Emily/Calleigh #7: 'Emily, Don't Lick the Evidence'

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Thanks for posting, Nikki. You're such a nice girl. Now, I've said that, so now you sure want to learn me how to cap, right? :p
About a week is Family Plan in Holland,,, Yess!!! Emily is so cute in that movie :) I love her. I wanna be one of the kids that she adopted in the movie!!! *sigh....*
Is 'free fall" a Calleigh ep???? Thuesday it is in Holland :p I hope it is a Calleigh ep. :):)

P.S. Dutchie Great Caps! I love them!!!!!! ;)
Yeah Free fall is a Calleigh episode in my opinion:

* Cal with Ryan.
* Cal with peter Elliot.
* Cal with her gun.
* Cal firing in the ballistics lab.
* Cal in the hummer (copilot but well it's good) in a chase.
* I loved Cal's clothes in this episode: red shirt and grey pants.

Yeah it's a Cal episode :D
Free Fall is a good Cal episode for all I know. I'm looking forward to it. :D

*Edited to remove reference to copyright violation*
Dutchie, I think you are aware of the Board Rules concerning Intellectualy Property, but here's a reminder anyway:
As a fan site for a television show, intellectual property is an important topic for us. We cannot legally or morally condone tape-trading in episodes or downloading episodes online, and do not allow discussions on this matter. Any other copyright violations will also not be allowed.
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thank u for the pictures!... :D
I was watching some episodes from seson 1 on dvd and I just loved in an episode when she replied to a suspect_''and I am a CSI,and a damn good one!'' :lol:
yep...season one..long ago for you :lol:!I think is dead woman walking or forced entry :p..>!the one that a lawyer says he is a damn good one-he was the killer too!-and then Cal answered what I said before! ;)
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