
Yup! :)

So far I liked the premiere, the second was was even better, the 3rd one... um, so-so. And I liked last week's as well. I'd say 2 and 4 have been the best. Man, I'm dying for Echo to meet the FBI dude. I've actually found his part of the story really compelling.
I am as well!

I've only seen episodes 1-3 (4 is waiting for me on TiVO), but I'm really enjoying it. I loved the twist in episode 3 about Ballard's informant actually being a doll! That was really cool and clever, and I liked it a lot.

I really like Ballard, too, and find his story pretty interesting as well. Really enjoying this show. :D
I read an interview with Tahmoh and he said episode 6 is where the show really gets its stride... I can't wait!

I have found all of the Echo storylines so far pretty good, with the exception of that whole backup singer thing- that just seemed weak to me- but I'm always dying for more Ballard stuff, since currently he doesn't get that much airtime. It's like they're totally teasing us! :p

Yeah, I'm just super happy to have some more Whedon to watch. The guy is brilliant. I'm still waiting for the snappy dialogue to start appearing more though- so far only the scientist guy who wipes their memories has even come close, and I'm still warming to him at this point...
I read an interview with Tahmoh and he said episode 6 is where the show really gets its stride... I can't wait!

I have found all of the Echo storylines so far pretty good, with the exception of that whole backup singer thing- that just seemed weak to me- but I'm always dying for more Ballard stuff, since currently he doesn't get that much airtime. It's like they're totally teasing us! :p

Yeah, I'm just super happy to have some more Whedon to watch. The guy is brilliant. I'm still waiting for the snappy dialogue to start appearing more though- so far only the scientist guy who wipes their memories has even come close, and I'm still warming to him at this point...

When I was younger I used to watch Buffy, and the first season or two of Angel. Got hooked on Firefly and that fizzled. Damn FOX. And I can't remember, was Tru Calling one of his genius shows also? I know Eliza was in it. Very cool also. But as far as Dollhouse, I'm loving it. Ballard is interesting and I'm really interested in finding more about Echo/Caroline and what made her be that desperate to erase her personality. I'm also looking forward to finding out why exactly Alpha is so focused on Echo and getting her killed. Is it because she works for the agency or is it her specifically? Was she maybe privy to some secret or something he doesn't want anyone else to know? I mean, this (the bank job) was like the what? second or third attempt on her life from him? And just why did he leave her be originally when he slaughtered everyone? So many questions, and right now, thanks to Joss genius, so few answers. Guess we'll have to keep tuning in and pray FOX doesn't cancel this little gem. ;)
No doubt! So many questions, and you've voiced many of them. I accidentally saw a spoiler so I know who will be playing Alpha... but even so, I'm still psyched to see what his endgame is.

No, Tru Calling wasn't a Whedon- he hasn't had anything on TV since Firefly. He did make an appearance on Veronica Mars himself though once! That was another awesome show with Whedon-like writing/dialogue, and it got canned too. Let's hope people catch on to Dollhouse (if it gets as good as I'm hoping it will) and it will get to stick around. I mean, this is a different network, and honestly- Fox doesn't really have a lot of great shows on! :lol:
I absolutely LOVE "Dollhouse!"

I agree that it's way cool to see some Whedon on TV again.

I am intrigued by Ballard and his reasons for chasing Caroline/Echo.

I'm also really curious about Caroline/Echo's reasons for having her past scrubbed. What could she have done that was so bad as to be in need of such a dire last resort.

I'm really curious about Alpha and Dominic and his/their agenda

I'm excited about the way they seem to be ramping up, especially with the "Cult" episode.

I actually liked the backup singer storyline. Each one of these stories are venues to explore Eliza Dushku's acting/singing abilities. I've been really impressed so far with it.

Initially I was worried that they wouldn't be able to pull it off, but I'm really impressed with how well they've done.

Question, Am I the only one who Laughed out loud and cheered at the end of the first episode when they didn the little Mutant Enemy "Grr Arrgh!" thing?
I've seen all the episodes to far. I decided to give it a go since I liked Buffy/Angel & Firefly. So far I'm liking it, I'm curious to see how the Alpha thing plays out and also the comparisons they're making between Alpha & Echo.
Hmmm, wasn't crazy about the religious cult one. That storyline has been done to death, and quite frankly I was expecting something a little more creative from Joss Whedon.

OK, so it's 50/50 for me so far. I'm planning to keep watching though! Sometimes it takes a little while for a show to hit its stride. I still have high hopes. :)
Tonight's episode was good. The fight between Ballard and Echo was intense. It looked brutal.

I had no idea that Ballard's neighbor was a sleeper active.....twisty.

So, someone messed with Echo's imprint? I wonder who is trying to help Ballard? Any thoughts?

And how cute is Victor?
Yeah, I did NOT see Ballard's neighbour as an active at all! That totally surprised me. Nice work, Joss! And then Echo telling him all that stuff during their fight- knocked me for a loop. Who the hell is programming her?!!
Yeah. I was really pleased with tonight's ep. I enjoyed the action scenes quite a bit. I was quite thrown that Mellie was a sleeper active, although I was happy when Sierra's handler got what he deserved. Bastard.

As far as the scene with Echo and Ballard in the alley goes, I'm not even sure if someone was manipulating her programming. It may be that they were doing that to mess with him. After all, she did shoot that cop, and get him suspended. If it is anyone messing with her imprint, I'd be willing to bet it was Ivy. I thought it was strange that she was around when Echo was remote-wiped, and now she was around when she spills about the Dollhouse.
You know the funny thing? I TOTALLY pegged Ballard's neighbor as an active from the first. And then especially because the Dollhouse had him under surveillance. I mean, how could they not know about his activities regarding their doll? I bet they have flags and feelers out there for anything related to their dolls. Search "Caroline ____" whatever her last name is and a flag will go up at the House, etc. The fight between Caroline and Ballard was intense and awesome choreography was done there. I'm really curious as to the inside contact is. I don't see Topher as the mole. Maybe his assistant? But I think that would be too obvious. Damn, this series is getting good. Whedon's definitely got me hooked, if I wasn't before, this episode's got me now. I just wish it wasn't on Friday night. Granted it's only at 9pm and most people don't go out to the clubs and whatnot until 10 or so, but still. At least it's better than the Thursday night slots. Nothing can beat out Greys and Private practice or Supernatural or CSI. That's some serious stiff competition.

I loved how Echo's handler punched Sierra's through the window for raping her. Right on, my friend. And I LOVED the way Mellie kicked his ass and then dropped him. Although, isn't it a bit suspicious that she was 'able' to kill him in that manner. I mean, Ballard's an FBI agent trained in some serious combat styles. Wouldn't he notice how she killed him? And as for Mellie, poor girl. She's actually in love with him as an active engaged in play. It's kind of sad. It makes you wonder how what's her name, the head lady of the Dollhouse, can do what she does for a living. How any of them can, especially the handlers and Topher. What, does he not have a soul? Does he not feel for these people? And what exactly is the Attic? Where you get permanently wiped? But, didn't Caroline say originally that the contract is for like 5 years and then you're done and you get everything back? So what's so bad about going to the Attic? They make it seem like you die, a la cancellation in La Femme Nikita.
It was interesting to get some insight into what was going on before they became dolls. They showed memories of being in the military (Victor, I think) and of coarse that Caroline had gone to that school and broken into the lab before. But next week looks like it's going to be quite the episode!
I loved this episode, but I almost didn't see the end coming. I knew something was up. I mean, how could they just all of a sudden get some of their memories/personality back? But I really didn't see the doc figuring out they needed some closure. Awww over Victor and Sierra. I kinda hope they hook up. They'd mak a cute couple. I wonder what's going to happen with Ballard. I mean he's having these dreams about Echo and Mellie/November's there also. I like Mellie. I felt so bad for her about her little girl. It makes sense. Boss lady did say people come there to forget, to let go of their pasts for a while. It's obvious what Mellie/November needed to get away from: the death of her daughter. Sierra was obviously set up and Victor...PTSD maybe? Or military orders? Very interesting. Echo I'm still trying to figure out. I mean, did her placement stem from breaking into the school or something else? I guess I wasn't paying too much attention to those scenes.

As for last week's, didn't see the black guy being the bad guy coming at all. and everyone starting to regain their memories whne they got dosed...very interesting. I hope this series survives. There are too many unanswered questions I want answers to!