Episode #615, & 616: Ambush, All In **CONTAINS SPOILERS**

:lol: I'd never had guessed but the spoilers about Miami's latest episodes really excited me that much that I had to watch them - and I have to say: they were actually pretty good, I haven't been disappointed by them as much as I feared :p

But what the hell? Is H the next Rambo? :vulcan: Not believable in any ways. His storyline was - for me - uninteresting and thin as always, H the superhero, sorry but: blah.
I really did like how TPTB worked up Cal's story, was a bit thrilling and funny at the same time. And a huge YAY! for teamwork and H working in the lab again - first I couldn't believe my eyes :lol: Though it's a shame that Yelina was only back for 2 minutes, I miss her. :( And PLEASE! Get rid off the split screen, it's annoying!

Let's hope that the following episodes will continue this..erm..average standard, I really want Miami back as one of my fav shows - we'll see...
Has anyone noticed the lack of costume changes? Horatio flew round trip to Brazil (8 hours each way) and when he returned everyone on his team was still wearing the same clothes!
Maybe everyone was still concerned about Calleigh and hadn't showered? haha Also been thinking about Kyle's 3 layers of clothes (shirt, sweater vest, jacket)in MIAMI HEAT and it strikes me as funny BUT I remember Evan Ellingson is very slim young man and maybe the wardrobe dept. wanted to 'thicken' him a little to not look so skinny? Still funny, I can understand Calleigh didn't change clothes for more than 24 hrs but the rest of the gang probably would have...Esp. Horatio...ditch the dark suits and lighten up dude!
What H did was wrong, but it was understandable. The man he killed was part of the Mala Noche, no matter how you put it. It's not like he was an innocent bystander. He was by no means an angel.

That one scene did not at all tarnish H's character for me, but it came damn close.
What H did was wrong, but it was understandable. The man he killed was part of the Mala Noche, no matter how you put it. It's not like he was an innocent bystander. He was by no means an angel.

That one scene did not at all tarnish H's character for me, but it came damn close.
This is the last thing I'm going to say on the matter because I think I'm going to be repeating myself now.

In all honesty, dogbert14, you are stating the obvious by saying that the man Horatio executed was not an Angel and that he was member of the Mala Noche. This was never in question. But, just because the person is, what some would deem, the scum of the earth, it should not in any way serve as justification for what Horatio did. All it did was show me that Horatio holds the same code of honour(?) as the Mala Noche and for me that was not good at all.

Honestly, great for you that you find it completely understandable but I don't find it understandable at all, not when I think about what I have been led to believe about the Horatio character. I wish I could because I did enjoy CSI Miami, but sorry, not going to happen.

CSI Miami is a type of program where I just want to plonk myself down in front of the TV and enjoy myself, but when they start screwing around with what defines a character just to serve a smart-mouthed, stupid line, well, that's when I start channel surfing.

Welcome RampRat and gerrilex. :D

RampRat said:
Now not to be really rude here, since I am a brand-spanking-new member, but can I give everyone who criticizes the "reality" :rolleyes: of the situations in this episode a *little* slap in the face? Do we really want to go there? Really? If you want reality, The First 48 is an excellent program on A&E. It often covers Miami and even their CSIs.

I think as far as reality goes, we all accept that this show has always been somewhat over-the-top and I don't think we all expect a fictional television show to be 'exactly as reality should be'. I believe some had a problem with the over-the-topness because this show used to be rather grounded and not so er, ridiculous. It's possible for a show to be fictional but still pull in elements from reality to make the characters/plots/emotions seem real to affect the audience. See: 'Witness to Murder', 'Big Brother', 'Dead Woman Walking', etc. Now it's become a bit of a farce. If some people like the show just the way it is now, that's fine. But I happened to like it better in earlier seasons.

To each his own. :)

As far as the episode goes, I was still entertained despite my issues with it. It was definitely by far, one of the better ones of the season. And RampRat, that's interesting info about the music. I hadn't realized it was so extensively related to the episode itself.
I believe some had a problem with the over-the-topness because this show used to be rather grounded and not so er, ridiculous. It's possible for a show to be fictional but still pull in elements from reality to make the characters/plots/emotions seem real to affect the audience. See: 'Witness to Murder', 'Big Brother', 'Dead Woman Walking', etc. Now it's become a bit of a farce. If some people like the show just the way it is now, that's fine. But I happened to like it better in earlier seasons. To each his own. :)

You took the words right out of my mouth, Speed_Cochrane. :) I was a big fan of the show from Seasons 1-3 (I was really devestated when they killed off Speed b/c he brought a lot of gravity and real-world stuff to the show w/his sarcasm and tone, etc.). It really has changed into something much different, and if some people like that, that's cool. But I'm more inclined toward episodes like "Witness to Murder" and "Dead Woman Walking" than these cheesy supermodel/superstar plot lines that we've been given lately.

I will say that, overall, "Ambush" and "All In" were kind of throw-backs to the original essence of CSI:Miami - H in a lab coat, focus on the science and evidence, the team being more emotional (esp. H and Eric), the dark part about Cal being kidnapped, etc. I'm OK w/some breaks w/reality, but every show (or comic book even, if you will) sets rules in the beginning, and I hate it when shows are inconsistent w/that.

Anyway, just wanted to say I think Speed_Cochrane hit the nail on the head. Thanks! :)
I liked the first couple of season's of miami, there were some great cases...but it was just too similar to vegas, there is no way they could have kept that up. The show needed its own identity, and i think the way it is now, is a huge reason it became the biggest show in the world, it appeals to a different audience than vegas does. Cause i know people who only watch Miami, because of the action and excitement.

I disagree that H killed the last guy in cold blood. I understand that he might have spared other criminals in the past, but that was only because he knew they would face justice. And he is really big on harsh justice (which doesn't actually work in reality, just look at US crime stats), and the death penalty. These guys in Brazil won't face this, and he knows it.

But my point is, if he had left the guy alive, and just disarmed him, he would have contacted others, and Horatio would never have made it out of the country alive. H needed to be undetected. Yeah it was ridiculous...it kind of reminded me of a video game :lol: I laughed at it...it was pretty funny.
Sorry, xfCanadian, but what about the guy in the car that got away? What about him? He would be getting back to the Mala Noche a sight lot faster than someone who had been injured and looked like he had no means of transport, wouldn't he?

Sorry, but Horatio wanting to remain undetected doesn't wash with me either.
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First time I've felt compelled to write anything in ages.

I actually really enjoyed the episodes, the first one had me on the edge of my seat waiting for what would happen next and H in a lacoat and processing was a very pleasant surprise!
Plus the whole Cal setting all the clues for the team was excellent, and the poker scene at the end was very well done too...very Miami!

BUT and it's a big but, I'm echoing general opinion on the Horatio guns down the Noche scene, I was really annoyed, that is just really the final nail in coffin for the H we were supposed to believe in. I love H and am not ashamed to admit it, the character they built up for him throughout the first 3 seasons was brilliant, a passion and drive for justice, intregrity and honesty and guy you could trust at all times, one who lets justice be dished out properly (I think how he saved Otis when he could have let him drop)
They have systematically destroyed him to the point of cold blooded killer as far as this scene was concerned!
And later he does that silly threat to the Saris guy..threatening so blatently does not become him!

Anyway rant over
I loved these episodes. H's character isn't damaged to me at all. I was cheering him on the whole time. You just don't mess with him and that just furthers it. No matter what happens you can't beat him or best him and I love that about his character, he is a bad ass that doesn't act like one till you mess with him or someone he cares for. I just laugh at the idiots that try and take him on and I love it.

These episodes were some of the best. I loved the Cal/Eric story line and I never used to be a HipHugger and at the end of All In I almost started crying I was so happy. Its the little things that were great, like Cal reaching over and opening Eric's door for him. I LOVED the poker table scene and I LOVED that Cal was able to put together all these clues for them to find her.

The only thing that really bothered me was the lack of bruising on Cal at the end. Sorry, just the way I am, but the guy clocked her and nothing, not a mark.

I really hope that they don't just magically drop everything with this story line like they tend to do. I really hope that something comes from Cal and Eric going home. :drool:
i love these episode so much action yay. Callligh is smart for leaving all those clues and i loved how Eric go so ticked at Cooper i was hoping he was going to kick his ass. I loved how H went to Rio and he was like bang bang bang loved it. Also loved how they were all at the poker table with guns pointing and how Calligh kicked ass with that guy and by leaving. Glad to Yelinia and Velara, not so glad to see stelter. Loved all the Ryan time YAY the first part didn't see him as much. Loved everthing about these episode it seems to me that the old Miami is coming back to life and the team. I will give both episodes an A++++++
I loveeeed this second parter!! <3
The way Delko/Calleigh just.. aww it was soo cute <3

Poor Delko was choked up.. =( Gosh, those two need to make-out already.:lol:
I love Calleigh/Eric story line too : )

Look their smile in the last scene :lol: so cuteeeeeee!

and let me clapping for the LAB COAT! I want to cheering when H wear it. *OK actually I always want to*
Hey guys I am the only one to mention this (I just rewatched the eppie today).....But does anyone else remember that Club Descent was the same club that burned down way back in season 1 in "Tinder Box"? And the owner was arrested in that eppie. He had no co-owner or partner or anything. It just seems weird to me that someone else would come along 6 years later & open another club by the same name.

Another thing that has been bothering me is when Calleigh realizes her memory card has been switched, Ryan takes the memory card out with his bare hand & then after touching it, he turns around & puts on a glove. He then said that there were no prints on the memory card, when in fact his print should have been on it.

Just alittle nit picking on my part.