Eddie Picture Thread #2: Blue Lasers of Hotness!!

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Well we can't dissapoint him ladies, now can we? I'm sure there' someone willing to make him bend down [or not..but preferrably] and stick it where it has to go. Or it doesn't have to stick in anywhere. How about we put it on his body where he can't find it? Of course, he might mistake this as fondling, but we can explain to him later... :devil:
Someone needs to distract him. I'm sure there will be plenty of volunteers. When he's distracted it can be placed under his skin at the base of his neck just below the hairline. Just like those microchips they put in animals so they can be tracked. It wouldn't hurt and he wouldn't have to know. At least we'd know when he got away again. :devil:
^ Great idea. I'm sure all of us would want to keep track of Flack every minute!
^ Definitely agree with 1CSIMfan's idea. If it ever falls off or he finds it, we're all willing to put it back on again and again... :devil: :devil:
*whistles softly and pretends not to know what anyone's talking about* eddie? get out? what? when did this happen? i swear i locked him in the closet...



it's not our security system's fault. he's just so cute and funny and snarky that he talks us with weaker wills *coughs* into letting him out, and then once the eddie spell is broken and we've realized what we've done, we have to go running after him and catch him again. it really is a vicious circle that must be stopped.

we need someone eddie-proof to guard him.
It's all right iluvroadrunner. Eddie's always using that charm and good looks of his to get his way. We've all fallen for Flack I mean that's why we're here.

Who can we find that's Eddie proof?
csi_fanatic87 said:
It's all right iluvroadrunner. Eddie's always using that charm and good looks of his to get his way. We've all fallen for Flack I mean that's why we're here.

See what I mean? With his good looks, he can charm us into doing anything he wants us to. Maybe he has us on some mind-control. I know what's doing it. THE EYES! They have us under some spell that we can't get out of!

Who can we find that's Eddie proof?

:eek: got me..probably some rough-tough guy who's not willing to at least admit that Flack has pretty eyes.
You see? But there's nothing we can do about it! Hmm, here's a plan. We keep him blindfolded. Therefore he won't know where he is going and therefore won't run away, and then we won't get hypnotized by his beautiful, crystal-clear ocean eyes... *get lost in his eyes, then comes back to reality to infiltrate plan!*
I'm not sure there is anybody that is Eddie proof. I mean just look, how could you be?


That's gonna be a tough one to find. We'll all just have to pitch in and take turns with (er, I mean watch) him. :devil:
:lol: Is there anyone Eddie-proof? I doubt it. We just have to admit it, and do the best we can and try to control our swooning urges :lol: And don't let the eyes control you! Or at least try not to :D
Lovin_W_Moseley said:
You see? But there's nothing we can do about it! Hmm, here's a plan. We keep him blindfolded. Therefore he won't know where he is going and therefore won't run away, and then we won't get hypnotized by his beautiful, crystal-clear ocean eyes... *get lost in his eyes, then comes back to reality to infiltrate plan!*

Blindfolded? Why not bind him as well? Then we can have our wicked ways with him :devil:
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