I voted “No”.
Not just because I haven’t seen it, although that does play a part. I just think with all that has happened (or not happened) between them since he slept with Rikki and Lindsey bawled him out, more or less in the same episode (although we were led to believe that D/R scene was not the first) it would have come up. A sarcastic remark, especially with all those cheerleaders last week!!
Yes she may have realised something was “wrong” hence her bawling him out in the first place and laying her cards out about how she feels, she may have even considered the possibility of another woman, but I agree with Elsie that her ignoring him and not wanting to have the talk is more through fear of hearing the dreaded “it’s not you it’s me” (Oh the irony!!

) or the “I’m just not into you like
that.” speech.
Which is fair enough, who wants to hear that from the guy you are in love with.
Does she know about the afternoon where Danny disappeared? (if she does and I have forgotten then I realise this point is moot) I know she knows he disappeared, but does she know he went looking for Rikki and what happened? Flack knows and I would now assume that Angell knows some of it at least?
I can’t imagine Flack telling Lindsey what went down, he is far too protective of Danny (let’s face that stunt could have cost him his job or - more likely - a severe reprimand) so I can’t see him just throwing around a story like that.
Danny has pushed more or less everyone away, he accepted their condolences but he still shut up shop.
My personal opinion is that Lindsey doesn’t know a lot about what has been going on with Danny (Rikki included) and she knows at least that much, the birthday and refused lunch were what pushed her to say something.