So, we are at the end of season 7. Which could have been the last.
Lets get things moving as we wait for season 8.
Remember this is a debate thread, someone will disagree with you. They are not wrong, just have a difference of opinion. Please remember that when you are posting.
Let's also keep these threads as general as possible. If there is a specific spoiler for a specific couple/pairing please post that in their thread using the spoiler tags.
So lets see....
Mac and Stella. She left to run her own lab in New Orleans. Does she talk to Mac? Are they in communication? Or has she moved on without looking back?
As a former SMacked fan who got 1929-ed last year, I sometimes think Mac and Stella had a major falling out to the point that their friendship was damaged beyond repair to where she left New York for good and have not spoken to each other since. Other times, I think Mac helped Stella adjust to her new position. Let's hope it's the latter and that the door is open to her return.
Either way, I'm pretty close to tossing this one-time favorite horse into shark-infested waters! It is why I wrote "Dark Athena" last year.
From a TV-Heart's perspective, this is what the land of SMacked looks like now:
Stella Bonasera/SMacked/MK: Once a fun, thriving nation, now just a radioactive ghost city that nobody goes near. Lori K., PHANTOMERIK, UKFAN, Karlia, and myself are former residents who were forced to flee SMacked before it was sealed off permanently from the outside world.
Despite all this grief, I never foresaw Mac & Stella getting together, as co-workers. Such pairings IMO are unsuitable for shows like CSI:NY. It's one thing with D/L but I never thought it was a good idea to pair leading lady/male characters together on a show like this one.
I still see the door open though, now that they are in separate departments. I never really saw them together as co-workers, and I would've really disliked if he was her superior, not merely at work but as a boyfriend/husband/partner. I would still love to hear Mac mention Stella once in a while, like in two or three episodes.
In the end, many are right, such a pairing is best suited for different genres of TV Shows. "Castle" and non-procedural shows are better at pairing up leading characters IMO. In the end, neither CSI:NY nor it's older counterparts are meant for leading character pairings to go canon.
Mac and Jo. She's the new assistant. Are there sparks between them or just a good partner bond? Would they make a good romantic couple or they more suited to being work partners?
While reacting with a volcanic mushroom cloud earlier, I'm gonna go out on a limb and be careful NOT to invest too much in this ship simply because I don't want go through such incredible disappoint ever again. While I'm cooling a bit now since the show survives to season 8, I don't see this really taking off in the long run.
I could see Mac/Jo being kind of line perhaps how some Grillows fans might react towards Raymond/Catherine. But I never was a giant Grillows fan like I was a SMacked fan so it may be hard for me to speak for that audience.
From where it stands, I see just a good partner bond, similar to Horatio and Calleigh, or even Grissom & Catherine.
I would say Mac/Jo stands at this level:
It's a small little bit of life amidst enormous radioactive ruins of disappointment and intense embitterment. It will never fill the giant hole that MK's absence has left in so many fans. Even as I write this, many areas of me still have strong resistance to this ship, even from a non-shipper's POV.
Also for the same reasons as follows, I don't think CSI:NY is necessarily suitable for romantically pairing up leading characters like these two. It would've really interfered with the actual show's intent not to mention potentially damaging ratings. Perhaps Mac/Stella gone canon might have done the same too. Who knows.
For the same reasons I said about how difficult-at-best it would be to pair up Mac/Stella romantically, pairing up Mac/Jo would be no better either, hence why I no longer ship much on the CSI's anymore.
Danny and Lindsay. Danny passed his Seargants exam. What does that mean for their relationship? Their marriage? Will the daily stresses of being two working parents eventually take it's toll on their marriage? I wonder if this would ultimately see them work in separate departments. To be honest, I would like to see Danny work more out in the field if he's going to get a promotion.
This one I've always had some enjoyment of even with it's awkwardness and poor handling in places. I do feel somewhat concerned by Danny's potential promotion could cause marital problems and I do hope Lindsay gets some high-ranking position on the team down the road, so it doesn't make being Danny being Lindsay's superior.
Sheldon and Camile. She lured him away from work. Will he continue to do so just to be with her? Is she really bad news for him and his career? Will they make it work?
I can't say I've been too impressed by this one, at least so far. Maybe they'll get it right this time.

It's too early to tell for me.
Detective Flack. Is he over Jessica? It's been two years. Is he ready to move on? Find a new love interest?
I think it's time once more for Flack to have someone once more.

While it probably won't be on the scale that FLangell was for so many fans, I do hope Flack has now moved on and that he's back to his previous self.
Remember people, we can be civil to one another and have a difference of opinion.
That's true.
Happy Posting.