Eddie Picture Thread #2: Blue Lasers of Hotness!!

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The pic of Eddie in the vest running is from the episode "Supermen".

Licorice- That is totally my brain after I visit this thread.. My brain is 98% consumed by the gutter, especially when it comes to Eddie/Flack.

Does anyone else in here ever picture Flack nekkid?? or am I the only one? ::sits in the gutter::
all the freakin time. except last night. when i saw bon jovi in concert. bon jovi looked soooo fine.
not as fine as eddie. but soooo fine anyway.

and THEN. when i went to bed. my DREAMS HAD NEKKID EDDIE.
I too had the same dream last night... nekkid eddie.. ::fans self:: soo soo hott! Its so bad, I see him and my mind instantly goes *hmmm nekkid Eddie*... lol.. I'd be happy if they just showed him walking around his apartment in boxer shorts..
I too had the same dream last night... nekkid eddie.. ::fans self:: soo soo hott! Its so bad, I see him and my mind instantly goes *hmmm nekkid Eddie*... lol.. I'd be happy if they just showed him walking around his apartment in boxer shorts..

....mmmmm....we're back to half-naked eddie. move over, i need my lawn chair back.

*sits down in gutter*

ahhh...this is the life.
CSINYRULZ, that picture is amazing. His eyes are so incredible! *swoon*

vampireD4, I love the pics you posted! They are great! :D
oh sorry Nim I BEAT YA TO IT!!

hehe. i couldnt resist. but i do hope he closes his eyes when he kisses. its very unromantic if you dont lol
:eek: no, I was too late... :(

well, I can forgive him if he left his eyes open. Imagine those fantastic eyes watching yours while he's close to you... :p
vampireD4 said:
I am gonna make a icon with the pic about Eddie in sexy and the city~
but I need some words to add it~
thanks for help :)

Is he lying on a bed in this pic? Looks like he might be. If so, what about "the things I'm gonna do..."

I don't know, just kinda looks like that's what he's thinking. Or maybe that's what I'm thinking. :devil: *grabs lawn chair, sits back down in gutter*

BTW, still watching season 1...I am up to the eppy "Hush"....I've actually seen this one before. I love season 1 so far. Lots of Flack makes me very happy. :devil:
::unfolds another chair for Roadrunner :: Here ya go.. pop a squat.. ::hands over a frozen drink:: want a fun little umbrella to put in there?? or I have these ::pulls out a plastic figurine of Flack on a straw:: its like he's pole dancing, ::plops it in the drink::

csifanatic_87 - yes, I lurveee that pic of Eddie, def one of my fav's.

1CSIMFAN - he sure is in a bed... thats like the closest we've gotten so far to a nekkid Eddie, was in Sex and the City, he's actually not in a bed, he's on the floor with the sheet over him, but... still... we know he's not clothed under the sheet.. ::evil smirk::
I come with pearls everybody.. ;) CAUTION!! Hottness ahead... scroll at your own risk..


and a nice little article I found about Eddie from Cosmo Magazine in 2005.

Can't take our eyes off...Eddie Cahill

June 2005
by Erin Torneo

When cutie Eddie Cahill was cast as Jennifer Aniston's assistant on Friends, it was easy to see why she risked her job for an office affair and nicknamed him Sweet Cheeks. Even though Eddie recently traded his onscreen boy-toy persona for a tough-guy role as homicide detective Don Flack on CSI:NY, he still plays the younger man in real life. (His girlfriend is eight years older than he is.) Sorry ladies, this hottie, who can also be seen in this month's flick Lords of Dogtown, won't be frisking you anytime soon.

What do you do when you aren't filming CSI:NY?

My girlfriend and I adopted another dog from the pound yesterday, so lately we're sort of babysitting the puppies.

Do you play up your New York accent for the show?

I tend to beef it up a little. On Friends, I was supposed to be from Ohio, and in one episode, I went to a basketball game with Joey and I had the hardest time saying hot "dog" instead of "dawg". I was really close to asking if we could change the word to frankfurter.

What do you look for in a woman?

A strong value system, loyalty, and directness - a woman who isn't so concerned with being everybody's friend.

What's a total turn-off?

Impoliteness, rudeness, and anyone mean. I don't like people who tease. You can be anything else under the sun, but if you're mean to people, you're out.

Stud stats
Hometown: New York City
Age: 27
Where you've seen him: On Friends, Sex and the City, and Glory Days and in the movie Miracle
Romantic status: Lives in Los Angeles with his artist girlfriend of five years

"It doesn't hurt if a woman has a good butt, but a point of view is what will matter when you're 70."
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