"Deep Fried and Minty Fresh" Discussion *SPOILERS*

I liked seeing a equal share of lab techs (instead of the usual domination of one) and the CSI's got pretty much equal share as well (except Ray who we saw too much).

Yeah it was great to see more of Mandy and Wendy. We do need more of them and not so much of Hodges (who I love don't get me wrong).

I didn't mind the Ray scenes. I mean, things are changing on CSI and now everyone has a desk insted of just Grissom-it makes for more of a team.
Just finished watching and it was ok. Almost everyone is in the episode; Mandy,Wendy, Henry,Archie (i didn't realize before that lab rats have rhymed names :lol: ) Greg, Nick, det. Vartann, Greg,...

I liked the Cat - Greg case.
I really remember i saw '' don't swallow'' warning in some toothpaste.

Great to see Greg more and he was having fun, so was i naturally! It was also funny to hear that line from Dave :guffaw:

Yes, Riley has a tatoo i guess. When she said to Wendy about love triangles , i smell for a moment a sign about the future? :cardie: Just a theory, probably i am wrong.

Nick was having fun too. The guy is growing on me . It seems like Ray and Doc Robbins will be good friends.

to me the ep was boring. the last 15 minutes picked up a bit and the outcomes were not expected but not too fascinating either. Brass' oneliners were definitely the highlights of the episode.

i really don't know what it is with everyone wanting to see every single character working at the lab in the same episode. i don't like when every scene has a different person working on a case, it feels chopped. i miss the old days when it would be two or three CSI's working together. now it seems like Catherine got two scenes on her case, Ray got all of them, Nick got half, and the rest is 15 labrats randomly scattered in every second scene, with Hodges just thrown somewhere to say something funny.

the actors each play such a small role in every case that i have doubts if they even know what the case is about and how it was solved. except Ray. but i don't have a problem with having a lot of him, at least he is the only one that knows what's going on.

i miss Grissom, Sara, and even Warrick a lot. the show becomes schematic. i've seen death by a strange unlikely substance before (S3 E01), i've seen a homicide turn accident more times i can count. somehow those twists are ceizing to be surprising anymore.

at least the preview for the next episode looks really intriguing.
A boring and a little bit confusing episode. I'm still not quite sure how each "case" happeened.
Fast food case: The dead guy on the floor (Bob) drowned Gary in the fryer, lost his glasses and then fell on the slippery floor and died.

Catherine/Greg's case: The wife ODed on toothpaste and tried to set it up so it looked like her husband forced it down her throat and killed her.

Hope that helps.
I'm not so sure about this one either. The Catherine/Vartann case could have been a lot more interesting than it was. The toothpaste plot was sort of
'out there' even for CSI. I mean, handcuffing herself to the bed... :confused:
And why didn't they dust for fingerprints to see if in fact they were Melinda's instead of her husbands. I guess that was a hole in the plot.

The chicken one made me cringe. I thought it was going to me much 'lighter' and funnier. But the story fell flat again. I was sort of board during this episode too.

And as much as I didn't like how Grissom left, I still miss him. I'm not sure if the whole episode would have been that much better with him in it, but something seemed a bit 'off' about this one.

As for Ray, he's a good character. I like how he doesn't have all that much drama (as of yet). He's solid and not emotional, overall a good CSI. But, for someone coming out of the civilian workplace he seems to have caught on really quick to be processing scenes and doing solo cases. I do like his inteactions with Doc. They make a good pair. I would like to see Ray possibly as a Medical Examiner instead of a CSI.

Overall, a pretty boring episode for a sesaon that has lots of good ones. But they can't all be stellar now can they?? :)
I have not read everyone else's comments, so I don't know where I stand vis a vis the rest of you. But I liked the episode. I loved Dave's "overshare" and Catherine's response to it (she sure does use that wink a lot :)). I loved how Ray could never find a time or place to eat -- very realistic, I think, about the difficulty adjusting to the type of job it is (and perhaps a hint into the character -- he sure would like to sit down to a decent meal!). I think Ray and Dr. Robbins seem to work well together. It seems both Nick and Greg are more serious now, more leader-like, and I think that's appropriate. Brass (as always), one of my favorite characters.

The only think that I kind of wondered about was the timing -- how fast would you die of flouride poisoning? If the woman took the antihistamine, then the toothpaste, then climbed the fence and threw away the evidence, and then came back to the bed to handcuff herself to it and wait to suffer her seizures -- I mean, does it take that long for seizures to set it? It seemed perhaps she should have died on her trip back from the neighbor's garbage can...

Still, if I let myself suspend disbelief...hell, I'll just stick with the show until the bitter end!
I loved seeing all the lab rats in one episode (minus Bobby)...that doesn't happen all that often....basically just in their special yearly shows.

Didn't I see Bobby in a commercial during the show? About quitting smoking? :lol: First Ecklie in a pocket, now Bobby walking off buildings!

Yes! It was a NicodermCQ commercial. I've seen it many times before but never during CSI, I thought that was interesting. And I said "Hey it's Bobby!"
So technically, we did get to see Bobby during the episode, just not in the episode. :lol:

Yeah, I noticed that commercial too. Tptb and the advertisers should be jumping for joy that we are, apparently, watching the commercials too. :p

Of course, at this rate we should, because we may see Marg, George, Eric or whoever in one.

I liked the episode. Brass and his one liners :guffaw:, you gotta love the guy.

Yup, Ray was in a lot of the scenes, but everyone needs to remember he is the male lead and he is going to be in a lot of them. :shifty: But I like his character.

I like how a fingerprint could be taken the wrong way. I would've thought a fingerprint is a fingerprint, but the amount of pressure put on that fingerprint could make it someone completely different. Interesting.

Nice to see Nick at his desk, at least we will get some scenes in their office.
Don't know about this episode, a lag/drag along one to me, It was on the boring side and nothing like the commercial that it advertised, the beginning with Brass, was funny "A little personal hygiene at the sink, YUM";) Is Nick grading Dr. Langston? Doc was nice to him the stories silly the B story also strange and didn't get it with me, the flouride toothpaste:confused: but Greg was good. the employees all couldn't stand each other at the chicken place that's fast-food for ya':( The autopsy gross, and the 'fresh and minty' comment I didn't get:confused: Langston speaking Manderin and Archie saying 'that's good" and was impressed. The two earth freaks doing the bio-diesel and a body in one of the drums Brass "congrat. it's a boy" who was that? Hodges telling Langston on "you can't bring your food in her, there not my rules" Riley boring and said or did nothing impressive in this ep. The experiment with Nick and Langston about the glasses and the money pertaining to Big Bob. so he slipped an fell and it was an accident:confused: The woman with the toothpaste killed herslf way to go, dumb:( the end was cool with Doc showing Dr. Langston his new digs. but this particular ep. had lack luster and didn't get off the ground. It just seemed to drag along was disconnected and confusing, and there was nothing outstanding or astounding or dymanic. I hope these episodes pick up and bring back the excitment of days gone by!

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i miss Grissom, Sara, and even Warrick a lot.

Me too. It's not the same without them at all! :(

i've seen death by a strange unlikely substance before (S3 E01), i've seen a homicide turn accident more times i can count. somehow those twists are ceizing to be surprising anymore.
Yeah, but there are only so many original ways to kill someone. After awhile, they have to start recycling plotlines because there's nothing else fresh to come up with.

at least the preview for the next episode looks really intriguing.
Yes, it does! :cool: It looks like there's more Catherine in it, which I'm hoping for!!!
Is Nick grading Dr. Langston?
No he is the assistant supervisor he is doing pretty much the samething that Greg had, just a different method (different people, different ways), he questions him and walks him through what he was trained to do. My guess is that part of it is grading, the rest is helpful teaching/learning.
The autopsy gross, and the 'fresh and minty' comment I didn't get:confused:
The toothpaste was a minty fresh flavor, so when Doc said "Minty" and Langston said "Fresh" that was what they were referring to, though at the time they may not have realized that it was toothpaste they were smelling.

As to my thoughts on the episode two separate and very different style cases I found refreshing it wasn't your classic way of doing things including solving them and or their outcome. What was thought to be a murder, pointed to a murder turned out to be an accident, not to mention the fact that Nick admitted the fact that the evidence was right it was the interreptation that wasn't (ie human infaliablity) to the point they had to review the case from the beginning.
The second case not your normal way to try and pin a murder on someone this though confusing and sometimes aggravating was pardon the term refreshing.
Overall this showed many sides in one episode the human element while interepting evidence, how the uniqueness of each case can lead in not just one direction and can hit a wall. I liked this episode, they used all that plus many of the techs. I did feel bad for Langston the poor guy just wanted to eat! As to the office deal, I think maybe that was part of the whole thing, Nick, Riley, and Greg are in one office, Catherine has her's, so why shouldn't Langston have one as well, otherwise just be mighty lonely in the break room. I love the fact that Langston liked his new office most would have seen the closet and gave a look like uh no thanks, he looked like a guy who just opened a shiney present at christmas.
As to Langston being on a lot I like that too were learning alot about what a newbie is going through, we forget sometimes that Greg learned a little more quickly because he was already apart of the lab so he watched, listened and learned. We had a shot to see a newbie on the job with Holly but they killed her off, so now is another shot at it and I am finding it fun to watch. ... I am giving this ep a 7 out of 10.
Thank's Destiny for explaining those two issues, And didn't mean that Nick was cruel, just seemed to be kinda of teaching him, and I thought he already knew all this stuff, but he is the 'new guy' so I get that, and on the "minty fresh' comment I though that particular autopsy was the Bob guy so now I get that too. That's what I meant by disconnected and murky, I usually get what is happening but this was well, I already posted my thoughts:confused: and LF is smooth and appealing and really likeable:)and [really tall] he seems like a happy type personailty!
First of all, I agree that there were way too many Ray scenes. He had like 13 scenes. Nick came in second with 9 scenes and Cath third with 8. It seemed a bit unbalanced to me. :shrugs:

:lol: at the guys' expressions when the chicken's head fell off. Brass got the line before the theme song. It's about time!

Love Nicky's proud teacher smile at Ray... too cute.

Nick: My Mandarin's a little rusty. :lol: In other words, he doesn't speak it.

Girl: Mr. Captain Brass. :lol: I loved that.

Loved the scene with Cath and Superdave and the overshare. Her saying thanks and winking was great.

I cracked up when that kid said that other guy was an @$$hat. It's just a funny word. :lol:

:lol: Ecklie's in that guy's pocket again.

Greg: You could blind yourself on these incisors. Ding! :guffaw:

Cath: Death by smurf? ROTFL!

Brass: Well, congratulations, it's a boy. :lol:

"It's a case of blind justice." - I can't remember who said that. I think it was Riley.

Why would that woman choose poison by toothpaste? Aren't there easier ways to do it? That was just weird.

Marg finally got to do the "stay tuned for scenes to our next episode thing". Before I only recall George and Billy doing it. I think this is Marg's first time doing that.

The ep was okay, but a bit weird... or at least the toothpaste thing was.