Episode 8x09 - 'Kill Clause' **CONTAINS SPOILERS**

Hmm... my thoughts on the episode:

Overall, the episode was nicely done. Congrats writers, you guys are working hard this season.

Don't like the Jesse saga! :angryrazz: Find it slightly annoying! I remember when we'd see H go on a stakeout but that was COMPLETELY understandable.:adore: With Jess its plain weird.:vulcan:

Loved the interaction between H & Walt. Loved the way Walt was all respectable to the guy.

NATALIA & JESSE???!!!!:eek: NOOOO!!!! I thought she was with RyaN :confused:
why???? Why with Jesse???? Hope it just fizzles out. We don't need more romance!

Frank! Where are you man?! Loved you & Walt in the 'box' scene.
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I think they're just showing a lot of Jesse cause we don't kno about him that much, he's like mysterious. That's prob y the writers put him in so much. I don't like it but i guess that's why
I wonder if the fact that Ryan needed extra money was because of the whole Russian Mob thing. In A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing, they went after him to get the loan back that his Gambler's Annonymous Sponsor got from the mob. I don't think that was ever cleared at the end of the episode, even though the leader was killed by Horatio. There is always a 2nd in command with the mob. Or if Ryan is gambling again. I'm sure we will learn more about this in the future.
NATALIA & JESSE???!!!!:eek: NOOOO!!!! I thought she was with RyaN :confused:
why???? Why with Jesse???? Hope it just fizzles out. We don't need more romance!

Nat and Ryan have never been together. They went on one tiny little date and it was clear that Nat was only going because she was peeved at Eric for saying she was "cleared for landing". It seems pretty obvious to me that Nat and Ry decided they're better off as friends. Even the actors have said that nothing ever came of their "date". But I agree that the we don't need anymore romances between main characters on this show... so I really really hope they don't put Nat and Jess together romantically. I think that would be a HUGE mistake.

I wonder if the fact that Ryan needed extra money was because of the whole Russian Mob thing. In A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing, they went after him to get the loan back that his Gambler's Annonymous Sponsor got from the mob. I don't think that was ever cleared at the end of the episode, even though the leader was killed by Horatio. There is always a 2nd in command with the mob. Or if Ryan is gambling again. I'm sure we will learn more about this in the future.

I think it was just a plot device to have one of the members of the team there to see Jesse. It's all to promote Jesse's storyline, nothing more, nothing less. It will probably never be mentioned again (Ryan's moonlighting job I mean). I would like to say that they'd give Ryan a better storyline like maybe he needs the extra money to help pay for a sick relative's medical expenses (Uncle Ron perhaps). That would be interesting. But, I highly doubt that is the case. I'm sure it was just something they pulled out of a hat to promote Jesse's background story. I just don't really think there was anything else to it.
As for Natalia's attraction to Jesse- well, she was married to a stalker so maybe, unconsciously, she's falling for one again, although I wish it were not so.

How is Jesse a stalker? It looked more like a stakeout

Walter, for his part, just takes up too much physical space and the poor guy looks as if he can't breathe ( I hope he's ok in real life) and he just stands out like a sore thumb.

This maybe harsh but I don't think its fair to bash a person because of their physique. It's up to the director/cinematographer to set the scene right so actors like Omar doesn't end up crowding the scene.

*** I was thinking of that scene with that woman in the end. I could be wrong and if so, I regret my remark***

**** I am trying very hard to give Omar's character a fair go and I can see that in his own way he's quite intelligent, like Sheldon is on CSI NY, but the space he takes up or the way he's presented physically just draws my attention away from what he is doing****

At least I can watch this season unlike in the past- seems like a UFO DID carry off Julia and Kyle....:guffaw: for that I am entirely grateful :thumbsup:
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I was disappointed. I wish it had been H in that tux- Horatio would have fit in that crowd like a glove on a hand and worked things in his typical smooth operator style. IMHO, Jesse's getting too much 'front man' role playing and Horatio is getting pushed further and further into the background and I don't like it. However, the show is getting high ratings, so TPTB is going to play this up to the hilt. If the show is going to turn into the *Jesse* program, I may have to reconsider my Monday night TV schedule; the guy, who looks to me all the world like a *poor man's Errol Flynn* is getting on my last nerves...and I miss Stetler too! (when is HE going to show up?).

It is rather apparent they are setting up to reveal Jesse's big reason for coming back to Miami, so obviously they would have to start plotting in Jesse scenes to keep the viewers guessing what's going on. As for Horatio's reduced screentime, it's more because the writers are finally giving nearly all of the cast equal balance when it comes to screentime rather than previous seasons where it is just the Horatio Hour all the time. Personally I find that to be refreshing. I know Horatio is the lead, I just don't have to see him in every other scene and solving every other crime there is in his SuperH ways. With the writers now trying to balance out the screentimes more, it would obviously seem that Horatio is getting less and less considering he used to pretty much rule the whole show for an hour.

If anything, the more balance the better, this is an ensemble cast, not the Horatio Caine hour like they have over on the Vegas team....

And as for Jesse.....they've been doing well with his screentime so far in the earlier episodes as they are trying to balance him with others....but it is clear that with the increasing screentime in this episode they are getting ready to push his reasons for returning to Miami into the open.....

Tom is okay but he is trying to be acerbic like the ME in CSI NY, but the latter does it better- he needs to develop his own unique persona instead of imitating someone else's.

Tom and Sid are nothing alike....Sid is nowhere acerbic....Sid is gentle and kind, very amiable and easy-going with the team....Tom is darker and edgier with a really dry dark humor thing going on....

Tom is crazy and bizzare in his own way.....he's certainly not imitating Sid at all.....

Wish I had more positive things to say- seems the more I see of Eddie the MORE I miss Rory! Honest to goodness...!

Well I certainly wouldn't argue for a Rory Comeback!!! Speed is my favorite character, he's the reason I started watching Miami, and he's the reason I stopped watching for the past 5 years until Eddie/Jesse renewed my Miami love again.....

I'm hoping for a Speed/Jesse scene actually....considering they did mention that Jesse and Speed were friends.....and they could explain why Jesse wasn't at Speed's funeral...

*** I was thinking of that scene with that woman in the end. I could be wrong and if so, I regret my remark***

I wouldn't consider that stalking at all, even the end scene with the woman. It is very clear that Jesse has bad history with this Anna woman, so if he was following her, I'm sure there is a reason that will be explained. It's not like he was following her so he could attack her, something obviously happened between the two and I would reserve my judgement until I know what happened.

**** I am trying very hard to give Omar's character a fair go and I can see that in his own way he's quite intelligent, like Sheldon is on CSI NY, but the space he takes up or the way he's presented physically just draws my attention away from what he is doing****

Being a big guy is nothing wrong. I find him to be completely adorable like a big panda!!!!!:p

And I don't mean to sound rude, but judging a character/person based on their physique that they can't help is rather distasteful. His physical appearance hasn't effected his work or anything, so it shouldn't even be taken into account as to whether he is a good character or not. I personally find it to be kinda shallow to choose a character just by what their physique may be.
I was disappointed. I wish it had been H in that tux- Horatio would have fit in that crowd like a glove on a hand and worked things in his typical smooth operator style. IMHO, Jesse's getting too much 'front man' role playing and Horatio is getting pushed further and further into the background and I don't like it. However, the show is getting high ratings, so TPTB is going to play this up to the hilt. If the show is going to turn into the *Jesse* program, I may have to reconsider my Monday night TV schedule; the guy, who looks to me all the world like a *poor man's Errol Flynn* is getting on my last nerves...and I miss Stetler too! (when is HE going to show up?).

It is rather apparent they are setting up to reveal Jesse's big reason for coming back to Miami, so obviously they would have to start plotting in Jesse scenes to keep the viewers guessing what's going on. As for Horatio's reduced screentime, it's more because the writers are finally giving nearly all of the cast equal balance when it comes to screentime rather than previous seasons where it is just the Horatio Hour all the time. Personally I find that to be refreshing. I know Horatio is the lead, I just don't have to see him in every other scene and solving every other crime there is in his SuperH ways. With the writers now trying to balance out the screentimes more, it would obviously seem that Horatio is getting less and less considering he used to pretty much rule the whole show for an hour.

If anything, the more balance the better, this is an ensemble cast, not the Horatio Caine hour like they have over on the Vegas team....

And as for Jesse.....they've been doing well with his screentime so far in the earlier episodes as they are trying to balance him with others....but it is clear that with the increasing screentime in this episode they are getting ready to push his reasons for returning to Miami into the open.....

Tom is okay but he is trying to be acerbic like the ME in CSI NY, but the latter does it better- he needs to develop his own unique persona instead of imitating someone else's.

Tom and Sid are nothing alike....Sid is nowhere acerbic....Sid is gentle and kind, very amiable and easy-going with the team....Tom is darker and edgier with a really dry dark humor thing going on....

Tom is crazy and bizzare in his own way.....he's certainly not imitating Sid at all.....

Well I certainly wouldn't argue for a Rory Comeback!!! Speed is my favorite character, he's the reason I started watching Miami, and he's the reason I stopped watching for the past 5 years until Eddie/Jesse renewed my Miami love again.....

I'm hoping for a Speed/Jesse scene actually....considering they did mention that Jesse and Speed were friends.....and they could explain why Jesse wasn't at Speed's funeral...

*** I was thinking of that scene with that woman in the end. I could be wrong and if so, I regret my remark***

I wouldn't consider that stalking at all, even the end scene with the woman. It is very clear that Jesse has bad history with this Anna woman, so if he was following her, I'm sure there is a reason that will be explained. It's not like he was following her so he could attack her, something obviously happened between the two and I would reserve my judgement until I know what happened.

**** I am trying very hard to give Omar's character a fair go and I can see that in his own way he's quite intelligent, like Sheldon is on CSI NY, but the space he takes up or the way he's presented physically just draws my attention away from what he is doing****

Being a big guy is nothing wrong. I find him to be completely adorable like a big panda!!!!!:p

And I don't mean to sound rude, but judging a character/person based on their physique that they can't help is rather distasteful. His physical appearance hasn't effected his work or anything, so it shouldn't even be taken into account as to whether he is a good character or not. I personally find it to be kinda shallow to choose a character just by what their physique may be.

****Sid, at least on the CSI NY episodes I have seen, has had his acerbic moments in my opinion, but that doesn't mean he isn't nice- Tom is too new for me to decide whether he is nice too or not- I just see imitation at work, but that is an opinion, which I am entitled to.****

**** When I see Omar, I'm distracted, actually sometimes worried as I said above and it keeps me from appreciating his performance; a performance I might add, that after taking in your first comments as fair criticism, I did decide to make honest, positive, sincere comments about that performance in my subsequent post- he is bringing the depth of knowledge(of the Walter character) as a character to Miami that Hill brings to CSI NY and that is no mean feat- it is admirable, refreshing and welcomed. I wish the actor much success in this regard.

I regret that you have chosen to take it against me on a personal basis, since I did not attack you personally for your own views. To wit...let us agree to disagree, since perspectives by their very nature are very subjective and television is a visual medium; sadly, what we see also affects our perception; besides,going back and forth on the thread isn't going to help either one of us.*****

Did anyone notice that when they did the suicide victim's autopsy they refered to the body as he and mentioned he had an adam's apple? The suicide victim was a women yet they called her a he and said she had an adam's apple. Was she a he gone she? Or did the editors totally miss this? Good episode though I didn't see where asking Natalie up for drinks was going to help quiet the rumors of Jesse's love life.
Did anyone notice that when they did the suicide victim's autopsy they refered to the body as he and mentioned he had an adam's apple? The suicide victim was a women yet they called her a he and said she had an adam's apple. Was she a he gone she?

I think the Medical Examiner mentioned that one of the thyroid glands or something (can't quite remember what he said -- I'm sure someone here remembers) on a woman was comparable to the adam's apple on a man.

By the way, I don't believe I've seen you here before, lookdownn2dside! Welcome to the Miami Forum. :)

As for Jesse in general, I do think they're dragging out the Big Reason he's back a tad but it seems like the writers are trying to slow the development so it has a greater impact overall instead of Wham Bam, Thank You Ma'am and it's never mentioned again. Miami seems to have a problem with introducing something too quick and then it's gone just as quickly so in that respect, I'm enjoying his development so far.

And I know some people have mentioned that it's becoming the 'Jesse show' but...meh. I may be biased but I haven't really noticed him taking over anything. I think with any show where a character is introduced this far into a series, it's expected that said character will have quite a bit of screentime so we get to know him (and I believe someone may have mentioned this). I do however, notice more of a balance with everyone else, this episode being no exception which makes me happy. :)

I'm interested in seeing if an issue with Ryan's moonlighting crops up later on and why he specifically needs to do this. Also, I'm curious to see where this Jesse and Natalia stuff goes, if it goes anywhere at all -- I was intrigued!
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Episode 8x09 - 'Kill Clause' Autopsy on "suicide" victim

Could be but I'm sure they referred to the victim as a he. I think they messed up. I'll check about the adam's apple. I've got the episode on HD demand. Thanks for the welcome.
Re: Episode 8x09 - 'Kill Clause' Autopsy on "suicide" victim

Could be but I'm sure they referred to the victim as a he. I think they messed up. I'll check about the adam's apple. I've got the episode on HD demand. Thanks for the welcome.

The body was a female cadaver. Tom was referring to the thyroid cartilage, that also forms the Adam's apple in men.
I don't know how they have any time to moonlight, when they never seem to go home... :guffaw:

I would like to see an ME episode. I didn't like Tara but that's because I msised Alex. I still miss Alex. I was watching season two the other day and it struck me just how good character actress she was. Tom has a quirkyness that I (being British) adhore. :lol:
I think it was just a plot device to have one of the members of the team there to see Jesse. It's all to promote Jesse's storyline, nothing more, nothing less. It will probably never be mentioned again (Ryan's moonlighting job I mean). I would like to say that they'd give Ryan a better storyline like maybe he needs the extra money to help pay for a sick relative's medical expenses (Uncle Ron perhaps). That would be interesting. But, I highly doubt that is the case. I'm sure it was just something they pulled out of a hat to promote Jesse's background story. I just don't really think there was anything else to it.

My first initial thought was that it was going to end up with him gambling again. But after giving it some thought, I came up with the same conclusion you did; it was just a reason to have Ryan run into Jesse at the benefit and observe his behavior with Anna. It won't go anywhere.

I'm interested in seeing if an issue with Ryan's moonlighting crops up later on and why he specifically needs to do this. Also, I'm curious to see where this Jesse and Natalia stuff goes, if it goes anywhere at all -- I was intrigued!

Actually I hope the whole moonlighting thing is regulated to this episode. I have a bad feeling if it crops up again, because it is Ryan, it won't be for a good reason. And I hope Jesse and Natalia was a one shot thing as well--no more romances.