Episode 8x09 - 'Kill Clause' **CONTAINS SPOILERS**

The ending was a bit disturbing, with the girl's brother shooting the CEO, and then the close-up on H doing his best Mona Lisa smile as he puts on the sunglasses of justice. :wtf:
I thought the same thing. The ending almost implied that Horatio had something to do with it. Not saying he would do something like that (though I'm sure the H bashers would disagree) but it felt weird....

Who does Jesse think he is, James Bond? and what's the deal with him sticking his raw arm in the jellyfish tank. Doesn't he watch Spongebob:shifty:

Couldn't help but notice how big Omar Miller is towering over both Christian Clemenson and Rexx Linn. Nice to see Rexx and Omar have a scene together albeit a small one...

Overall I liked this episode as it felt like a classic CSI Miami ep with H being less ghostly 'esque and everyone working together with no problems. The part where Tom "teaches" that class was a gem.

Rating 4/5
Lol!!! :guffaw: doesn't he ever watch Spongebob? Couldn't stop laughing!!! Oh, and I love Spongebob
oh, and wouldn't Ryan get in trouble for moonlighting? i mean don't get me wrong i'm VERY glad he didn't but still... And MIAMIWOLFE love the location, Iowa rox!!! (kinda!)
Honestly, I didn't enjoy this episode as much as I've enjoyed some others this season. The plot was good, but the ending was a little off, as was Jesse's weird connection with that girl. I didn't have very high hopes for this episode from the minute I saw the promo though, so I wasn't extremely disappointed.

Who does Jesse think he is, James Bond? and what's the deal with him sticking his raw arm in the jellyfish tank. Doesn't he watch Spongebob
Rating 4/5
That part really bothered me. I thought that Ryan would at least try and warn him that the jellyfish were poisonous. I was glad they didn't turn it into some major medical drama-- like Jesse passes out or something because the sting was so severe.

Personally, I thought the Jesse/Natalia thing was a little odd, and seemed to sneak up in this episode. I hadn't really seen them interact before, and while I hope they become good friends, I'm also really hoping they don't go for the romance angle. This show is on the fringe right now for me, and I feel like if that happens I'm going to call it quits.
oh, and wouldn't Ryan get in trouble for moonlighting? i mean don't get me wrong i'm VERY glad he didn't but still... And MIAMIWOLFE love the location, Iowa rox!!! (kinda!)

Well, RYAN would, but I don't think there is any rule against it (anyone?!).

And jontogoisabeast (love the screen name:)) you're right Iowa rox (mostly but not in winter:lol:)
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I don't think Ryan would get in trouble for having a second job. In these trying economic times, it's no wonder that some people are working more than one job. I don't think employers would have a problem with someone having a second job, providing that the job was legal. :lol: Or as long as it wasn't something like a stripper or something like that. :lol:
I don't find it a Jesse overload, the episode had a nice balance to it for me, and it is apparent that they are gearing up for the reveal of Jesse's reason to return to Miami, which should be interesting. Those who enjoy Jesse will love his scenes and those who enjoy other characters will always say that he's in way too much scenes. At this point I really just don't care about that debate anymore....people are gonna believe what they wanna believe...:)..I'll just happily stay in my corner and enjoy my Jesse!

I find Ryan to be incredibly adorable!!! :lol: He is just oh so huggable!!! The man just seems to become cuter and cuter by the episode!!

Now Natalia and Jesse is an interesting combo, I wonder where they're going with this, are they friends out for a drink? Or are they going down the path of a relationship....hmmmmm....

I don't know why I had the sudden urge in this episode to pat Horatio on the head.....:wtf:....I am confused by this....maybe it's the hair, I swear I saw a glimpse of a halo...:shifty::p

Excuse me? beleive what we want to beleive. Enough said. :brickwall:

That's right. I'm trying to be nice here. You have your opinions and I have mine, so that's why I said that I'm just gonna stay in my corner and believe what I wanna believe. There is no point in arguing over screentime when one group doesn't see it as bad and another does. Everyone's has the right to believe what they want, so I'm respecting that and not gonna get into an arguement.

I enjoy Jesse and loves his scenes. You think he's on too much, that's your opinion and I'm not gonna argue with that because you have a right to that opinion. People don't always agree on everything and this Jesse issue is just one of them.

All I was trying to say is that everyone's got different opinions on how the characters and the show is, so I refuse now to get into debates over screentime because there is no right or wrong opinion. Everyone is valid in their arguements.

When you said that about believing what you want to beleive I took it that you were referring to the rest of us and our belief that he gets way to much screentime and not referring to yourself. My mistake. :)

I respect that you are a Jesse/Eddie supporter. I don't hate this character. He could be a great addition if they didn't promote him to the exclusion of the other characters. I know you don't see it the same way I do. You are right that we all have our opinions.

Let's just agree to disagree, for me it is water under the bridge. :)
Excuse me? beleive what we want to beleive. Enough said. :brickwall:

That's right. I'm trying to be nice here. You have your opinions and I have mine, so that's why I said that I'm just gonna stay in my corner and believe what I wanna believe. There is no point in arguing over screentime when one group doesn't see it as bad and another does. Everyone's has the right to believe what they want, so I'm respecting that and not gonna get into an arguement.

I enjoy Jesse and loves his scenes. You think he's on too much, that's your opinion and I'm not gonna argue with that because you have a right to that opinion. People don't always agree on everything and this Jesse issue is just one of them.

All I was trying to say is that everyone's got different opinions on how the characters and the show is, so I refuse now to get into debates over screentime because there is no right or wrong opinion. Everyone is valid in their arguements.

When you said that about believing what you want to beleive I took it that you were referring to the rest of us and our belief that he gets way to much screentime and not referring to yourself. My mistake. :)

I respect that you are a Jesse/Eddie supporter. I don't hate this character. He could be a great addition if they didn't promote him to the exclusion of the other characters. I know you don't see it the same way I do. You are right that we all have our opinions.

Let's just agree to disagree, for me it is water under the bridge. :)

I think the writers are still trying to come to grips with his character and where he fits in, so I don't doubt that they are gonna make some mistakes along the way, but I'm hoping that eventually they'll get a hang of how Jesse's dynamics with the others would work out.

My guess is that with the big reveal of Jesse's reason for returning to Miami, they'll probably up his screentime so that they can set up the dramatic reveal.

Personally, I wish there is more Frank.....he's always the one getting short-changed when other characters get the screentime....wish they would do a storyline where Frank is center stage....I feel like Frank's the only CSI detective out of three series who's never got to be the central character in a storyline....I mean, Brass on CSI's had a few, and Flack on NY's got plenty......but not poor Frank....:(

Frank needs more scenes!!!!! Rex Linn amuses me greatly!:lol:
That's right. I'm trying to be nice here. You have your opinions and I have mine, so that's why I said that I'm just gonna stay in my corner and believe what I wanna believe. There is no point in arguing over screentime when one group doesn't see it as bad and another does. Everyone's has the right to believe what they want, so I'm respecting that and not gonna get into an arguement.

I enjoy Jesse and loves his scenes. You think he's on too much, that's your opinion and I'm not gonna argue with that because you have a right to that opinion. People don't always agree on everything and this Jesse issue is just one of them.

All I was trying to say is that everyone's got different opinions on how the characters and the show is, so I refuse now to get into debates over screentime because there is no right or wrong opinion. Everyone is valid in their arguements.

When you said that about believing what you want to beleive I took it that you were referring to the rest of us and our belief that he gets way to much screentime and not referring to yourself. My mistake. :)

I respect that you are a Jesse/Eddie supporter. I don't hate this character. He could be a great addition if they didn't promote him to the exclusion of the other characters. I know you don't see it the same way I do. You are right that we all have our opinions.

Let's just agree to disagree, for me it is water under the bridge. :)

I think the writers are still trying to come to grips with his character and where he fits in, so I don't doubt that they are gonna make some mistakes along the way, but I'm hoping that eventually they'll get a hang of how Jesse's dynamics with the others would work out.

My guess is that with the big reveal of Jesse's reason for returning to Miami, they'll probably up his screentime so that they can set up the dramatic reveal.

Personally, I wish there is more Frank.....he's always the one getting short-changed when other characters get the screentime....wish they would do a storyline where Frank is center stage....I feel like Frank's the only CSI detective out of three series who's never got to be the central character in a storyline....I mean, Brass on CSI's had a few, and Flack on NY's got plenty......but not poor Frank....:(

Frank needs more scenes!!!!! Rex Linn amuses me greatly!:lol:

I agree and I hope that is the case of the writers getting a handle on Jesse's character.

Absolutely, Frank is in need of some serious scenes. I so miss his oneliners, they always gave me a good chuckle. I also, loved his ones with Ryan they played off each other so well.

Bring on more Frank. :scream:
When you said that about believing what you want to beleive I took it that you were referring to the rest of us and our belief that he gets way to much screentime and not referring to yourself. My mistake. :)

I respect that you are a Jesse/Eddie supporter. I don't hate this character. He could be a great addition if they didn't promote him to the exclusion of the other characters. I know you don't see it the same way I do. You are right that we all have our opinions.

Let's just agree to disagree, for me it is water under the bridge. :)

I think the writers are still trying to come to grips with his character and where he fits in, so I don't doubt that they are gonna make some mistakes along the way, but I'm hoping that eventually they'll get a hang of how Jesse's dynamics with the others would work out.

My guess is that with the big reveal of Jesse's reason for returning to Miami, they'll probably up his screentime so that they can set up the dramatic reveal.

Personally, I wish there is more Frank.....he's always the one getting short-changed when other characters get the screentime....wish they would do a storyline where Frank is center stage....I feel like Frank's the only CSI detective out of three series who's never got to be the central character in a storyline....I mean, Brass on CSI's had a few, and Flack on NY's got plenty......but not poor Frank....:(

Frank needs more scenes!!!!! Rex Linn amuses me greatly!:lol:

I agree and I hope that is the case of the writers getting a handle on Jesse's character.

Absolutely, Frank is in need of some serious scenes. I so miss his oneliners, they always gave me a good chuckle. I also, loved his ones with Ryan they played off each other so well.

Bring on more Frank. :scream:

Frank needs some major whumpage episodes.....I mean, come on! Brass on CSI nearly died after being pumped full of bullets.....Flack on NY pretty much had his guts spilled out after nearly blown apart in an explosion....

Frankie seems to be the only detective who has escape major whump.....I think that needs to change.....let's have Frank center stage and bring on the whump!!!!!!!!;)

Who does Jesse think he is, James Bond? and what's the deal with him sticking his raw arm in the jellyfish tank. Doesn't he watch Spongebob
Rating 4/5
That part really bothered me. I thought that Ryan would at least try and warn him that the jellyfish were poisonous. I was glad they didn't turn it into some major medical drama-- like Jesse passes out or something because the sting was so severe.

Personally, I thought the Jesse/Natalia thing was a little odd, and seemed to sneak up in this episode. I hadn't really seen them interact before, and while I hope they become good friends, I'm also really hoping they don't go for the romance angle. This show is on the fringe right now for me, and I feel like if that happens I'm going to call it quits.

I think Jesse knew that the jellyfish were poisonous, he did mention to Calleigh later that he had been stung by jellyfishes before when he was surfing so he knows how to deal with it. But seriously, at the moment, I think it was more about saving a man's life than thinking jellyfishes were poisonous. I mean, either way, Jesse still would have reached in to try and grab that man's arm.

As for Natalia and Jesse, I hope they are just friends and nothing more. There's enough romance on one show.....
[Personally, I thought the Jesse/Natalia thing was a little odd, and seemed to sneak up in this episode. I hadn't really seen them interact before, and while I hope they become good friends, I'm also really hoping they don't go for the romance angle. This show is on the fringe right now for me, and I feel like if that happens I'm going to call it quits.

I think Jesse knew that the jellyfish were poisonous, he did mention to Calleigh later that he had been stung by jellyfishes before when he was surfing so he knows how to deal with it. But seriously, at the moment, I think it was more about saving a man's life than thinking jellyfishes were poisonous. I mean, either way, Jesse still would have reached in to try and grab that man's arm.

As for Natalia and Jesse, I hope they are just friends and nothing more. There's enough romance on one show.....
Agree that Jessie knew the Jellyfish were poisonous.
The Jesse/Natalia thing did come from no where.There wasn't really any need to invite her i mean don't get me wrong i'm VERY glad he didn't but still... And drinks to explain things to her.
oh, and wouldn't Ryan get in trouble for moonlighting?
There's no reason that he should get in trouble,I only hope the writers aren't thinking of making it a problem for him.
I was disappointed. I wish it had been H in that tux- Horatio would have fit in that crowd like a glove on a hand and worked things in his typical smooth operator style. IMHO, Jesse's getting too much 'front man' role playing and Horatio is getting pushed further and further into the background and I don't like it. However, the show is getting high ratings, so TPTB is going to play this up to the hilt. If the show is going to turn into the *Jesse* program, I may have to reconsider my Monday night TV schedule; the guy, who looks to me all the world like a *poor man's Errol Flynn* is getting on my last nerves...and I miss Stetler too! (when is HE going to show up?).

As for Natalia's attraction to Jesse- well, she was married to a stalker so maybe, unconsciously, she's falling for one again, although I wish it were not so. Walter, for his part, just takes up too much physical space and the poor guy looks as if he can't breathe ( I hope he's ok in real life) and he just stands out like a sore thumb.

Tom is okay but he is trying to be acerbic like the ME in CSI NY, but the latter does it better- he needs to develop his own unique persona instead of imitating someone else's.

Wish I had more positive things to say- seems the more I see of Eddie the MORE I miss Rory! Honest to goodness...!
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thanks guys, I was confused on the whole moonlighting thing, I was watchin Scrubs and to people got in trouble for moonlighting, but then again that's a whole different show.
Oh boy, I finally watched the episode.....yay!!!
Anyway, here are my thoughts

The episode was quite good as most of the episodes from this season & I am loving the whole team aspect....it is just great to see.

Natalia...at the end, in my honest opinion, rather than disappointed that Jesse stood her up, she looked like "oh good, the moron stood me up & I'm gonna drink his beer". I really can't find another way to interpret that smirk on her face :lol:. Surely I wouldn't have smiled after reading that sms.
And they decided to turn her into a deaf person? I would have thought more of an alcoholic LOL

Jesse....he's weird...something really bad is going on, but, at least, he has something really interesting to offer to us (how cool would that be if he were a stalker ready to kill off Natalia or Calleigh?) I already know what's going on, but hey I'm loving this storyline...though some of his looks/expressions are scary LOL.
Jesse with the tux.....gorgeous & gorgeous....he's the new James Bond :cool:

Ryan....he looked gorgeous with the tie, which thank god was normal, and I don't know...there was something really good about his face throughout the episode that I kept watching his face rather than listening to what he was saying.
Curious Ryan? Please stay aways from troubles :p

Execpt the fact that almost everyone was hysterical/way too nervous throughout the epsiode, I enjoyed it, though the songs they used had nothing to do with any of the scenes :rolleyes:
As for Natalia's attraction to Jesse- well, she was married to a stalker so maybe, unconsciously, she's falling for one again, although I wish it were not so.

How is Jesse a stalker? It looked more like a stakeout

Walter, for his part, just takes up too much physical space and the poor guy looks as if he can't breathe ( I hope he's ok in real life) and he just stands out like a sore thumb.

This maybe harsh but I don't think its fair to bash a person because of their physique. It's up to the director/cinematographer to set the scene right so actors like Omar doesn't end up crowding the scene.
Agreed. More Frank!

I'd love to see Brass and Frank together on a case. That would be great. There are so many dynamic characters in CSi. Sid, Doc Robbins, Hodges, Flack, Brass, Sara, Frank, I'm loving the new ME Tom too. Would be a nice crossover with the 3 ME's or the 3 Detectives!

This season is really shaping up nicely. I think too that the writers are setting us up for a big Jesse arc, in the same way we'll get a big Ray arc (although his crossover episodes might have been that, who knows.) It's good they keep us guessing on these things. I agree that Ryan has definitely had a character transplant this season. I remember the OCD Ryan and this guy isn't the same. Sure people evolve and develop, just seems to me that perhaps in the writers room they decided - hey we can't have everyone knowing everything. Even Cal has had a change to her Character. I love Walter, but really CSI Miami could lose him and promote one of the established characters.

With Jesse - the first thing he reminded me of was the old CSI. He approached a crime scene in a similar way to the Las Vegas team. He would easily transition over to LV. He reminds me a lot of Nicks early character. I bought into him more as an established CSI moving to a new location, rather then Walter the lab tech who suddenly seems to have all the technical information but less experience in crime scenes themselves. I dunno about Walter. He's a great addition and he and Jesse have clearly moved Miami on from the past few season, Jesse to me just feels more natural (and perhaps in Miami the less likely choice for a CSI) whereas Walter fits the comic book style characters for the show.

Even Horatio's character changes a little when he goes to NY. Would be interesting to see Jesse on LV...

Rambling sorry.
