Emily/Calleigh's Thread #6 'I Promise I've Been Good!'

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haha, you go do that cinegirl, don't forget your camera! (oh and: hi!) Aww she's engaged, so sweet. I really hope she'll be happy. :D
I'm a Calleigh fan she has beautiful hair (i want that too :lol:) but is there Calleigh/Horatio thread too please let me now i'm a Calleigh/Horatio fan forever
take a look in shipper central i believe you will find one. welcome aboard!
do my eyes decieve me? did i just read our little girl is getting married? well if its true best of luck to you em!
Ooooookay, I don't mean to spoil all the fun here, but please let's NOT get too hung up on that engagement thing, ok? It was just that one mag that entitled Lorenzo as Emily's fiancee and I guess we all know that these kind of magazines often tend to exaggerate or make up stories.....
Don't get me wrong - I'd be totally happy for Em if she'd get married! :) But please let's not make too big a deal of it, before we know more, alright? ;)

....k, enough serious talk, here's two pics from 'Rampage'

I was thinking the same thing Leela ;)
Good for her if she is, but I'm not going to get all excited about a French tabloid article...nice pictures in it though :)
great pics leela, she looks like she just got a nice surprise on the first one, probabaly saw a big gun, lol.
Hey everyone,
I wasn't be here for a while.... and there is already a 6th Tread... that's super :lol:
The pic's are so great you al send, Calleigh is so hot :)
Keep sending pic's! I love them :lol:
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