Derren Brown: The Events.

yeah i heard about that - as if he could tell them how to even if he wanted to!? and in a way he did, all you have to do if you want to win something is get a bunch of people doing automatic writing - simples!

yes, do it, it was a really good show :D
Haha, exactly... Now all we all need to do is learn how to get ourselves into a state that allows us to do some automatic writing... Like you say, simple. ;) :lol: I'm really excited for next weeks show, it looks like it's going to be awesome. :D

I'm just downloading the second series of Trick or Treat onto my iPod, I've been watching some re runs of it lately, it's good too. :D
I love him. He's very clever, loved his book, loved his live show.

With this, I felt the result was a let down. He did things that pushed credibility, and the explanation was daft. Still like him a lot though.

Maybe it'd have been good to have no reveal show, rather than giving a lie.

Or he did fix the draw... which I would believe more.

The thing is, he's not been a faker up until now really. He's more about playing the person... so I don't think split screens are in the spirit of what he does. However, its of course very possible. The two biggest clues of deceipt:

He says he can't announce his predictions because Camelot won't allow it. Balls (no pun intended). It's a prediction, of course you can say it.

That he stands motionless for 45 seconds... like it was recorded footage, or he was doing something. It looked very odd.
:lol: I agree with you Antony, there were a few odd things about the show, but I still think it was pretty awesome, there's been a lot of conspiracys floating around the media today about what he actually did... Regardless, I don't think it's going to damage his career in any way... Like I said earlier, I think people were expecting too much for the reveal show, I think he was sort or being expected to outrightly tell people how they could win the lotto, obvious that wasn't his intention, and now people are mad...
Like you say, simple. ;)

except i'm incapable of saying "simple" - i have to say "simples!" because those bloody meerkats have invaded my brain! (i even have the head meerkat on twitter...)

He says he can't announce his predictions because Camelot won't allow it. Balls (no pun intended). It's a prediction, of course you can say it.

i'm not so sure - maybe for most people that would stick but the thing he's famous for is predicting bonkers things so maybe he was a risk - also i suspect there are rules in place about the announcement of predictions on national tv (or indeed making public predictions at all) - saying your prediction to your friend (or indeed the shop assistant who prints your ticket) is one thing, saying a prediction to a nation is something else, especially when you're famous for predicting things!

That he stands motionless for 45 seconds... like it was recorded footage, or he was doing something. It looked very odd.

i don't know about that, i suspect it was something to do with a bbc schedule delay or something.

having just defended him there, i do see the criticisms on this one, even to me the way he said it was as if he personally was going to do this, whereas in fact he was doing something that made a bunch of other people do it - it was slightly misleading. but then that's his job.

he'll never, ever beat the russian roulette one tho - that was absolutely nuts - i was in the psych unit at the time, it was one of the most intense things i've ever experienced, a bunch of severely paranoid, suicidal people on mind bending drugs watching a guy potentially shoot himself! utterly bonkers.
I tried to find the russian roulette one on youtube, cause I haven't seen it, but to no avail, it brought me up something in Dutch, so I didn't understand it and ended up turning it off... On which of his shows was it that he did that? I've downloaded some of iTunes, so I bet they'll have it on there...
i don't know if it's on YT, i'm pretty sure i've looked for it before - it was a one off tv special, ages ago, summer 2003. it was amazing and soooo intense. there was a lot of gasping in shock going on!
I've been watching a lot of YouTube videos and most focus on split screen stuff... and that one of the balls moves. It's hard to see in a moving video, so I created this:

Hover of the image to compare frame by frame.. you'll see the left ball move quite clearly.

So definitely split screen.
:lol: I can totally imagine, they have quite a few of his one off specials on iTunes, do you have any idea which one it was from? A personal favourite of mine was The Heist, I think it's amazing that by the power of the subliminal, that he was able to make those people carry out a heist... It shows just how powerful his stuff actually is...
interesting stuff AntonyF - i'm still going to believe in derren's greatness though - i'm usually a sceptic but he's so cool i'll let him off ;)

Adorable Crazy i don't think it was "from" anything - it was a standalone one off, actually i believe it was the first of his one off stunts (preceding the seance and the heist) - it might be on itunes, if not i'm sure it's around somewhere!
Ah ok, I see, thanks for the info. :D *You can call me Steph btw :)* Hehe, I'm with you Lisa, I'm not going with all of the conspiracy's surrounding this, I'm going to believe in his greatness, cause all he's done up to this point has been awesome, I'm going to reserve any judgement until I see the rest of the events, but I don't think I need worry, I think they're going to be awesome, I think people are just being too sceptical, cause he didn't give them a tried and tested formula as how to win the lotto...
So who's looking forward to tomorrow, when he's gonna prevent us all from moving from our seats? Not like I need much help with that anyhoo once i'm comfy i'm comfy. Can already forsee the amount of complaints afterwards about the fact he clearly employed a bunch of minions to come and put superglue on all our sofas.
:lol: I'm really looking forward to tomorrow nights show, I saw the teaser advert for it earlier, and was literally glued to the screen... :lol: I was actually in work at the time, in mid conversation, then the ad came on, as soon as I hear Derren's voice I stopped talking... I think it's certainly going to be interesting, can't wait to see how it goes...
^ come tomorrow you might be literally glued to the sofa! i'm looking forward to it as well, it'll be excellent, as is everything derren does!

i'll be quite happy to be stuck to my sofa, i usually am anyway, apart from going to the fridge for more cider! i'll be interested to see how his subliminal messaging works on the population generally.
Hehe me too, I bet it's going to be amazing, unfortunately I'm going to have to watch a recording of it, cause I'll be in work to 10... Aww well, it's still going to be awesome. :lol: I also think it's going to be interesting to see hoe the general public are influenced by the subliminal... Heck, Derren is just made of awesome...