Actually, one significant disappointment for me, so give only A.

But in general I love this eppi — one my favorite in current season.
This episode was supposed to be «end of The Taunter». CSIs was hunting him all season, hoping he makes a mistake. And, finally, he did (gotcha)!!!!Yeaaah!!!! But episode wasn't focused on Esteban, Vina & Diego's draw attention from him (at least my attention). Ok, Esteban was put in custody but it wasn't shown like a great achievement (they caught a serial killer!). It looked like ordinary event (in spite of H was great in court).
In addition, his last victims Chelsea and her boyfried. Don't you think it's really weird that Esteban buried him but didn't make sure he wouldn't get out from his shallow grave? Esteban, who is a serial killer and a doctor!?

Raquel Welch
I see some of you, guys, aren't impressed much but I am:adore:. She was awesome and her role was interesting and twisting. I guessed she wasn't as generous as she pretended to be but I had no idea she was such a black widow. I bought into her fake grief after she shot her son. I agree — It could be great to see Vina in future episodes (next season if we are lucky) cuz she's really a match to Horatio. I've said that and say again — domestic violence (and other petty staff) is not his league.
I love all her scenes with David. They definitely had a chemistry. Love-love-love «fireplace scene»:luvlove::luvlove::luvlove:
Another great scene with Natalia. Love Vina's look especially her necklace and earrings:drool:. I'm going to find something alike.
Horatio in the lab!!!!

How long we've seen him there. Actually I hoped for more H screentime (yes I'll never have enough:lol

assuming it's The Taunter's case but I wasn't disappointed cuz all his scenes were absolutely great. In lab, in court, on the beach, etc...
"all due respect, we all made mistakes, Mr. Volfe. Bring it all back to the house!" - my second favorite one after «fireplace». Like H thinks Esteban is in his pocket and hates the idea he can slip away again.
A couple of nice scenes like «police brutality», Loman chasing crabs, «shoe expert» Calleigh and really "cute" dialogue in spanish between Eric and Esteban:guffaw:
Also this episode gave me a food for thoughts about this season's last episode. As we know some powerful ennemies will try to break up the team using bureaucracy. Well, after this episode I guess it can be done quite easy.
Firstly, lousy lineup. It wasn't clear who was responsible for it: Frank, Eric, Horatio, but whoever was he screwed up. They have alive witness who is really capable and willing to cooperate. Finally, they have a real opportunity to nail the guy they should be hyper accurate to do all by numbers so no sleasy attorney has no chance but... Two guys standing next to Esteban were blond or even redheaded and no one spanish-looking. You must be kidding!
Secondly, Delko and his suppressed evidence. What's the heck does «personal relationship» mean? To be friends, acquaintances, lovers? And since then a photo of two person walking on the street next to each other can be considered as an evidence of their unappropriated relationship?!:scream: Jugde, what's wrong with you?:brickwall: But Eric's reaction was understandable but totally unprofessional. He was too emotional like he's really done something wrong (actually, I hate to think he did) He should have been as cold as ice denying all these allusions.
CSIs as experienced as they are shouldn't have done such mistakes.