Jag Lady
Lab Technician
This is by far one of the best episodes of the season in my opinion. The whole Eric and Calleigh romance was beaten to death in the episode, and I'm kinda getting sick of the show turning into the E/C network.
Eric and Jesse could be a great team if they didn't snap at each other, but I love the fact that they were able to shake hands at the end and it looked like Eric felt kind of sorry for the fact that his new boss bullied Jesse into changing that report.
*GROAN* Oh God, just when I thought we wouldn't have to put up with the on-again, off-again E/C soap opera! :scream:
I agree about Eric and Jesse. After all, what do you say about someone who "replaced" you, especially after you had your second gunshot wound to the head? I think on a deeper level though, Eric understood, having been through his fair share of things.
Nice to see more of Frank and Natalia.
Loved watching H chat with Kyle. CBS just won points with me as a veteran. :adore: