink or something simple b4 the ripping clothes off part!!!

I'm debating whether or not to read this story that's all angsty b/c I'm not big on angst. Will I need tissues???
Definitely... one minute they're fully clothed ready to rip each other's head off, the next minute they're ripping each other's clothes off. :devil:

And yes, you'll absolutely neeed tissues when you read Jess's fic. :( Have you read people reaction to it? That woman can be so evil, but it was amazingly well-written, as always, and I definitely recommend it. It had great characterization, very detailed and it captures your emotions very much. You won't enjoy the events that transpire in it, but you'll have a great time reading it. I'm not big on angst either, but it is definitely worth your time. :) Anything that the people on this board writes, end up being unbelievably amazing... makes me wonder why we aren't the ones writing for Miami.


Luv yall...

Hi y'all!

This is my first post so please dont be too judgemental until I work out just how to work this thing! Anyway ... Eric + kids is sooooooo cute!!! It's not fair! I can't watch that episode until christmas cos' I live in England. I've watched a preview and a couple of clips on YouTube. Eric and Calleigh are made for each other! Can't wait till series 6! Even if I can't watch them, I can read about them on the Csi Miami website. Hoping they have a happy ever after!

L.O.L Lolly Pop XXX

P.S Sorry, if there's any spelling errors (Spellings not my strong point ... Csi Miami is.) Au revoir!
Welcome FluffyBlonde!! New Hip Hugers are always welcome here :D

And don't worry about the spelling errors....sometimes I had to edit my post several times b/c I've spelled so many words wrong!
Welcome, FluffyBlonde!

We're almost done with the thread. Do we wanna go with Leela's title? Anyone else got more suggestions? You guys wanna vote again? Does this font make me look fat?
:lol: If the font makes you look fat, then I am the Good Year blimp :lol:

I like Leela's title...might as well go with that one since no one seems to be offering any other ones ;)
Cool. I had a good title about complications but it was too long. Alas. Let's finish this bitch.

You know what would be a nice change? If Jake noticed there was something going on between E/C and just bowed out. That would redeem him in my eyes. Of course he won't, and it wouldn't be that easy, but you know. Since Corey already said it'll be complicated I'm guessing Jake will turn into some sort of X-Files creature and take Calleigh to Antartica and Eric will have to follow and rescue her.
...I'm guessing Jake will turn into some sort of X-Files creature and take Calleigh to Antartica and Eric will have to follow and rescue her.

But without the "Eric-pulls-a-big-hose-out-of-Calleigh's-throat" part! And NO bees please! Arghhh! Those memories! Noooo! That f***ing BEEEE!!!
I left for a couple of reasons. I've been having some serious health problems and I stopped watching Miami for a little while because I got hooked on The Black Donnellys. But now I'll be back and posting.
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