Prime Suspect
I guess the new writer didn't make a grand debut. Maybe that will be the first and last script by him.
I don't get why they would have a new writer writing the 100th episode... you would think they're want a seasoned vet writing an episode that's so significant to the show's history... basically having a new writer write the 100th ep. just sums up the lack of commitment to the characters and show's history that TPTB have been displaying for the past 6 or so years :scream:
Blood Sugar wasn't the 100th episode. Happy Birthday was the 200th episode. The order of the episodes was changed though (because of football interference I think), so Happy Birthday aired first.
oops, you got me there! I guess most the episodes this season are blending into one another for me... I still hate that they have so many writers/directors/producers....I really don't get why a show would want so much inconsistancy...
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