Eddie Cahill #5: Charismatic Brilliance

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Firstly- You have no idea just how those pics of Eddie (...and Carmine!) at the Rangers game made me smile! My day was pure crap, and those were JUST what I needed! I'm so jealous! They had good seats! Thanks for sharing guys!

Also, The Rangers pretty much own the league right now- and I'm loving it! Even if I'm a Sens fan first. The Rangers are becoming a very close second. And, yeah, extremely sad news about Alexei Cherepanov. It's unbelieveable shocking how many young hockey players are dying due to these heart issues. It's just....sad. I dont know how else to put it.

Actually, I watched an epiosode of Friends the other night, with Tag- his voice IS wierd! I never really noticed it before...I mean, I knew it wasn't a "New York" accent, but I never noticed how strange his voice sounds! Good acting on his part...masking the accent...

OH, one more thing- hockey related: Miracle makes me cry everytime. EVERYTIME. I'm not even American. I'm Canadian. But, hockey is hockey. :) Ok. ENough hockey...(there is never enough hockey...)
Also, The Rangers pretty much own the league right now- and I'm loving it! Even if I'm a Sens fan first. The Rangers are becoming a very close second. And, yeah, extremely sad news about Alexei Cherepanov. It's unbelieveable shocking how many young hockey players are dying due to these heart issues. It's just....sad. I dont know how else to put it.

I hope the Rangers keep it that way and take that into the playoffs.

I share their dream of winning the cup this year. GO RANGERS!:thumbsup:

OH, one more thing- hockey related: Miracle makes me cry everytime. EVERYTIME. I'm not even American. I'm Canadian. But, hockey is hockey. :) Ok. ENough hockey...(there is never enough hockey...)

Technically we are NORTH Americans, and hockey is prominent in both cultures, but more Canadian , I guess:p
Technically we are NORTH Americans, and hockey is prominent in both cultures, but more Canadian , I guess:p
Oh no, that's true. Although, I really believe it's a Canadian thing. :p What I mean though, is that Miracle was about Team USA, winning it all, not Team Canada. My friends thought I was some sort of weirdo/traitor when I told them how much I love that movie- clearly, non-hockey people dont get that that story is not just about the US, it's about hockey in general... If that makes any sense. It coulda been a hockey team from .... Romania, for all it mattered.

Oh boy- Back to Eddie. New episode tonight! Who's excited?? Haha!

Damn politics!

Oooh, I know we can make it up by posting lots of yummy pictures *wink*

Who's with me?;)
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I haven't watched the movie Miracle in so long, I think I'm going to rewatch it now knowing Eddie is in it. I wish there was a new episode tonight, (sigh) oh well!
I haven't watched the movie Miracle in so long, I think I'm going to rewatch it now knowing Eddie is in it. I wish there was a new episode tonight, (sigh) oh well!

I wish it was on too! Ugh, politics! :scream: I need to buy Miracle, I just rented it from Netflix and watched it a gazillion times. :lol:
I have been begging my friends to watch it with me, but no one seems to be interested in watching it :( Eh, screw them! I am going to watch it whether they like it or not! :p
I have been begging my friends to watch it with me, but no one seems to be interested in watching it :( Eh, screw them! I am going to watch it whether they like it or not! :p

:lol: If Eddie wasn't in it then it really wouldn't be a movie I would ever watch. I don't know anything about hockey, or the story that the movie is based on, but it was great! I made my husband watch it too, and he also enjoyed it. Eddie is fantastic in it, it's just a nice movie. :)
I have been begging my friends to watch it with me, but no one seems to be interested in watching it :( Eh, screw them! I am going to watch it whether they like it or not! :p

:lol: If Eddie wasn't in it then it really wouldn't be a movie I would ever watch. I don't know anything about hockey, or the story that the movie is based on, but it was great! I made my husband watch it too, and he also enjoyed it. Eddie is fantastic in it, it's just a nice movie. :)

Same here Elsie, I know nothing about hockey and when I first saw the previews for this movie I had no intention of watching it. But when Megan told me that Eddie was in it I gave it a go and it was a really good movie, I was pleasantly surprised! Eddie was just great in it too.
I like em' both. LOL :guffaw:

I liked hockey 4 a while but it took me time to really get into it, and

understand the difference btw a good player and a guy with 2 left feet.:p
Oh when I first saw the movie because it was a family night out, all I remember was there were a bunch of really cute hockey players and how annoyed I was with Kurt Russell. :lol:

Since I didn't get into NY until the end of season 3, I wasn't aware that Eddie was in the movie until I came on this board. ;)
For me I just rewatched it because of Eddie, but orginally I watched it because it looked like a great movie. All my life I had heard about the Miracle on ice. I guess when your from a cold state you either like hockey or like football hahah and growing up I loved hockey and played a little of it so thus why I knew about the movie. I'd tell people if you love Remember the Titans then there no reason earth why you woudn't love this. It's one of our greatest moments in sports, and not just american but of all and they did such a fabolous job of bringing it to life.

Enough of me rambling about the movie itself, but about Eddie. I remember when I did watch it for the first time when it first came out, i thought "wow lot of hot men running around..hey look at that goalie...like to take some shots at him ;)" tee heh heh
I'm pretty sure everything I learnt about what happened, The "'Miracle", was from that movie. I may have heard about it before, but I wasnt alive when it happened! I just wanted to see it because it was a hockey movie! I researched it and asked a bazillion questions after I saw it. I actually went to Lake Placid shortly after I saw the moive and went to the actual arena where it actually happened- pretty cool, pretty cool. Also they have an Olympic museam kinda thing there- they had Jim Craig's actual goalie pads and net and stuff- really neat. They even had the suit jacket that Kurt Russel wore in the movie- I touched it. I dont think you were supposed to- I was like, I'm not getting this close and NOT at least touching it! :)

Hmmm, I'll try to keep this on topic... Eddddddddie. :lol: Lovely pictures, BTW!
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