That is my all time favorite Flack-face, and actually, those are leftovers from the bug-dinner thing they had to investigate, I guess the restaurant gave them to Danny, and the thing Lindsey's biting is a deep-fried tarantula. :guffaw::guffaw:
Secondly, I LOVE that one of Eddie just flailing around in his make-up chair, hahaha, he is such a goof-ball.
On one of the Season 3 DVDs, there is one commentary with Pam Veasey (a writer?) and Eddie Cahill, it's the only commentary so far out of all the DVDs that had one of the cast, and it's HIL-FREAKING-ARIOUS! :lol: it's mostly just Eddie saying random stuff about the episode and being so funny, it's great, I wish you guys could hear it!
And I agree about the gray thing, and I hope he keeps his hair long-ish for Season 6! That would make my day!
And another thing about that photo that is great, you can really see how man-beastly he is! His shoulders are just so wiiiide, he is such a hunk! :luvlove:
Okay...novel over...but thank you for those Cyn, made my...night? day? It's 2:22 AM here. XD