Episode # 509 'Going, Going, Gone' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

Re: Episode # 509 'Going, Going, Gone' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS*

Okay I missed something here about a ring? Now I am confused. Maybe I was laughing too hard to remember anything about a ring. The largest ring I wear is a 7 and even that is a bit loose on me. *Gives DaWacko another beer*

The teaser sent me almost into a ashma attack I was laughing so hard I missed some of Horatio's lines. That was bad. I was into the episode and enjoyed it as per Miami but I tend to seperate Miami from the other forensics shows. I enjoy Miami for totally different reasons than I enjoy my other shows. This episode entertained me and got my blood going and this is what I want from Miami. That and Horatio.

The Good Rebecca
Re: Episode # 509 'Going, Going, Gone' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS*

Hey Guys,
Thanks for the input - whether we agree or not, that's cool:)
I think part of my problem with this episode was that I knew (from the previews grrr...) some of what was going to happen. I saw H blow up the truck, I saw Calleigh get shot (or appear to). They need to be careful with those previews - they give too much away!
For the record, I think it was a decent show action-wise, but I think Miami should tone it down a bit. I know action sets it apart from Vegas and NY, but really, having H blow up the truck - that was a little far fetched, and I'm a big Horatio fan.
I must admit I am a bit of an "angst" lover - you really get to see the characters in a different light. And from a writing standpoint, I figure you only get to "shoot" Calleigh once, and if you're gonna do it, do it right - have her get injured or something. See how it effects the team. See if it brings back memories of Marisol, or poor Speedle. (Just for the record, speed_cochrane, Speed was my favorite character :), and I was really bummed out when they killed him off. :( )
This show used to be great with continuity, but it's been kinda lacking lately in the character department. All this new drama w/Boa Vista, and next to nil about anything regarding Horatio's past. Just weird.
I have my own thoughts on some plot points, but I don't think that's for this board - I guess there's a fan fiction board out there? Sorry for the long post. Catch you guys later.
Re: Episode # 509 'Going, Going, Gone' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS*

miamirocks said
Just for the record, speed_cochrane, Speed was my favorite character :) , and I was really bummed out when they killed him off. :(

You and me both. :D I guess it's why a lot of people would be interested in seeing the episode if they saw Calleigh getting shot in the promo. Character injuries bring out the best ratings, as sick as it is. :p

I agree, continuity has been lacking, and I really wish tptb would fix that. Of course, that's like shooting an arrow at an airplane. :rolleyes:

And since you mentioned fan fiction, here's the link. Yeah I'm weird like that. ;)
Re: Episode # 509 'Going, Going, Gone' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS*

Thanks for the link! I read in an interview that Anne Donahue doesn't go online, but I wish someone from that show would get some fan advice - some people really have good ideas:) Here's to hoping next week's ep. is decent.
BTW - Love the "way to cheerful" banner lol.
Re: Episode # 509 'Going, Going, Gone' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS*

Ok... more of the thoughts.

Seriously. Terrorist storyline. How pathetic.The episode would have been good without it.

They have enough terrorist storylines in other shows, so could they please stick with "normal people and normal crimes" :rolleyes:

Saint H ain't Jack Bauer :rolleyes:
katpin31791 said:
Elizabeth Hendrickson played on All My Children if I remember correctly. It's a soap opera just in case no one knew. LOL

Yeah, in case you can't remember katpin31791 she played Maggie Stone . She was part of huge lesbian relationship on AMC with Bianca Montgomery. ( Hope that isn't too off topic mods :(.)

I thought the episode was really good and fast paced. I forgot that this was the one that Calleigh got shot in :eek: It scared the .... out of me when she went down. I forgot that she would probably wear a vest underneath but still. I couldn't believe that Jake went even though Calleigh told him to not to. The final scene with H and the sniper rifle was the part I really enjoyed though I was surprised it wasn't a SWAT or a sniper guy who shot the gun :confused: instead of H. I guess H was the only one around. Overall though it was a really good episode. I found it really fast paced.

Take Care,
Yeah, in case you can't remember katpin31791 she played Maggie Stone .

I knew how she fit in just couldn't remember her characters name on the show. :lol: Memory lapse, what can I say. :D
I liked the episode tonight all in all.

It WAS, however, seriously lacking in the accuracy department.

There is no way Calleigh could have been shot, kevlar or no, and just pick it out of her shirt like it was a rock...puh-lease.

And Horatio with the sniper rifle...sure it wasn't what would really happen, but look at how many people it has talking about it.

CBS wants to make money with Miami and what better way than to keep people wondering what crazy stunt it will pull next Monday.

Personal opinion alert: Jake is a good idea. Just my opinion, I know there are others who feel differently.

No one is SUPPOSED to like him much because he is there to throw in some angst.

Oh how TPTB keep us coming back for more with characters such as these. Anyway, that's my rant for the evening!

(ps. the guy looks like Jim Carrey)