Meg and Kat, delete this thread, rename, or whatever, but I noticed some frustation over deadline extensions and I thought maybe we should have an open discussion about it?
This is not to hurt anyone's feelings or to fight, just to see how everyone feels about it and the reasons for the extensions. Please be respectful and talk in the general sense, not point out someone particular.
This was posted in the Icon challenge thread:
Believe me when I say I understand everyone's frustation when deadlines are extended. However, sometimes you have to take a look at it from the challenge runner's point of view.
We haven't been getting many entries. My last Alternate Banner Challenge I only had TWO entrants. Ok, off the top of my head I can't remember if I extended it or not.
When there are low entries, sometimes we do extend the deadline in hopes that we would get more. Let's face it, people forget about it (I do sometimes), RL gets in the way, need to give our creative mind a little more time (because it can get a little tempermental at times :lol
. etc.
I wonder how everyone feels about deadline extensions. Do you want the deadline to remain the same, no matter what. Maybe a longer time to create would be needed? Do you get upset when you've turned yours in, by deadline, to find out that the challenge isn't being put yet and you could've worked more on your entries?
Like I said, just wanted to know how everyone feels, but please be respectful when posting your comments.
Maybe once the challenge runners see the entrants point of view and the entrants see the challenge runner's point of view, maybe we can come to an understanding or maybe even a solution.
I don't want to see anyone pulling out of a challenge because they're frustated that they made the deadline and someone else couldn't. Believe me I know it can get frustating.
This is not to hurt anyone's feelings or to fight, just to see how everyone feels about it and the reasons for the extensions. Please be respectful and talk in the general sense, not point out someone particular.
This was posted in the Icon challenge thread:
Don't worry Dragonfly. Hope everything's ok and your having happy holidays :thumbsup:I understand the frustration over having to wait for more people to enter. I don't like it either. However, the delay this time is due to my own RL. I apologize for the lateness.
I'm sorry I've been a little pain in the butt and yes, I was a little - or morelikely stressed with the deadline. I do get it when RL gets in the way. Lord knows I've had a stressful life the past 1,5 years. Maybe that's why I got a bit annoyed.The challenges give me the opportunity to give my mind a break. But also... in my opinion Megan gave us enough time to make the deadline. I apologize if I've caused any troubles to anyone. Still I hope you all get good results, cause those walls were all amazing. And last but not least, I hope we'll all have some good inspiration in 2010. I surely love the challenges in which Megan puts a lot of effort in. And erm... if it makes not much sense, forgive me, but English isn't my native language. Bless you all.
Believe me when I say I understand everyone's frustation when deadlines are extended. However, sometimes you have to take a look at it from the challenge runner's point of view.
We haven't been getting many entries. My last Alternate Banner Challenge I only had TWO entrants. Ok, off the top of my head I can't remember if I extended it or not.
When there are low entries, sometimes we do extend the deadline in hopes that we would get more. Let's face it, people forget about it (I do sometimes), RL gets in the way, need to give our creative mind a little more time (because it can get a little tempermental at times :lol
I wonder how everyone feels about deadline extensions. Do you want the deadline to remain the same, no matter what. Maybe a longer time to create would be needed? Do you get upset when you've turned yours in, by deadline, to find out that the challenge isn't being put yet and you could've worked more on your entries?
Like I said, just wanted to know how everyone feels, but please be respectful when posting your comments.
Maybe once the challenge runners see the entrants point of view and the entrants see the challenge runner's point of view, maybe we can come to an understanding or maybe even a solution.
I don't want to see anyone pulling out of a challenge because they're frustated that they made the deadline and someone else couldn't. Believe me I know it can get frustating.