Do the characters remind you of someone you know?

I wouldn't say that I look like Sara , I'd just say that her personality is like mine and I have had similar issues with people that she has had. ;)
My old vice principal in high school used to remind me of William Petersen - only because he looked exactly like him!! But now that Billy has the beard, they're different!
these [image][/image] look like him the most

And I don't think if feels good if you recalled someone similar to any csi...when you are watching tv...
I actually have alot
first of all I'm told I look Like Sara (most of you have seen my pics so I'm not gonna bother with putting another one up) and I definetly Act alot like her
My Niece Lauren kind of acts Like Cath and looks like a cross between her and Lindsey (though Lauren is much older)
My Dad TOTALLY reminds me of Grissom he doesnt much look like him but he is alot like him in personality
My Sister Cindy and My Mother act alot like Catherine (which isnt always a good thing we dont always see eye to eye)
and last but not least My Nephew Rudy acts like Greg He's very goofy sometimes but underneath it all he has a heart of gold
Lindsay reminds me of my friend in college. She was a country girl, same attitude, random callouses, and just adorable.

Greg reminds me of my ex-boyfriend (...except I like Greg more ;)) because of the goofy personalities.

Mac reminds me of one of my professors in college. He made you work for his approval but was willing to do whatever he could to help you.
Nick reminds me of my friend Matt, they both have southern accents, they both ain't afraid to cry, they're both hunks, and they both have that whole soft spoken down home, puppy dog kind of thing going on, so I love the both of them, oh and they stick out there tongues for absolutely no reason, and my friend Matt giggles like George when he's embarrassed.
but with all these similarities personality wise, my friend Matt looks more like Vin Diesel, and that guy Chris from American Idol, only much cuter!!
Strangley enough i was at a westlife concert the other night and i couldn't believe how much Shane the lead singer actually looked like Nick it was weird. Anyway back to the subject in hand in a way my friends granda looks a bit like
Lindsay Monroe reminds me of a highschool friend. They're both petite and they somewhat have the same nose.
wilsonwonders said:
Strangley enough i was at a westlife concert the other night and i couldn't believe how much Shane the lead singer actually looked like Nick it was weird. Anyway back to the subject in hand in a way my friends granda looks a bit like

Nick wishes he looked like my Shane haha - Shane is well cuter.

Although Carmine reminds me alot of Nicky Byrne - I think its the 'cool' 'how you doin' 'blonde' 'rough sexy' look
[I think Horatio looks like Howdy Doody. :p

I'm glad I'm not the only one. I used to work at Wal-Mart, well I still work with Wal-Mart, from home, but there was this regular customer who looked just like Syd Goggle, the rapist from The Strip Strangler :eek:! It totally creeped me out!