Episode # 610: 'CSI: My Nanny'

delkolover said:
Although, as much as I love Eric, I think it would have been funny if he had slid down the roof and landed flat on his ass...but I would have thought it funny if any of the other characters had done it. This show needs a little humor infused in it at times. Ya know little anicdotes.
If that's the case, then he would have slid down the roof and landed on Ryan. Or have Frank catch him.
I'm so mad. I forgot all about this. I didn't even know that it was Monday yesterday. So I didn;t see. sucks. I wanted to see it too.
I think cause they were discussing "Priorities" and then he was thinking of going to visit Kyle in Jail and maybe do some bonding? father /son chat in prison time? I mean H works all day so when can he visit much anyways?
this was an ok epiosde loved all the Ryan time (yay). A lot was going on and for some reason i kept getting lost don't know why though. glad that Calligh and Eric got some time together glad that jake wasn't in this one. and i thought that Eric was going to fall. Wish we could know more about Ryan so far we know he gambles and is OCD and now we know that is a Uncle.