Since there isn't anything new about Emily in these days and since it looks nothing is going to happen to her in the recent future, I would like to discuss about Calleigh during the first 2 episode, yep I'd like to know what do you think about her as I'm reading many many opposed opinions on the matter
I do think they're doing a really grat job with her character throughout this season esepecially considering how she behaved in these first 2 episode.
During the premiere we were able to see the old Calleigh, the cheerful one, the one we have learned to miss so much. I do think she was kind of creepy 'cause, to me, her cheerfulness wasn't that normal :lol:, but I enjoyed it as it really showed how much she has changed throughout these 8 years thank/due to her job. Plus I think Emily has done such a great job in showing all of this.
On the other hand, during the second episode we had to see the nowdays Calleigh...the one I've learned not to enjoy that much. BUT I'm loving this character development. I don't know...they've always showed her as Miss Perfect, the one who's always right (no matter what she does) especially during the last years. Most of her actions throughout the las 2 years didn't convience me at all. So, I'm glad they're finally showing as the one going darker among the team. They finally showed she's not always that a good person...the one who cares about her friends/boyfriend.
That cold "I did shoot him" may have been a way for her to internalize (gosh I hate this word :lol

her feelings about what had happened during s7 finale...anyway I don't care 'cause her answer was purely mean, at least IMHO, and I loved it! I loved her reaction 'cause it's time to show she's not a saint. As much as I love Calleigh she's not Miss Perfect and she will never be...not to mention that during s7 finale she did the right things, so I'm glad she's going ahead with her values no matter who the other person is
So does anyone agree with me? Am I totally crazy? What do you think about this "new" Calleigh? Do you enjoy it? Do you hate/like her? Let's go on discussing about it :thumbsup: