Emmanuelle/Angell thread #1- Detective "Angel"

Re: Emmanuelle/Angell thread #1- Detective "Angel"

According to IMDB she pronounces her last name Vor-zhe-aye/Vor-zhaye not sure about the first name though!

:wtf: Wow, I was really really wrong. I'm just going to continue pronouncing it the way I want to, though. Damn you French language! There's no "z" there! :lol: I only took French for one year. It was the 8th grade honors program, and some of the students went to the high school for French class. The 8th graders all got A's and did better than the high schoolers, and none of the grades counted for us. :p
Re: Emmanuelle/Angell thread #1- Detective "Angel"

The recurring/edge main cast characters like Angell, Sid, Adam are part of what makes NY my favourite out of all the CSI's. They did a great job with the casting there :bolian: me thinks.

I agree their all brilliantly portrayed characters and they do add this sort of tingle of exceitment to the episodes expecially Sid and Adam... Angell adds the glam and girl power!

I think it was really Angell name that first caught my attention with her... You know the whole scene between her Danny and Sheldon at that scene - 'Angell got her wings' - who can't forget that =D
Re: Emmanuelle/Angell thread #1- Detective "Angel"

Emmanuelle brings that tough chick side to NY. sure Stella maybe a toughie but she's kind of annoying when she gets tough. EV just has it she plays it very well and very believable. in some ways Angell reminds me of Sydney Bristow from "Alias" with her cool toughness.

Angell/EV has been awesome since her first scene. LyzabethSay i will never forget what Hawkes said to her at the scene haha it was cute.

i took french for a few years and i had no idea that was how Emmanuelle pronounces her last name. even my roomie who speaks french quite fluently didn't pick up on that!! hmm now i gotta really quiz her later lol.
Re: Emmanuelle/Angell thread #1- Detective "Angel"

Believe it or not I actually JUST YouTubed it and from hearing her say it it sounds like E-man-u-elle Vou-jay.

I can pronouce her last name like she does but for the life of me I can't spell it =D

Here's the link. She says her own name at the end.
Yep, that's pretty much how I'd say it too. There is no "g" in it or anything...
She makes it sound so pretty! :lol:
Re: Emmanuelle/Angell thread #1- Detective "Angel"

Hello Angell fans (and Kay :lol:)! Here are some screencaps from Prey:


Don't mess with the woman on top!!


Giddy in bed...


Just a flash of her lovely dimples can set a man's heart aflutter! :lol:
Re: Emmanuelle/Angell thread #1- Detective "Angel"

LOVELY pictures, and definitely lovely thread. I always look forward to EV on the show. She is my fav female character. Lindsay-blah. Stella-okay. Angell-Complete awesomeness! Since her first ep I really liked her. I've had this hope in my mind that they would make her a main but
That has all been crushed by the idiots who are deciding to kill her off. They make me so ANGRY everytime I think about it

Gosh, how much more would I be obsessed with the show if EV was in on every episode. I don't need A LOT of scenes, I just need her to be there though. She, Flack and Sid's comments make this show for me:thumbsup:
Re: Emmanuelle/Angell thread #1- Detective "Angel"

^^ i'm already obsessed with NY but i'm am so with you on the EV front if she was on every ep!! she's such an awesome actress and character and i enjoy Emmanuelle so much that the show would be totally made for me.

i haven't been able to really look on the computer in days except for this site so.... does anyone know if Emmanuelle has any up coming movies/projects coming up? if she does i am hoping it's not a horror movie haha.
Re: Emmanuelle/Angell thread #1- Detective "Angel"

She has a movie coming out this year called Dolan's Cadillac.It's based on a Stephen King novel and Christian Slater is also in it. I'm sure when it's being released.
Re: Emmanuelle/Angell thread #1- Detective "Angel"

I saw a promo for her movie Reverse Angle the other day on Lifetime Movie Channel, it airs Saturday May 3 at 8:00 p.m.
Re: Emmanuelle/Angell thread #1- Detective "Angel"

I'm totally in love with Emmanuelle...shes hot, cute and so lovely...I saw her in: Saw, One Tree Hill and Supernatural (btw. thats a great ep with her....and I cried, when Dean should kill her...poo sam)
Re: Emmanuelle/Angell thread #1- Detective "Angel"

Hello Angell fans (and Kay :lol:)! Here are some screencaps from Prey:


Don't mess with the woman on top!!


Giddy in bed...


Just a flash of her lovely dimples can set a man's heart aflutter! :lol:

what can i say about my Twinny? she knows my very weakness. WEAKNESS! thank you so much for the yummy caps:drool:...again!

oh and guys, we better keep an eye on this gal while she's still in NY. goodness knows when we'll gonna see her again after season 5.
Re: Emmanuelle/Angell thread #1- Detective "Angel"

Has anyone seen or confirmed that Emmanuel will no longer be on Csi NY? Like is she really the one to die, because I heard some rumor about it now possibly being Sheldon?
Re: Emmanuelle/Angell thread #1- Detective "Angel"

No I heard nothing about it....But when you go to the angell/flack Ship Thread...the last post of me is a theory about this hole thing....and I hope I'm right ^^ and I hope the German Spoiler Site is right....
Re: Emmanuelle/Angell thread #1- Detective "Angel"

No I heard nothing about it....But when you go to the angell/flack Ship Thread...the last post of me is a theory about this hole thing....and I hope I'm right ^^ and I hope the German Spoiler Site is right....

Well for all the fans of all the Flack/Angell shippers its just a shame:(
I love seeing them together, the chemistry seems so amazing and its a side of Flack and Angell we haven't seen before. Lets just hope she really doesn't go.
Re: Emmanuelle/Angell thread #1- Detective "Angel"

Has anyone seen or confirmed that Emmanuel will no longer be on Csi NY? Like is she really the one to die, because I heard some rumor about it now possibly being Sheldon?

I heard that as well... Well okay I heard that Hill wanted to do something a little more 'political' thus might not continue on CSI NY - but only a rumor.

I did however heard this [also a rumor but you never know]:
Something was going to happen to Danny and he was going to be in a coma but looking at all the spoilers as a whole. If they say it's going to be someone from the credits then it kindda makes sense if they happen to kill off Danny and Angell is the one to get hurt. But also, dunno. so *shurggs*