Dear Diary **Sandles**


Police Officer
This is my first attempt writing Sandles :) Be gentle :D

Disclaimer: You’re probably well aware, but I don’t own ‘em & never will
A/N: The other chapters will be longer, this is just a starting point!!

May 30, 2006
Dear Diary,

It’s been 2 days, 16 hours, 13 minutes, and 47, 48, 49 seconds since she told us.

They’re together. Sara is dating Grissom.

Each member of the team reacted differently – Catherine’s jaw dropped to the floor, Warrick just stared at them for the longest time, and Nick, well, he was just Nick.

You know, ‘Congratulations. Good for you,’ that kind of stuff.

As for me, I couldn’t look at her. I still can’t. For the past 2 days, 16 hours, 15 minutes, and 31 seconds, I’ve been avoiding Sara Sidle.

See, the thing is, I’m in love with her. More than I’ve ever been in love with anyone in my entire life. The revelation that she’s now dating our boss, well, that shattered my heart into ten million tiny pieces.

God, what am I gonna do? Papa Olaf would have some weird, probably unhelpful, tidbit of information. But I don’t think I know how to explain my feelings.

I’m in love with Sara Sidle, and I’m gonna win her heart, no matter what it takes.

Yay! new chapter! :D :D

Disclaimer: Not mine …
A/N: The parts in italics are like Greg’s memory :)

June 1, 2006
Dear Diary,

It was bound to happen eventually.

Grissom put us on the same case. Just the two of us – no Catherine, no Nick, no Warrick – just Sara and me. It’s almost like he knows how I feel and he’s putting us together just to punish me.

But, of course, in my rational brain, I know that’s not true.

“Cath, Nick, there’s a DB in a gully off the I-15. Greg, Sara, officer involved shooting at the Tangiers. Warrick, you’re with me on the Starkey rape case.” Grissom casually handed out the assignments for the shift. “Officer involved shooting? What officer?” Sara asked. “Markson. He’s new. Let’s get going now – Ecklie’s on my case about starting too late in the shift or something. Sara, I’ll see you later.” “Yeah, make sure you don’t forget. My apartment, after shift.” Sara winked at Grissom.

She winked at him!! WINKED! It’s bas enough that we had to work the same case, but now I had to have that memory embedded in my brain.

Oh, how I wish I was a lab rat again at moments like this. Then I wouldn’t have to deal with being around her the whole day.

“Greg? Hey. You ok?” Sara asked, seeming genuinely concerned. “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine Sara.” Not really, but hey, what am I supposed to say? That I love her? Don’t think so! “You sure? You seem a little off today Greggo. You know you can talk to me about anything,” She smiled that cute gap-toothed smile. I hate when she smiles at me, it makes me love her that much more. “I know, yeah. Really, seriously, I’m totally fine.” Yeah, I’m fine. I’m just thinking about how much I despise the fact that you’re dating Grissom when you should be with ME!

Sara Sidle should be with me. Me, not him. Not Grissom!! But she isn’t with me, and she is with him, and – oh hell, what am I gonna do?

He doesn’t love her like I do; I know that for a fact. Damn it! I need to find a way to make her mine before I go crazy.

She probably thinks I already am crazy.

Especially this sentence, "I need to find a way to make her mine before I go crazy."
is there something figurative? o__o
Waiting for the next ones. ^^
Thanks for all the amazing reviews guys <3 :D

Disclaimer: See chapter 1 & 2

June 4, 2006
Dear Diary,

I think she knows.

Well, I mean, of course she knows; I asked her out years ago. But I think she knows more.

She knows I’m trying to be with her. I can feel it. She’s been looking at me differently the past few days, and I can’t put my finger on exactly what kind of ‘looks’ they are.

So, today, I came right out with it. I confronted her about the whole Grissom situation. I don’t think it went well …

“Sara? Hello? You in there?” I ask, wondering if she’s thinking about him. “Hmm? Yeah, I’m here. Just … analyzing evidence.” She makes sure not to look in my eyes. And what evidence? We wrapped up the case hours ago? “Oh. It looked like you were thinking about something more … intimate.” Nice going Greg, you’ve really done it! “And what exactly do you mean by ‘intimate,’ Greg Sanders?” She’s shooting daggers at me with her eyes. “Never mind. Wait, no, do mind. I’ve been wanting to talk to you ever since your announcement the other day.” I’m finding it hard to look at her now. Oh God, why did I have to start this? “If you have something to say, say it.” She sits down on the break room table. “Alright, here goes.” I take a deep breath and begin to speak. “When you told us that you and Grissom were a couple, I felt, well, I can’t really explain how I felt, but it wasn’t good. Anyway, for a few days now, I’ve been trying to work up the courage to say this. Now, you don’t have to respond, but just, please Sara, listen to me. I, um, this is harder than I thought …” “Damn it Greg!! Just say it!!” “I love you, Sara.” I look at her, then down at the floor. She looks like … I don’t know. Like she wants to say something, but can’t. She opens her mouth to speak, and I just know I’m gonna be shot down. “Greg, I’m sorry. I –” She’s quickly cut off by Nick and Warrick entering. “Hey, hey! Greg, Sara. How was your case?” Nick seems pleased about something. Neither one of us answer him though. She looks deep in thought, again. I wish I knew what she was thinking.

So, I did it. I told Sara that I love her. For the rest of the day, she avoided me, like I’m the plague or something.

I want to know what she was going to say. Damn Nick and Warrick and their timing! Damn it all!

Now what do I do? I mean, should I explore the subject more, or should I drop it. Well, knowing Sara, she probably won’t let me drop it until everything’s out in the open.

And it will be; soon. Very soon.

aww that was great littlesara1 :D poor greggo. Please update soon, must know what Greg will do and what Sara was going to say. :)