Death Penalty? What's your opinion?


Lab Technician
Since in CSI we see many horrible crimes being committed, I wonder what's everyone's opinon of the death penalty, and what are your reasons for your opinion.
It's a quick, permanent solution to the problem. I think if you kill somebody, you should be placed in prison for LIFE, without the possibility of parole, then you'll really regret your actions. YOu'll thinking about what you did, you'll make your own prison by think of the could haves and what happened.

I don't like the Death Penalty.
I have mixed feelings. I think largely a lot of people end up on death row because they have inadequate legal representation. I'm not convinced that the death penality actually does it's job either, which is to deter people from murdering each other in the first place.

Plus, it really isn't equal. I saw a special about this just the other week that said women who commit the same acts are have only a 1 in 100 chance of actually ending up on death row and from there the sentence is usually changed to life anyway.

Personally, whether a person recieves the death penalty or not, I honestly think should depend more on the person commiting it and the nature of the crime more than it currently does. Some people who do these acts will never feel remorse so locking them up for life won't do anything. I'm talking of course about psycopaths and serial killers, which are rare, but are pretty much past the point of reabilitiation.

So yeah, I've spent three paragraphs saying 'I don't know'. Very informative I am!
It should be legal.

IMO, human beings that commit crimes that are bad enough to deserve the death penalty have no right to live.
The death penalty has always been an ideal concept for both a punishment and a deterrent. Since the days of Hammurabi, an eye for an eye. And if everyone were afraid of dying, and they could predict with 100% accuracy the consequences of their actions, then it would be (or, just make the person more determined not to get caught or convicted)! Oh, but the world is not so simple.

Sadly, the flaws of the death penalty that many people reference are flaws of the adversarial system, we talk of mistakes and incompetence, rehabilitation (which for some works and for some doesn't) and morals. The death penalty causes us to ask ourselves what is right and moral and what is just. What would justice demand? Then are our choices of action really justice?

Personally, I think that the death penalty offers a sense of finality to those who have been victimized, and the public in general. People want to feel certain and secure in the fact that Ted Bundy won't be anywhere near their daughters anymore, and that anyone like him will face the same fate. Some people suggest that a life in prison is far worse than death. However, when you consider that the death penalty is given to the most heinous of crimes, usually murders (I'm not saying that all murderers should be on death row), the punishment doesn't always fit the crime. You can speak of a life in prison as pretty horrible, but it gives them what they didn't give their victims--they're still living.

It is true that mistakes do happen, and it's everyone's worst nightmare when an innocent man/woman is put to death. However, if properly used, society can use it as an effective deterrant and punishment. But like the fugu chef who prepares the sashimi, we'd better be damned sure we made all the right cuts.
I'm conflicted. Certain things seem to merit death, but then again, who am I to say when someone should die.

Life imprisonment without perks (cable TV, computers, educational advantages, weightlifting equipment) should be sufficient.
I'm for the death penalty. I feel that some actions actually merit it, where the person would be a danger to society if he were to get out. However, sometimes capital punishment does not really work because it usually takes about 7 years for a death row inmate to actually be executed, due to the many appeals that the person or his lawyer might make.
TBonz, I completely agree.

I think that even if you murder several people, you never can give up tour right to live. The real problem is that you know when you're going to die.
I believe that certain situations warrant the death penalty
For example: if the person who commited the crime didn't show remorse for the killings, then that person should have the death penalty, and shouldn't spend like 6 years on death row anyway, they are just prolonging a life!

If the person who did the crimes showed remorse and admitted that that person had commited that murder, then He/She, would get life in prison, with no possiblity of parole

I also believe that the crime warrants the death , if that person only killed one person, then he/she should get life, if that person killed more than 1 person he/she would get life!

I believe that you should only be on death row, if a murder was commited.

I also believe that all prisoners, even the ones with the small crimes like breaking and enetering etc, shouldn't have privelges, and instead should be doing comunity service, while in prison!
Posted by TBonz:Certain things seem to merit death, but then again, who am I to say when someone should die.

I agree in this point. Who are we to judge, who has to die? Even I'm not religious person, in this point people try to play god and it has never lead to anything good.
Especially when those are under 18. They are just kids.

Society should change. Prevent those problems.

So strongly against it.
I think that in some situations it's necessary for the death penalty. Mainly because some people go to jail and then they get out saying that they won't do it again. Not petty crimes or thefts as such, but more like muderers and rapists and people like that. What annoys me is that there are people like this who get out and five seconds later are doing it again. It annoys me that people are like that.
I am very STRONGLY against the death penalty, not that I'm on the criminal's side. Death is a relief, a way out, if you've committed a crime, you should get sent to prison because everyday you'd wake up, haunted by your actions and everyday it becomes so unbearable that you feel the people in the Big Pictures' pain. One death is better than two, everyone deserves a second chance no matter who they are or what they've done. If someone has killed without remorse, it will soon dawn on them and they feel so ashamed that they want to leave the earth, but you don't let them, you make them suffer and make them pay, in a way that is the most cruel thing you could do to a criminal, which is what should be done.

But that's just my opinion on the matter, there will be several people who disagree with what I think but that is alright. Don't let them have the easy way out (death), make them pay and suffer by living everyday, haunted.
I don't like it. I think they should be put in jail forever. since that must be worse than death. some criminals doesn't even deserve to die. :mad: