Well listen folks, maybe this is something that we'll come to understand
Suppose all this "ignoring" EDeN's romantic history is just to allow these 2 to see each other in a new light, opposed to constantly looking at each other as the ex-bf/ex-gf, angsty, "you hurt me, no,
you hurt me" stuff.
All this time passed of these two not focusing on
what went wrong could wind up restoring Eric's trust in her, & both of thier feelings for each other; it's giving them time to get over what
happened in their relationship, & that doesn't necessarily mean that just because all seems to be forgiven that thier romantic storyline is gone for good.
Natalia, these past few seasons, has really grown, & she's shown the audience a new light - she's sweet & caring, & when anyone else has a problem she's the first to take thier side until proven otherwise.
She's shown moreso than any other (here lately) the worry that she carries for her teammates..it's pretty subtle sometimes, but it's there.
It's odd because Im seeing her as more of a "rock" figure than anyone else these days. For someone who was once guilty of trying to tear this team apart, she seems to be the one who actually tries to hold them together now. She was the one worried for Calleigh about the webpage, she was there for Ryan to help him with his papers, & when he looked guilty in 'Resurrection' she didn't jump like the others did; & then there's always her concern for Eric, which TPTB lack in showing sometimes but when they do show it, it speaks volumes like in 'Going Ballistic'.
Bottom line is, we don't know what's up TPTB's sleeves for the future, or not so distant future. Eric could wind up getting his heart broken in a much worse way than Natalia ever did to him. So, let's try to hang in there & see what the finale brings. I don't exactly expect to see much EDeN any time remotely soon mind you, but there's still something that's giving me the impression that thier part of the 'Miami' Story isn't over.