
I wonder why Victor is in there...?

Great episode! I knew they weren't all just going to walk away, but still, I wasn't sure how they were going to get them back. Very cool.

Man, I'm dying to see more Ballard/Caroline interaction. I really like Mellie too, but something tells me something's going to happen to her in the end. I don't know why I think that... I guess I've just watched enough of these shows to start imagining likely scenarios! :lol:
BabaOReilly, I agree with you. I like Mellie, but for some reason I don't think she's going to last through the series. Betcha King Joss kills her off for good within two seasons.
I read on Yahoo that Dollhouse may be on the chopping block. *sigh* Just as I was getting into another Joss show, it's probably gonne be axed.
I hope the show stays. One issue that I've been having with it is that well, yeah, the show is not necessarily moving fast enough for me. Even after episode six, which was supposed to be the beginning of them ramping up the action and energy, I'm not quite seeing it.

This evening's episode is a case in point. OK, we knew there was something going on inside; which turned out to be an NSA Mole. Didn't realize who it was, as Ivy was a far more likely choice. Clever Red Herring there.

The whole thing with Victor and his "Miss Lonely Hearts" engagements threw me. I honestly did Not beleive she'd go there with it...(being deliberately vague on who "She" is)

I mean, it was all interesting and advanced the arc for the show, but these feel like crumbs. I love the show and won't dump it, especially because I like all the characters and find them interesting, but....really, what have we gained from this episode so far, and others like it?

Yes, we learned about the mole and who it was
yes, we learned that Ms. DeWitt is a naughty little kitty
Yes, we learned that Ballard is still just as obsessed with Caroline/Echo and will do anything to get her back, we know he knows about November/Mellie.
Yes, we know that Echo is still evolving into something that may be dangerous to the Dollhouse in the end, but is definitely heavy on the Self Preservation.

However, we did not learn anything as to WHY. I liked last weeks ep, especially once they stated that the dolls needed closure. Simple, good.

Why is Ballard so hot after Caroline Farrell and the Dollhouse. Is it a sexual thing? Is it something else? Could they be related?

Not getting bored, but needing answers. I think the Fox execs need some too, if they're talking about sacrificing the show to the gods of the Friday Night Death Slot.
What I'm wondering is, who programmed Mellie to speak to Ballard? It obviously wasn't whatshisname, the mole, since he wanted Ballard off their backs, not well-informed.

And did the moles comments to Echo mean that they have programmed her with some sort of time release thingy as well, and that's why she'll bring everything down eventually? Or does he just mean he can see that her brain wiping is not truly getting everything?

I still have enough questions to keep me intrigued- and to keep me watching. Unfortunately, I just read something that pretty much says the show is only going to 12 episodes, and that there is a 13th, but they're not going to air it- we'll have to catch it on the DVD release apparently. Meh. I mean, seriously... why cancel it? I really doubt they'd have anything better to air at that crappy time slot anyway.
IIRC, in one of the last "Ask Ausiello's" he alluded to not being impressed with the show, and also that the ratings are rather poor, and that is the reason why they will likely not renew the show for a second season.

I'm curious about the whole "Who is tipping off Ballard" thing, as well. I still have a suspicion about Ivy, Liza Lapira's character. She got off this time, but honestly, who remote-wiped Echo? She seemed like a clever red herring, but I don't know. It can't have been Topher, IMO.

I agree about having enough questions to keep me intrigued and watching, but I would like answers to the questions soon.
Fox Cancels Dollhouse
Nov 11, 2009 03:58 PM ET

Fox has canceled Joss Whedon's Dollhouse, has confirmed.

The sci-fi series, which stars Eliza Dushku, is currently filming its 11th episode and will complete its 13-episode order.

Though Dollhouse saw a ratings bump from DVR viewing after a grim performance in the fall, Fox pulled the cult favorite from its November-sweeps schedule after four episodes.

Whedon took to his fan site to post the following:

"I don't have a lot to say. I'm extremely proud of the people I've worked with: my star, my staff, my cast, my crew. I feel the show is getting better pretty much every week, and I think you'll agree in the coming months. I'm grateful that we got to put it on, and then come back and put it on again.

I'm off to pursue internet ventures/binge drinking. Possibly that relaxation thing I've read so much about. By the time the last episode airs, you'll know what my next project is. But for now there's a lot of work still to be done, and disappointment to bear."

A source close to the production told that Fox will air the remaining episodes starting Dec. 4 and that the series finale is tentatively scheduled for Jan. 22.
It's a shame really, but not exactly a surprise. I'm a huge Whedon fan, but I found the episodes inconsistent. The first two this season were pretty blah, but then the 3rd one rocked. Unfortunately, I think there are just too many shows out there to be able to do that and still stay competitive- viewers don't seem to want to stick around and see if they can manage to hold their interest better later on...

Hopefully all involved will have better luck with their next projects.
Yeah, I agree, it's not exactly like no one saw it coming. When they pulled the show from sweeps, that's kind of a dead giveaway that it's not coming back.

Shame, because it's an excellent show. Occasionally inconsistent, but still really, really good.

Gotta Hand it to Fox, They really have screwed Joss Whedon over, and they really know how to kill a show.
Just wanted to mention (before the show has it's finale tomorrow night) that the series has been going out with a bang, and I have thoroughly enjoyed the wrap up episodes that Whedon devised. I expect the finale tomorrow night to be impressive as well. It's just a shame he didn't start winding things up a little sooner, and maybe he would have caught a bigger audience and managed to keep the show afloat...

Oh well.
It's ending tomorrow... I'm kind of sad about it but also excited.

Also, Joss Whedon has another show on the way - they're finally putting together Ripper (with Tony Head) I guess they finally decided to make a show about Rupert Giles. It will also not be on Fox - it'll be on BBC.
For the record, the finale was really good. I'm sorry the show finished, but at least it went out strong.

Well, let's see what Joss has coming up next... :)