Emily/Calleigh's Thread #6 'I Promise I've Been Good!'

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Yep, the 2nd and the 3rd are my favourites. Soooo wonderful pics *sigh*...calleighspeedle: may I snag these two?? *flutter my eyelashes* :D
Oh, that wasn't because of your birthday, it was just because because :D
And I love birthdays - not mine so much but others - so... ;)
But I'm leaving for today, see y'all later! Bye!

Have a nice day!
Woah, looks like we have a mole in our Emily thread! Secretly infiltrating Togo pics..... *shakes head excessively*
You can't manipulate us!!! We're too strong!!! Our minds can't be broken!!!!

*bangs head against wall*

Sorry, that wasn't me speaking there.... *cough*

Here's a pic:

*Ups* - I'm a little confused today...wanted to be everywhere and HOW COULD I MIX UP CALLEIGH AND RYAN???

Here is my conciliation gift: *hearty kiss*

Ah, one more thing to say:
Leela said:
Woah, looks like we have a mole in our Emily thread!
:D :D
WarricksBabyGirl said:
Leela, I absolutely love your banner and avatar they're beautiful where did you find those pics?

Thanks Rose! :)
But, you know, I wouldn't be a good webmiss if I gave away all my sources ;)

But don't be sad, I've got a small surprise for my fellow fangirls later today..... well, more like a big surprise..... ;)

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