Episode 9x07 - 'On The Hook' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

Ok so here are my thoughts on this episode:

-First of all I was really happy that there was only a like 12 minute delay when I thought for sure it would be longer.
-Maybe I'm just delusional but the kid on the bridge... was that not the same guy from Ambush and All In who helped kidnapp Calleigh???? It sure looked like him. And if it was, which I'm pretty sure it was, I was like WTF? Why are they not talking about that? Can anybody clear that up? Or am I just crazy? When H was first talking to him I thought he was upset and maybe gonna jump cuz of what he'd done and his past, maybe he felt guilty but then they brought up the stealing and his GF and their PO and I was like WTF? Also somebody mentioned the thing on the back of his neck...it kinda looked like a tattoo...maybe a barcode? I dunno.
-The guy who was shooting at the boat... OMG terrible shot! He was on the front of the boat for like a minute and then he was in the boat which was OPEN and he still didn't hit him.
-I love Ryan and Walter together. I loved how Walter tricked him by switching his words around. They are so funny together.
-And Walter finding the gun and saying something about it hiding from him. So funny. Although I do agree with someone who said something about him being up there alone.. not very realistic.
-However I think Walter is very funny. I'm glad we get somebody who is able to lighten it up. I think they all have their funny moments but you can tell that his disposition is just funny. I was thinking about how back in the early days they all used to be happier and now they are all jaded and angry at the world it seems. I'm sure they'll do something to Walter to make him the same way. I'm glad he can be happy for now though.
-Eric in the wetsuit!!!! YES!!! I was hoping for that ever since I read the release for this episode. And we got a good shot of him kneeling in it too. :drool::drool::drool:
-Eric's outfit. LOL I just can't help it. He's soooo gorgeous. I love when they put him in white. And those tight pants. OMG! :drool::drool::drool:
-Calleigh outside, standing up! LOL But where she was standing was weird. You could totally tell they were trying to hide her and it just didn't fit in right. She should have been closer to them when they were talking. But having her back working with guns is awesome!
-I liked the light convo between EC when he was underwater... talking about the fish.
-I like how Ryan was able to reference his past.. with the whole bookie thing.
-When Eric had to run after that guy... I do love when he runs.. But it's getting kinda old... Horatio goes ahead, stands and waits with a gun (or hits them with the Hummer and then pulls a gun) while Eric and Ryan run after them. It kinda makes them look bad.. like they can't catch the guy but here comes H again to save the day.. that happens a lot.
-Didn't like that there was no Natalia. Even if she wasn't there cuz of her honeymoon (somebody said something like that) they still could have mentioned her and explained why she wasn't there. They could have said she was sick or at a DNA conference thing or something. They aren't too good about explaining things like that.

Overall I thought it was an ok episode. I don't like that they used the same actor from Ambush and All In though. (I am going to try to find out for sure.. but I think it was him) I mean that was a big episode, it was actually 2. Any CSI Miami fan would prolly remember that and to have the same guy come in and play a completely different part is crazy. If he had been an extra or had a small role it would have been different but that was a big CSIM moment. That's just what I think.
^^^^ The guy in All In and Ambush who played Tommy is Collins Pennie but I can't find anything about actors from tonight's episode yet. But I really think it's the same guy.
Yep, same guy. Says so on the first post of this thread. Hmm.. interesting! I knew he looked familiar... and that he had been on CSI: Miami before.
I thought the guy on the bridge looked familiar, but I was thinking it was that guy from that Disney show where the young guy was like a secret agent or something lol.

The guy who was skeet shooting looked like the agent on Fringe. Anyone know if that was him or not?
^^^^ The guy in All In and Ambush who played Tommy is Collins Pennie but I can't find anything about actors from tonight's episode yet. But I really think it's the same guy.

Yep, same guy. Says so on the first post of this thread. Hmm.. interesting! I knew he looked familiar... and that he had been on CSI: Miami before.

I thought the guy on the bridge looked familiar,

So I wasn't seeing things and that dude did appear in another ep.

I thought this was a good episode with the only downside being that there was no Nattie.

I'm glad to see that Frank had a little more to work with other than questioning suspects. He's a well liked character and the writers should acknowledge that.

Just some random bits
-Homemade sniper gun. After Horatio put it together, I said to myself " it's so easy even a caveman can do it"
-Nice bit having Delko return to his roots (diving)
-Laughed when Horatio threw that guy out of the window. It reminded me of the first episode of an old Robocop show where Robocop confronted a baddie who asked if he was going to use police brutality on him. The next scene cut to the bad guy going flying out of the building in a wheelchair.

Finally I hope someone can get a screen capture of Calleigh's computer screen when Delko is underwater. I want to replicate it using Rainmeter.

Rating 4/5
^^^^ The guy in All In and Ambush who played Tommy is Collins Pennie but I can't find anything about actors from tonight's episode yet. But I really think it's the same guy.

Yep, same guy. Says so on the first post of this thread. Hmm.. interesting! I knew he looked familiar... and that he had been on CSI: Miami before.
Thank yooooou! The whole episode I was like, damn, WHAT is he from?! He looked so familiar but I didn't think of another Miami episode. :lol:
I thought the episode was okay and they tried to do something...sort of different (the train thing was certainly a change of pace).

Maybe it's just me but the best part of the episode was Horatio throwing that parole officer out the trailer window. :lol: He deserved way more than that. I also enjoyed the homemade gun reconstruction--CSI:Miami needs to get back to things like this!

The continuity with Ryan was refreshing, too.
Not too shabby, I would say. It feels like the first dull mid-season episode we've had so far apart from the second one,the fact that Natalia wasn't in it is of course lowering my rating ;). Storyline was ok, liked the scene with Ryan and Walter and Calleigh showing off with the gun was great, lol.

Next time I would love to see Horatio chasing a suspect and one of the others helping him, getting a bit tired of his all too lucky apperances all the time! :p

All in all, I give it a 6,5 out of 10.
This one wasn't too bad I must say. The only thing that kept annoying me were the trains, considering I ride the real trains all the time and those were definitely not them. Loved the homemade gun, it just seemed like a fresh and clever idea. Wonder whats going on with Eva La Rue that she wasn't in this one, but glad to see they gave her screentime to Frank, who of course made it worthwhile. Loved Horatio tossing the guy out of the window, it didn't seem as over the top as some of the other things he's done. He was royally p.o'd and I think DC did an awesome job with that.
Overall I'd say an A- is in order for this one.
Not a bad episode, but not a great episode either.
I loved the banter between Ryan and Walter, those two are just so funny together!
The ending scene, with Horatio throwing that guy out of the window, was fantastic.

I'm glad we saw more of Frank.

No Natalia :(:(:(
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Did anyone else feel like the writers borrowed a little from "Kill Zone" for the first half of this ep? I kept expecting to find out that Christopher Harwood had escaped from prison or something. ;)

And while I'm sure some may have found the ending sequence with the window a little over the top, I thought it was total win. I love it when H gets all badass. :thumbsup:

I'm new to the board and wanted to say I also thought the beginning was similar to Kill Zone. I also like the way Horatio threw the parole officer out of the window!!!