"Disarmed & Dangerous" Discussion *SPOILERS*

The episode was written by Dustin Lee Abraham and Evan Dunsky and directed by Ken Fink. All three are veterans of the show. I actually liked last week's episode that was written by the "new SF writers" a lot better but then, David Weddle and Bradley Thompson are very good with character development and Ray needs to be fleshed out.

That explains lack of Nick and why in the end it felt like Grissom episode with the book.

I liked last week's episode better.

My feeling is the old school writers are struggling to write a character that isn't Grissom and why it is easier for the new ones along with Allan MacDonald to write for the new ones and for Nick because he wasn't a character the old ones invested much time in.

But it was nice to see a bit of heart from Ray, but I felt like they were trying to make him like Grissom.
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hey how come there's no new ep next week? Grrr.

A little gory but not terribly bad.

When was Ray at the scene alone?

A little CatNip :)

Insane fighter is insane (yes the guns ARE loaded...too late)

and dude, how could someone tear their arm up like that? Ouch ouch and ouch.
I found this episode boring at times and it was hard to keep track of who was who. It seemed like LF was in every other scene and we got less of Greggo, Nick and Catherine. I under stand that the writers need to introduce the new guy but not of the exspese of the orginal cast. I tune in each week to see Nick and Gregg and it seems like Greg character is getting the short end of the stick lately
Two stars. I usually like episodes with only one storyline better, but this one dragged on and was confusing. Why did the body builder cut out his biceps? And was he only created to provide an interesting way to kill off the victim? Found that weird.

I understand them throwing LF in our face at the beginning. I think we need some iffy episodes now and then to make the great ones stand out.

Rerun next week it seems.
I like how they are writing Langston..I was worried that after one episode of learning from Nick, that in the next episodes Langston would be perfect, but I was happy to see him still learning the basics--like cleaning a gun for evidence and learning from Catherine.
- well, this episode started out fairly interesting, but quickly went flat. I guess in hind sight, I should have expected that since I see the episode was co-written by Dustin Lee Abraham. I haven’t cared for many of his episodes. Someone please remind me the next time there’s a CSI episode written by DLA, not to have any expectations for the episode, or just remind me of Catherine’s rule - to expect the worst - then ‘maybe’ I can be nicely surprised. But that’s highly doubtful.

- I wasn’t much of a fan of the gore in the opening scene, and the fighting arena stuff brought more disinterest. There’s a reason that I always turn off SpikeTV at 8pm each day when CSI is done. I find not a bit of interest in that Ultimate Fighting crap.

- TOO MUCH RAY! Why do TPTB always have the newbies hog entire episodes? They did it with Riley a few months ago as well.

- Speaking of Riley, I think the writers need to settle on how they’re going to write her character. There seems to be no consistency with her character. Sometimes she’s a bit snarky, sometimes she’s congenial and has great one-liners. They need to give us a little something about her background so we can see where her character is going.

- I was almost going to say that there was too much Brass in this too, but I actually liked most of the Brass scenes here. It was almost a Jeckyl/Hyde type of episode for him – helping out the FBI and being congenial with them, followed by the uh-oh moments of Mingus shooting himself & Brass shooting the driver of the car, then being taunted by Miles.

- Is it bad of me to wish that if they were going to do a story that involved the FBI that they would have brought back the slimy Culpepper from season 1 Strip Strangler?

- Somehow I knew right away that the FBI people weren’t actually FBI people (and no, I really didn’t see any spoilers for this episode ahead of time). Maybe that’s why this episode became more disinteresting as it went on. Although, I’m guessing that’s because of the lack of CSI involvement in this one. There was limited Cath, Nick, Greg & Riley. Ray’s a new CSI level 1 and yet he’s going to all of these places and interviews only with Brass and not another experienced CSI?

- WENDY!!!! Again, somehow I just knew when she sent that email to Quantico that she was going to get a reply saying that guy wasn’t FBI. I know this show gets to be predictable at times, but this is getting ridiculous.

- I swear, they’re turning Ray into a Grissom clone. I thought they weren’t going to do that?

- I’m not sure I like this recurring theme of Ray always trying to be so goody-two-shoes with victims & killers. They could use that wasted screen time to actually show more of the CSIs.

My full review/summary can be found here

ETA: and did anyone else remember 'stoner dude' at the beginning as the guy that played Connor Foster in both Homebodies and Ending Happy?
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Why did the body builder cut out his biceps? And was he only created to provide an interesting way to kill off the victim?

Wasn't the body builder also there to introduce us to the doctor...who in the end, turned out to be the man behind this whole prostitution ring?

Well I thought the episode was okay. The storyline was interesting and kept my attention, but I wouldn't rate this episode high on the faves list. Personally I think it could have been executed a little better. I wasn't overly thrilled on how the supposed "FBI agents" took up a lot of the screen time, but I guess to make the story work, they had to.

I think once the newness of Langston's addition to the team wears off, the screen time will be reduced...slightly...I hope. Love the character, love LF, but we all agree that the character shouldn't dominate the hour long show.
Just a few random thoughts here --

Watching Stoner Dude in the teaser, I immediately thought, "Yes, that's the Connor we all know and love." :)

I think TPTB have decided to create a running gag that Ray has trouble taking/lifting fingerprints. Last night, he had a nifty electronic print-taker and the result was no luck because the victim had erased his fingerprints.

Speaking of recurring characters, I think the real FBI agent Brass talked to was played by the same actor that played the agent infiltrating the Fratelli brothers in "Rashomama."
I'm starting to see in fact TPTB are trying to use Langston as the narrative of the show and I'm sorry, it's just not gonna work.

I can't tell how many times I heard people say, "Well thank God George Eads is still on the show."

TPTB has gems in that show awaiting to be discovered in George and other actors.

I understand bringing in LF-whose a fine a actor-even my eight year old liked him-but please don't shove the rest into the background for the sake of ratings.
TPTB has gems in that show awaiting to be discovered in George and other actors.

I understand bringing in LF-whose a fine a actor-even my eight year old liked him-but please don't shove the rest into the background for the sake of ratings.
The thing is if they keep shoving our favorites into the background or we hardly see them, it will not help their ratings either, because if it continues I've thought about rather just recording it and watching it later than live, which does not help ratings. At least recorded I can FF through parts that bore me, like I do with my DVD episodes.

I do like LF, but this week was a bit much, seeing as he is only a Level 1 and he was doing so much work, some even solo. Overall it is just not realistic. I mean Greg is a Level 3 now but he is reduced to working AV (just to give him some very minor screentime) which should be Archie's job.
TPTB has gems in that show awaiting to be discovered in George and other actors.

I understand bringing in LF-whose a fine a actor-even my eight year old liked him-but please don't shove the rest into the background for the sake of ratings.
The thing is if they keep shoving our favorites into the background or we hardly see them, it will not help their ratings either, because if it continues I've thought about rather just recording it and watching it later than live, which does not help ratings. At least recorded I can FF through parts that bore me, like I do with my DVD episodes.

I do like LF, but this week was a bit much, seeing as he is only a Level 1 and he was doing so much work, some even solo. Overall it is just not realistic. I mean Greg is a Level 3 now but he is reduced to working AV (just to give him some very minor screentime) which should be Archie's job.

TPTb were so concerned about ratings that they brought in this big name actor thinking they were going to get the ratings. They have forgotten about the fans, the loyal ones and the nonGrissom and nonGSR fans. It's pretty pathetic.

I'm really disappointed.

However, it's funny how shows that don't get the big ratings seem to do better with character development.

All TPTB care about are big ratings, and they will do whatever it takes to get them including shoving fan favourites into the background. They don't care about us. At least it feels that way.

So I think cleaning house would be one way to do it, getting rid of the Grissom centric writers would be good because last week's eppy was so good and so quirky. This one was blah. I think the old crew cannot get past Billy leaving and if that's the case, they need to hit the road too.
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