Derren Brown: The Events.

o.m.f.g. at the very beginning of derren's show, he's standing in a multi-coloured (pink & yellow) corridor with a slanty window at the side. that corridor is in *my* college! i have classes directly above that corridor about twice a week. it's a small building, not used for many classes, only 2 departments "live" there, it's a little way from the main building, so an obscure choice really. for the record the place he walked out of is where the loos are - classy. it's so exciting! derren, at my college! and i never saw him! there's a little cinema in that bit of the building (mainly for language students to watch films) so i wonder if he's going to be using that. crazy. damn, i wish i'd been there to see him!
Omg i'd be so bummed if I found out he had been at my college and I missed it! Be careful when you next go he might have put weird subliminal messages around to make you do something wacky! The man is an evil genius after all.

Unfortunatly I didn't stick to my seat tonight, my legs felt heavy but that was bout it. He has just put on facebook tho, that it would only work on a certain amount of people but he couldn't mention that before as the expectation helps it work. Fair play, and as I thought there are already a ton of people complaining about it :rolleyes:.

And only Derren Brown could get hold of a toy giraffe THAT big...
i didn't stick to anything, i tried twice! having been to his live shows i've seen him use his subliminal techniques before and i've never felt anything with any of them. i've seen them work on others tho, so...

yeah, it turns out the screening he did was in the cinema at my uni, which is in a building there about 2 streets from the main college building so it's only used by about 2 departments - but my dept is one of them so all my classes are there. at one point he had a little sign behind him saying "G18" which was a room number. G18 is some kind of office/media room, and last year i was in the room next door (G19) every wednesday!

the huge giraffe was cool, how on earth they got that in regent street without getting a huge crowd of rubberneckers is beyond me. even that that time of day!
Haha, that's quite exciting Lisa, I think I'd die if I heard Derren had been in my university, so I can understand your frustration of not being there at the time. :lol: Well, I watched the show on Friday night, and as always I thought it was awesome... Didn't get stuck to my chair, to be honest, I was only half watching at that bit. :lol: The bit in Hamley's was amazing though, I was shocked, like I always am when watching him, he never ceases to amaze me with what he can do. I especially loved the huge giraffe outside, hehe that was awesome. :D As for his subtle hints, I'd never in a million years have noticed any of them until he pointed them out... It was definitely interesting... I'm looking forward to see what he's going to be doing this week... Something about bringing down large institutions apparently? Should be awesome none the less. :D
the giraffe was fab wasn't it? i love how his subtle hints seem so obvious afterwards - i've sat through entire stage shows and not noticed them. by the time i got to my 2nd show i managed to notice one or two but only because i knew to look, but i didn't see all of them even then.
Hehe, I still don't think I'd be able to recognise any of this little hints, I suck at stuff like that... :lol:

Did anyone watch How to be a psychic spy? I thought it was pretty awesome, the bat man guy was really interesting... My dad is adament that he wasn't actually blind... But I'm pretty sure that he was... :lol: I loved how Derren was able to make the guy steal a tv, that was amazing, it kinda reminded me a little of The Heist, that has to be one of my favourite specials... The remote drawing thingy didn't work on me, I ended up with a pile of random shapes, none of them bearing any resemblence to what the woman had drawn, lol, but it was interesting to see how it worked on loads of the people there, and when he open the capsule and she was at Stone Henge, well that was pretty awesome... I'm looking forward to this weeks, upset it's the last of the series though...
i actually didn't go too badly wrong on the drawing - i drew an apple, a hot air balloon (!!!!) and a car with big wheels - so i did get the whole circle thing. when the tank thingie opened and she was stonehenge i was just like OMG even though i should've seen it coming as he often saves big reveals like that right for the end, and often does them in a slightly off the cuff way, like "oh, by the way, here she is at stonehenge, right, bye!" - he did that on his last uk shows (which i believe is still touring?!), the biggest and most spectacular bit of the entire show was done right in the last few seconds while he wasn't even on stage! he may be an arrogant sod (which i like about him, hell, most men are arrogant, at least he has something to be arrogant about!) but he often lets the tricks speak for themselves, and lets them go ahead of his ego.

i loved the show overall too, the bit with the tv was great - i have to say he loves bloomsbury, last week he was at my college (in bloomsbury) and this week he was in the neighbouring streets. hurrah!

i was really into the whole spy games thing too, i've always been fascinated by the use of mind-enhancement/psychic stuff during the cold war, and i'd seen a fair bit of his footage/information before, but it was still cool to see it.
Yep, I'm with you, the stone henge thing was pretty awesome, I love how he always leaves the best things to the end, it always leaves you shocked, with a feeling of how'd he do that?! :lol: You're right, he lets the tricks speak for themselves, and doesn't let his ego get in the way, he's just made of awesomeness...

I was really quite intrigued by the whole spy games storyline... I've always been interested in the cold war, but I think that's made me even more so, I know some of the stuff that went on, but I'd love to delve deeper into all after watching that.
yeah, he is, although he's really one of those divisive people - everyone i know either absolutely loves him or thinks he's a total tosspot, never anything in between. i get why people don't always like him, he is very arrogant and the fact that he almost amplifies that as part of his schtick probably makes it more grating, and it would probably irritate me if he wasn't so damn good at what he does. i feel like i can forgive it because he's so clever. and he is quite self effacing at times too.

yeah, it's fascinating stuff - i don't know what intrigues me more: the fact that global superpowers could possibly be silly enough to think that they could read documents the other side of the world just by thinking about it, or the fact that apparently civilised nations could drug their own people for tests. it's really quite frightening...
i can't believe he got the last one wrong! he does occasionally cock up and that's natural (after all, he is only human - i think!) but it is a shame it had to be the last bit/climax of the series, with no real chance to redeem himself from it. however, i was pretty impressed by just how close he did get, one slot away is pretty damned impressive. and that trick with the cars was just great, one of the coolest things he's ever done i thought, i'd have liked to have seen more of it (although without tim westwood please - argh that man's annoying!)

however, it was well worth it going wrong just to see the dejectedly confused look on that awful jumped up idiot's face that lent him the money. oh he was so irritating i kind of wished they'd kept his cash!

ps sorry for the double posting...
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:guffaw: I said exactly the same thing about it being worth it to see the concern on that blokes face! There was something annoying about him. And hey, if Derren had got it spot on, we'd have a bunch of "ohhh he bribed the casino/used a fake ball or wheel/filmed a gazzillion different outcomes earlier" theorys from people.

What I don't understand, and I might be wrong I just know how my bank works, but how did he manage to just go in and get 5 grand out in a few mins. Don't you need to ring in advance for that amount in cash?? Also, how did Derren even find out about this guy, about where he lives and that he even has 5k in his bank to withdraw?? I was wondering how this guy hadn't realised at some point that he had 5 grand missing, but I came to the conclusion that he was clearly a tool so that's that one explained.
:guffaw: I said exactly the same thing about it being worth it to see the concern on that blokes face! There was something annoying about him. And hey, if Derren had got it spot on, we'd have a bunch of "ohhh he bribed the casino/used a fake ball or wheel/filmed a gazzillion different outcomes earlier" theorys from people.

yeah, the conspiracy theory-ists would have had a field day if he got it right! the guy was insanely annoying.

What I don't understand, and I might be wrong I just know how my bank works, but how did he manage to just go in and get 5 grand out in a few mins. Don't you need to ring in advance for that amount in cash?? Also, how did Derren even find out about this guy, about where he lives and that he even has 5k in his bank to withdraw?? I was wondering how this guy hadn't realised at some point that he had 5 grand missing, but I came to the conclusion that he was clearly a tool so that's that one explained.

quite a long time before they ever do these shows people can apply to be used on them, i think it's done through the website. i suppose they vet them a little bit first to make sure they won't react badly but i think most think they'll never actually be chosen. derren did mention this, in the bit when he got the money, he said "you applied to be on the show" or something.

as for the cash, well the guy did look like a city stockbrokery type, so i assumed he was the kind of guy that would have that money just sitting there (i used to work in that business and some of the guys i knew would definitely be that way), and as long as he could id himself it shouldn't have been too bad. i guess that because he "forgot" he'd done it he maybe didn't think to check his bank statements? or he did and didn't think much of 5k being missing? maybe derren also made it so he wouldn't see it as a glitch if he did check his statements? i prefer the city idiot theory, it supports the "he was a tool" theory!
quite a long time before they ever do these shows people can apply to be used on them, i think it's done through the website. i suppose they vet them a little bit first to make sure they won't react badly but i think most think they'll never actually be chosen. derren did mention this, in the bit when he got the money, he said "you applied to be on the show" or something.

as for the cash, well the guy did look like a city stockbrokery type, so i assumed he was the kind of guy that would have that money just sitting there (i used to work in that business and some of the guys i knew would definitely be that way), and as long as he could id himself it shouldn't have been too bad. i guess that because he "forgot" he'd done it he maybe didn't think to check his bank statements? or he did and didn't think much of 5k being missing? maybe derren also made it so he wouldn't see it as a glitch if he did check his statements? i prefer the city idiot theory, it supports the "he was a tool" theory!

Ahh I had no idea you could apply beforehand. And yeh you're right he did look like the kinda bloke who has a lot of money sat around, he did come across as a typical city bachelor boy aka."A tool". I kinda wish i'd never heard the guy at the end tell him they would get his money back watching him squirm was great whilst it lasted.

What was the advert about during the show?? I half caught one about Derren doing something about psychics and the paranormal? Or maybe i'm just going insane and I imagined the whole thing!
Ahh I had no idea you could apply beforehand. And yeh you're right he did look like the kinda bloke who has a lot of money sat around, he did come across as a typical city bachelor boy aka."A tool". I kinda wish i'd never heard the guy at the end tell him they would get his money back watching him squirm was great whilst it lasted.

yeah i wish we hadn't seen that too, i'd much rather they'd left it with everyone wondering.

What was the advert about during the show?? I half caught one about Derren doing something about psychics and the paranormal? Or maybe i'm just going insane and I imagined the whole thing!

it wasn't for a show, it was for this:

it's basically a debunking of all those things he debunks in his shows, psychic ability, telepathy, seances, telekinesis, mind reading and such. i love it when he does stuff like that. don't get me wrong, i like watching drama about these things (i love medium for instance), i'm fascinated by the history of things like that (and the history of magic generally), and i believe in those kinds of things *far* more than i believe (or ever could believe) in any kind of god (ie never in a million years), but i do like when he uses his whateverhedoes to show that science always wins :)