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Re: worst couples !!!!

Posted by lament:
For worst couple...let me see. For "worst couple that could actually happen,"

Yes... looking at "worst couple that could actually happen," I'd say... Warrick/Sara. I just don't see that working.
Re: worst couples !!!!

Sara/Nick, Gil/Nick, and Grissom/Catherine all squick me out quite a lot. I can't believe I'm saying this but I'd quite rather see Ecklie hook up with anyone than ever see any of those three relationships. Ewww.
Re: worst couples !!!!

Worst CSI het couple: Grissom/Sara -- At this point in the game, I think that this relationship would just be plain unhealthy for Sara (not to mention an unending bafflement for Grissom). Honorable mention goes to Nick/Catherine (thank heavens that TPTB nixed that couple early on...no chemistry there, not chemistry at all).

Worst CSI slash couple: Grissom/Nick -- Even if I don't ship Grissom/Warrick, Nick/Warrick, Nick/Greg, Grissom/Greg, or Warrick/Greg, I could still see how one would see chemistry (weeeell...maybe not W/Gr...). G/N? I've got nothing.

Worst CSI femmeslash couple: ...um...::tries to think of one::...I'm coming up blank...I guess Catherine/Sophia. All they have between them is annoyance and irritation on Catherine's part.

If we're allowed to include the other two CSIs too, then my picks are:

CSI: Miami -- Horatio/Calleigh (step away from the scary red-haired man, Calleigh...why don't you try this nice CSI-in-training guy? Or how about your scuba-diving coworker? Secret Service Dude, perhaps? We have a dead man who would've gone nicely with you...) and Stetler/Yelina (does this need explaining? Anyone? Bueller?).

CSI: New York -- Mac/Aiden (mostly just because these two have only had, like, one meaningful scene between them...um, not that that stopped me from shipping Danny/Flack, come to think about it...okay, never mind about this one...)

Starpiper ^_^v
Re: worst couples !!!!

Catherine/Warrick is sooo dull. zzzzzz...
Sara/Grissom doesn't look good either. Sara needs to be her own person.
Grissom/Warrick would never even begin...same with Warrick/Greg
Re: worst couples !!!!

^^hehehe. Yeah... I would totally freak out if anyone hooked up with Ecklie.

I think Gris/Sara would be interesting as well as Cath/Warrick. But Nicky needs SOMEONE!
Re: worst couples !!!!

I thinks it's funny that everyone thinks Warrick is so unattracted and that he can't be shipped with anyone.

Well let me tell you there are plenty of us that would love to be shipped with him.

I for one had to wipe the drool off my chin while watching Warrick in that white sweater. The man is just to freaking HOTTTTTT!!!!!!

I have to wonder is a .......thang?
Re: worst couples !!!!

I don't think Warrick is unattractive at all. I think he would do well with anyone. A lot of people don't see him with Sara, but I could have seen that at one point, but I think that time has passed. There was so much tension there at the beginning, with her investigating him, then her thinking he should have been fired. I can see with him Cath, but I just don't want it to get to soap operaish. That's why I like this show so much. It seems like everyone always wants to pair up Sara with anyone, Grissom, Nick, Greg, but I have a hard time seeing her in a normal happy healthy relationship, maybe that's why her and Gris would make a good couple.

Warrick it too find to be alone, but it seems like they like to portray all the characters as asexual, except Cath who always seems to be getting it from someone.

Re: worst couples !!!!

Posted by WarricksLady:
I thinks it's funny that everyone thinks Warrick is so unattracted and that he can't be shipped with anyone.

Well let me tell you there are plenty of us that would love to be shipped with him.

I for one had to wipe the drool off my chin while watching Warrick in that white sweater. The man is just to freaking HOTTTTTT!!!!!!

I have to wonder is a .......thang?
i think warrick is fab his eyes :devil: and lips he is so hot but i do like nick better i think the worst couple is sara/ecklie or warrick/nick
Re: worst couples !!!!

no i think that Greg is maturing...slowly...but none the less maturing. But i agree they wouldn't make a good couple.
I think the worst couple would be.... Nick andCathrine..she is to controling.
Re: worst couples !!!!

How 'bout: David/Doc Robbins

Or Nigel Crane/Nick


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