Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

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Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

Welcome mrsjrewing!

What I posted about Samantha wasn't an actual spoiler is was just me voicing an opinion given Eric's past with the new ladies who show up in the lab based on the actresses looks etc. The only reason I can't see them doing something like that is b/c they already did it with Eric and Natalia and Adam didn't like that so I can't see TPTB going around in a circle again. I can however, see the new girl trying to flirt with Eric. Eric is not childlish enough to flirt with her or hook up with her b/c of what Jake did in the season finale. He is way more mature now to sink that low.

I do agree that the writers are going to put us and them through the ringer before something physical happens but it will make it all the more sweeter b/c the tension will eventually explode and clothes will just go flying everywhere :devil:

That girl doesn't stand a snow ball's chance in hell. Cal can so take her physically, in every apsect of the word and like Midnight says "she plays with guns" :lol:
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

Calleigh would take her down Tarantino style. Don't mess with her man, for the love of God. You all saw the way she looked at Marisol. A few months later bam, Marisol drops dead.

Coincidence? Cancer Shmancer, I say.
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

Welcome mrsjrewing!!! More E/C shippers...YAY!!! :D

As I've said, flirting with others or not, I'd love to see jealous Calleigh again!!! :D

As much as I loved Marisol, cause she made Horatio seem a little human, and I do stress a little, the only cancer she suffered from had Calleigh written all over it, as Caro said. :lol:

Guy or girl, whatever you are...who would you choose? An A/V tech girl would could mess with software or a hardcore woman who happens to be ballistics expert??? <---If you had a brain you'd know to choose the second one, or else she'd use her gun... :devil:


Luv yall...
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

I would choose the ballistics if she is a certain hot blonde. I don't mean to rain on anyones parade, but I don't think that girl is all that. I mean she is cute, but...I guess on the bright side she is exotic though I think Calleigh, Alexx and Nat are prettier.
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

Mmmmmm, new girl who's an AV tech...or Call the hot blonde ballistic's Queen who already owns Eric's heart...gee tough choice! :lol: I gotta say, I'm fairly sure Cal could kick her butt in like two seconds! Maybe less!! :lol:

And can I just say...apparently I'm now seeing Emily all over...I was driving home from work today and I look in my rear view mirror and there behind me was a hummer being driven by a hot girl with long blonde hair...I seriously stared for like a full minute, it looked SO much like Emily! :lol:

And can I just say...E/C needs to just attack eachother already dang it! Clothes need to fly I say, fly! :devil: :lol:
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

You know what I want? A morning after scene. That would be so adorable, them waking up in each other's arms and then having to deal with the awkwardness etc. I know Adam and Emily would pull that off beautifully.
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

Awwwww, Sky I totally agree! That would be totally as hell and still totally cute! *Mo sighs at the thought!* And yeah I agree...Emily and Adam would be able to pull that off totally well! :D
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

I agree! with Adam and Emily a scene like this would be simply awesome! They support E/C and would be really happy to do this...even if everyone would be happy to play a scene like this with Adam or Emily! :D

I don’t think that Eric would flirt with her. She’s too young and Eric is too in love with Cal. And…I agree with you, Calleigh would kick her ass! :lol:

Now, hip hugger pic of the day!

From Wet Foot/Dry Foot.

Btw, welcome aboard mrsjrewing ! :)
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

midnight_tiptoes said:
Calleigh would take her down Tarantino style.

Screw Tarantino. That bitch'll get John Woo'd. I can see it now. Calleigh barrelling down the hallway, pistols akimbo. It's going to be like the lobby scene in The Matrix, but with glass.

Should've rethunk that lab design, Natalia Boa Jocasta. (I know I'm more than a tad late on this one but seriously, what was with that comment?)
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

I have to say, maybe she will come in handy...
Do you think she could point out Eric and Calleigh's chemistry?

Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

I could see her telling Calleigh something like, "he's cute," and making Calleigh jealous. They need to remind the audience again that Calleigh feels something for Eric if they want to keep the storyline alive. But I doubt Eric would flirt with her, not seriously anyway. I really don't want them to go there again. Enough with the meaningless sex, let the man's peen rest a while.

Hey, Ali! Long time no see.
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

Yes the meaningless sex for Eric is done. They would be taking a step back with his character if he went back to his old ways. He is too much in love with Cal to do that and has matured too much to do that. I could see the AV tech saying something like Eric is cute and Cal getting a little defensive or jealous and Midnight is right; they need to keep reminding the audience of the feelings these two have for eachother even if it is in subtle ways.

Ali where the hell have you been? We've missed you!! Welcome back :D
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

I agree with Ali on the new tech.
Jake could end up with the new tech or something like that. B/c Jake will eventually hurt Calleigh, I think.
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

Good to be back guys! Although, I see I really haven't missed much. I thought we'd be knee-deep (well, realistically ankle) in spoilers by now, but my pinky toe is barely damp. C'mon PTB, at least shower us until the midgets drown!

Honestly, some new lab rat is the least of our worries. I'm not going to object to her batting her eyelashes at Eric though, Cal needs moving targets every so often. It'll be good for her aim!
Re: Eric and Calleigh #24 -- I Trust You With My Life

Okay I have a question.......why is it we don't have any HipHugger videos in the shipper fan video thread? I mean I would totally make some but don't have a clue how!

Love the pic of the day and welcome mrsjrewing :)!!!
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