Episode 9x08 - ' Happy Birthday' **CONTAINS SPOILERS**

Here's hoping their 200th episode will blow us away*

* If it gets delayed again, there will be some butt kicking going on.
I hope to see that one later in the week, it seems to be an interesting one. The case looks good itself and a bit more Calleigh is always a plus for me.
Not looking forward to Marisol's storyline to be picked up again. I never bought that love, she spent less time with him than Yelina, whom I see more of a love interest for H. The article says about flashbacks, however I don't see Alana de la Garza in the credits, so maybe he will just mention her.
Looking forward to see David Arquette's directing skills.
Thanks Greatfan(snowflake) I must have mad a mistake.
Still my last sentence is very true ;)
I liked this episode, some scenes were predictable while others were not, the twist with the husband was one I did not see coming.

Loved Calleigh's interaction with the victim, especially the prayer and Calleigh holding the baby girl in the end. Emily is going to be a great mom, she just looked natural holding her.

The ending with H at Marisol's grave talking about the case and wishing her a Happy Birthday was nice. I like that her character has not been forgotten, hated that she was killed off in the first place.

Saw the promo for next week, it was the one that was supposed to air a few weeks ago
CBS is reporting that there will be delays tonight:

Due 2 NFL overrun 2nites CBS primetime lineup will have minor delays in select East/Central time zone incl NYC,Chic,DC,New Orleans,Milwaukee
Now I have nothing against Marisol, NOTHING, but in my opinion this story line with the pregnant woman could have been a golden opportunity to show some real emotion about Horatio having missed Kyle's birth. :(

Actually I first started watching because of Kyle, so the way I interpreted the Marisol story line was that Horatio viewed her as his last chance to have a family and be a father. All previous attempts had failed: Julia betrayed him, Yelina was off limits, Rebecca turned out to be incompatible, and that other lady was killed. In one particular scene Marisol mentions she'll never be able to HAVE A BABY, and it was at that moment that I thought they clicked, not because he was sooooo head over heals in love with her, but because she wanted what he wanted and he felt by marrying her he could fulfill the last wish of a dying girl (because even though she didn't look it, Marisol was apparently going to die anyway, or at least she would no longer have the capability of getting pregnant, hence the urgency to get pregnant) while at the same time he just might have a chance at finally achieving his own secret wish to have a child and family; but with her tragic premature murder, ended his last hope (or so he thought) of ever being a father.
miamirocks said:
I know DC seems to like the Marisol storyline, but there are other aspects to his character that need to be explored that would be so much more interesting! And man, if we ever find out Marisol was pregnant...I don't know, I guess maybe it would explain a bit more why H's grief runs so deep...but it just seems so soap opera-like, especially to find out so many years later.

Unless Horatio was sleeping with Marisol at some point during their relationship or their entire 15 minute marriage, he must have Super Sperm! :lol:

I wouldn't put it past the writers to tell us Marisol sold her eggs when she found out she had cancer so that someone might have the "fairy tale baby she never could" and they ended up in the pregnant woman in tonight's episode. :p

I'm totally in agreement that there are so many more elements of Horatio we have yet to see or that haven't been developed as much as they could have been. Tonight's episode would be a good place to start if he's being angsty (which isn't always a bad thing; I rather like when he can connect to someone on an emotional level).

That being said, I'm much more interested in the case itself as well as the cast as a whole rather than the desperate hold the writers/those involved with the show seem to have on weak former storylines.

LMAO! I could so see that being the case... The eggs coming from Marisol. It wouldn't shock me.

I don't particularly mind the Horatio/Marisol storyline, although the age difference was kinda creepy and the quickness of it all was not very realistic. Also I don't mind them bringing it back into the light but I feel like it'be just been drawn out a little. But maybe it will be settled after they find Memmo, which I think is supposed to be epi 13 right?

Also I think with the epi being on Marisol's birthday it would be nice for Eric to show so emotion too. I mean hello it's his sister!!!! Also, since I am a diehard EC fan, I feel like all this with Marisol and Memmo would be a great way to give us something on Eric and Calleigh's relationship. I know a lot of people don't like it but either way I think we deserve to know something. They said this season was going to define them or whatever, but all we've gotten so far is that she "loves him like family." I just think we deserve something about them, preferably that they are together. :)

On another note, I'm excited that we'll get to see more Emily in this epi and obviously it's a good one for her to show more emotion than usual... And also a good storyline for her to think about her future with Eric.. settling down, starting a family... LOL I just love EC so much! :lol:

So I'm off to watch the epi now.. Hopefully we'll get a good 200th!!!
I loved how Natalia just walked out into traffic when Walter asked how they were going to stop traffic. :lol:

Frank and his car! I wonder if they did that on purpose. Not the first time Frank has wrecked a car. :lol:

I love all the Eric chases. I don't like how Horatio always seems to magically be there to stop the bad guy, but I think the chases are awesome. Wouldn't mind them in every episode, especially if they include Ryan. :p

Horatio and his threats. *sigh* At least this time he sort of went through with it, and with Natalia of all people! She didn't look too sure of herself or H though. o_O

I love when Eric hurts suspects. I think it's freaking funny, I don't know why. Maybe because it happens ALL the time now (and I'd rather look at it as funny then whine about it like some people). He broke the first guy's collar bone, then he ran up and elbowed the other guy right in the face. Nice.

Wow, that was pretty intense. More hospital drama, and then her husband trying to kill the one suspect.

Wow, kind of disappointed in who it was who did it... :/

I loved Calleigh with the baby and the mother. ^_^

Aaw Horatio. :(

That was a pretty good episode. Could've used more Ryan but hey, that's my opinion. :D There was a lot more Calleigh, which was good since she's been underused (understandably though). Natalia was there a lot, Walter, and of course H and Eric. No Tom though, but I guess he wouldn't be since no one actually died. I'm happy with it. :D
That husband was a jerk.He didn't want the baby and apparently he didn't want the son with his previous wife.
Horatio and his threats. *sigh* At least this time he sort of went through with it, and with Natalia of all people! She didn't look too sure of herself or H though. o_O
I agree about Natalia,she had this "we shouldn't be doing this" look on her face.

Could've used more Ryan but hey, that's my opinion.
I agree,we could have used a little more Ryan.
I did miss him not having a running scene with Eric.
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I really liked the feel to this episode. I don't know how to describe it, organic maybe? Anyways, I thought this one did pretty well despite my initial misgivings surrounding the Marisol comeback. I never liked her, but like it or not, she is a part of Horatio's life and I kinda hafta acknowledge that something of her character will always be intertwined with his. I actually thought the scene with H at her grave was sweet. Loved Frank! Actually the first thing I thought was, "Another car, Frank???" I love that they have that running bit with him. Not enough of Ryan though. And I also noted there were no lab techs in this one. I'm sure they wanted to showcase the main cast but I did miss them. All in all, I think the episode was great and kept my attention all throughout. Congratulations to the cast on their 200th!!!
The scene with Calleigh moved me and was the most powerful part of the episode.
Having said that, this episode was underwhelming for me. Maybe I'm jaded or watched too many crime shows but the second they showed the husband... I knew he had to be involved....and sadly I was right.