Draw A CSI Anyone?

Pic from Stand Your Ground.... tomorrow ;)CSI:Miami PICCY

Great pic Brooke... me thinks you should share it with us HH's.
These drawings are all so good :D, I've done a couple, but they're nowhere near the standard of these ones :S
I'm sorry to double post but it's been ages since anyone's been in here :)
I thought I'd share this pic of Emily I drew today while I was supposed to be researching the mississippi delta lol. The shadings so bad though, and I can't draw hair!
My drawing :p
nattybatty55 said:
Well that is some research :lol: When drawing hair take more time to add many more finer strands- it does work :)

Haha, lol, well i nearly got caught by my teacher but he's half blind so I got away with it :p
I always end up making the hair too dark when I do that- lol I just suck in general at hair, I'll happily draw something bald :)
I will try though, haha cus practice makes perfect :D
nice job CalleighD!! I think the hair works in relation to the rest of the drawing, nice effect. but adding more strands to a more detailed drawing will help with the hair.
Awh, you guys are all so talented. It makes me jealous that you can draw from scratch - I'm trying to develop my own style of humans still, so I can't.. really... draw them. Plus they're hard.
When I reference something though I can draw it. :)
So far I've only drawn these two > http://i18.tinypic.com/6jph0mb.png
Of Ryan, because I'm obsessed with the guy. x3

MS Paint and mouse
:eek: Wow...Distraction first welcome aboard! :) and now: you really draw the second one with Paint??! Oi. Awesome job, can't wait to see what you'll do for the X-Mas Challenge ;)
I do believe Paint must be the most underrated art program in the world. :) So yes, Paint is my love.
I'm glad you like them x3 I prefer the second one as well, which is funny since I spent 2 hours on that one and probably 5+ on the grey one. xD
Tscht I need to think something up for that now. xD