Lab Technician
Ok here goes
I liked this episode. Sure it wasn't bad but it was still a decent ep and its selling point was that everyone got a reasonable amount of screen time especially Rex Linn. He's been shafted for most of this season.
However I do agree that Horatio and Eric prancing around in a burning building which had three explosions (and could have more) was dumb. The Bullet time wasn't necessary.
Some of you are musing that there was no "Dark side" Horatio moments. Is that a bad thing? I say it's a good thing that we didn't see Horatio walk down that path.
Fox's butchering of Predator on Blu Ray recently beats the above by a mile.
Rating: 3.5/5
I liked this episode. Sure it wasn't bad but it was still a decent ep and its selling point was that everyone got a reasonable amount of screen time especially Rex Linn. He's been shafted for most of this season.
However I do agree that Horatio and Eric prancing around in a burning building which had three explosions (and could have more) was dumb. The Bullet time wasn't necessary.
Some of you are musing that there was no "Dark side" Horatio moments. Is that a bad thing? I say it's a good thing that we didn't see Horatio walk down that path.
I know I'm being a huge bitch here, but I have to say watching this show in HD is just nauseating. Everything is so bright, and the over-saturation in the color correction just doesn't work well in HD. Everything is so damn pixelated.)
Fox's butchering of Predator on Blu Ray recently beats the above by a mile.
Rating: 3.5/5