Do you think there's any chance Lindsay knows about Rikki?

Does Lindsay know Danny slept with Rikki?

  • Yes--I think she knows

    Votes: 4 6.5%
  • Maybe--I think it's possible she knows or at least suspects he did

    Votes: 21 33.9%
  • No--no way, she's got no clue

    Votes: 37 59.7%

  • Total voters
I've mostly been avoiding this thread, but I skimmed it the other day. Anyway, I figured I'd give my two cents on the matter.

I don't see how Lindsay could know about Rikki unless she put her sooper-stalking skills to use again (a la tracking Mac down where he played at that club in "Stuck on You"). That's the only way I could see her knowing until Danny tells her. Hopefully she's not climbing fire escapes and tapping phone lines or anything.
I vote No, I don't think L knows about Rikki. I think that she does know that since Ruben's death D has pulled away from her. Hence all the birthday, lunch date, Monologue of Doom (I adore whomever came up with that title!).

Associated Question: Does Flack know that Danny had sex with Rikki? :lol::lol:

Granted, he was there for the Big Rikki Hunt. And both he and Angell were there for the booking.

BUT, does he know that Danny slept with her?

Nothing was said in Personal Foul or Taxi. But Flack has a habit of finding things out. In the epi where Mac/Payton "came out", the first thing that Danny asked was if Flack knew and Mac nodded yes.

In All Access, Flack not only knew that Stella had a "boyfriend", but recognized him right away. Hmmm, Flack could have interviewed Frankie in Stuck On You. On the other hand, Stella did work to keep Hawkes in the dark about Frankie.

Anyhoo, it is intriguing. On another thread we were talking about Flack's view of D/L. With Danny jumping in the sack with Rikki, I can imagine Flack's view on the "love triangle". :guffaw:
I voted NO. I don't think she has a clue.
Now, I have not seen the episode where Rikki leaves but from I understand Danny hasn't told Lindsay about Rikki. Has he?

And I think putting Danny and Lindsay together now would be a BIG mistake for both of their characters.
Lindsay has struggled with her feelings for Danny for a long time. She thought she shouldn't be liking him. She told that to Mac (sorry I can't remember the name of the episode :eek: ) It would, to me, make her seem weak and desperate. I don't that is how the writers and her fans want her to come across. If Danny and Lindsay get together as a couple, it would make both of them seem like they are second best. Not the best way to start out any relationship. ;)

She couldn't tell him when she was leaving to go to Montana and she didn't tell him when she got back. I think she wants to like him but is afraid to go out on a limb to be with him so she's holding back.

This in turn was frustrating Danny...

He liked her enough to ask her out, but she stood him up. Again, she wouldn't talk to him about how she was feeling about all the stuff happening in Montana so why should he open up to her about the stuff with Ruben and Rikki?
From what I have seen, Danny is a pretty stand-up guy. I don't think he would have slept with Rikki if he thought he was cheating on Lindsay. He and Lindsay slept together once and nothing more has been mentioned about their relationship.

So, I think Lindsay has no clue and if Danny really does care for her, he'd tell her. That way he can begin to have some closure on not only Ruben's death, but his relationship with Lindsay.
I voted no,because I don`t think she is that observant when it comes to Danny and I doubt she has ever talked to Danny about their relationship and how she sees it.