David Rambo

See, I think that was a smart move on Catherine's part, too. I have never considered it cheap or sleazy. She knows what she has, and she uses it well. IMO knowing yourself and make your merits in good use is wit as long as you don't break the law or cause damages. You can't get everything done if you just play strictly by the book, and Catherine obvious learned that from her past experience.

Let's avoid making personal assumptions about posters and just address their points. And remember that everyone here is entitled to an opinion. Thanks!
Thanks for the reminder. I apologize for the assumption part, although it was a joke more than anything. I don't remember denying anyone's opinion, though. And when an opinion seems to have become character bashing, which one is more important?
Just to reiterate what Billy Petersen said, and it's on our "files" from a ways back as to his final exit, and what is going to happen!

I wouldn't want to say exactly what we're going to do, I want people to watch certainly, Petersen says "but Sara is involved, it's often darkest before the dawn"

You know I'll try to be polite but it's posters like these that make just want to close my membership here.

Let me assure you, Mr. Rambo, it was not hard. It was a relieve, that they got rid of him. It was becoming like an episode of Dynasty. The day he got shot – I could only say “Good Riddance"

And what was GSR? It was a soap opera through and through.

Grissom and Lady Heather intellectual relationship is so intense. Honestly, I truthfully think there is nothing intellectual about Lady Heather. She is a fraud. Since, it’s the season to be kind – i will call her a tarot reader. She only excels when it comes to topics regarding S&M. The only way she knew how to get DNA of her daughter’s killer is by sleeping with him. The only way she knew how to raise money for her granddaughter’s future education was to put her “life on sale”. Her granddaughter is only 2. It would take another 16 years before she attends university. And if Lady Heather worked hard like any normal person, she would have saved enough to pay for the child’s education.

Not my idea of making money, but she found a niche market and went for it and earned money to send her kid to college. End of story. People have done worse.

I was so shocked that such sleazy works could come from a therapist. It was obvious she was hoping to be Grissom’s sloppy seconds! In conclusion, they are just glamorising a whore!

And what about Grissom for sleeping with his subordinate? You wouldn't like it if I called him a man "W" because of his actions. I think the "W" was uncalled for. A word like that demeans all women.

BTW – I have to get this off my chest, In Season 7 Leaving Las Vegas, Catherine had gone to question a suspect in jail. Each time the suspect answered her question, she unbuttoned her blouse. That was the most ridiculous and embarrassing and cheapest thrill I have seen on TV. It makes me wonder which script writer wrote it – can anyone please answer?

Again I'll say, Grissom slept with his subordinate and that's okay because..

For the record, I really didn't like that scene at all and wish it had not been included. This is not to put Marg down but I didn't agree with that scene, but hey she's just doing what's she told.

Listen, none of the characters are perfect, they all have screwed up. They weren't meant to be perfect, if they were the show wouldn't be as appealing to me.

But for you to come on here and character bash and hold your precious GSR as some deity and insinuate the rest of the characters are nothing but fillers until GSR comes on again that makes me really angry and then to degrade some of the women on the show in the language that you use really ticks me off and makes me wonder why I even bother coming on this board.

As for Rambo, he's simply trying to encourage viewers to keep watching the show after Grissom leaves. He's not saying it will be better, but different and he's not putting Grissom down by saying that. He would never do that to BP given the man gave him his big break. If anything in this interview, I got that he forever going to owe it to BP for being his career maker.

FYI_BP did the same for a lot the cast. He picked David Hall to play Doc Robbins and George Eads to play Nick.

So really, Rambo is saying, "Give it a chance." You don't have to.

It's okay mods, I'll kick my own butt so you won't have to. But allowing a poster to call a character a 'W' to me is character bashing-IMHO.
But for you to come on here and character bash and hold your precious GSR as some deity and insinuate the rest of the characters are nothing but fillers until GSR comes on again that makes me really angry and then to degrade some of the women on the show in the language that you use really ticks me off and makes me wonder why I even bother coming on this board.
i agree m's post was bordering on trolling but i haven't noticed any mention of GSR in it.

And what about Grissom for sleeping with his subordinate? You wouldn't like it if I called him a man "W" because of his actions. I think the "W" was uncalled for. A word like that demeans all women.
lol. Grissom is the furthest from a man-w***e you can get on TV these days. well, maybe except Monk. ;)
i agree m's post was bordering on trolling but i haven't noticed any mention of GSR in it.

She's a familiar face here, so that's why I made the quote.

lol. Grissom is the furthest from a man-w***e you can get on TV these days. well, maybe except

True, but I was trying to make a point about the concept of calling a woman a 'w-----'.
Thanks for the reminder. I apologize for the assumption part, although it was a joke more than anything. I don't remember denying anyone's opinion, though. And when an opinion seems to have become character bashing, which one is more important?

The everyone is entitled to an opinion part was a general reminder, not directed any one poster. And I'm issuing it again because talking about reasons for disliking a character is not against the rules here. People have a right to come in and express an unpopular opinion. If you don't agree, by all means, debate their points. But to deny them the right to their opinions or the right to express those opinions defeats the point of a message board.
Just to reiterate what Billy Petersen said, and it's on our "files" from a ways back as to his final exit, and what is going to happen!

I wouldn't want to say exactly what we're going to do, I want people to watch certainly, Petersen says "but Sara is involved, it's often darkest before the dawn"


Yes, we get your point as you have stated several times throughout the board recently. However, things have most likely changed since that article and as we know things always change on the show. I think it would make more since if Jorja didn't show back up, as this is Billy's exit, not Billy and Jorja's exit. Jorja has had her exit, and she has come back 3 times since. There's no need for her to have another exit from the show when she's already had one. And I think this also makes a good point, from the new Entertainment Weekly magazine:

If fans were to follow the clues this season, all those private moments of reflection and despair suggest that Gil regrets allowing Sara to get away. But a scene in this season’s fifth episode, in which Sara sent an upbeat video message intimating that her life was actually fine without him, could mean that his ex-fiancée won’t be so receptive to a reunion.

So while there may have been "moments", I think it's all gone now and as it says, maybe not so receptive to a reunion.
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Thanks for the reminder. I apologize for the assumption part, although it was a joke more than anything. I don't remember denying anyone's opinion, though. And when an opinion seems to have become character bashing, which one is more important?

The everyone is entitled to an opinion part was a general reminder, not directed any one poster. And I'm issuing it again because talking about reasons for disliking a character is not against the rules here. People have a right to come in and express an unpopular opinion. If you don't agree, by all means, debate their points. But to deny them the right to their opinions or the right to express those opinions defeats the point of a message board.

That's fine but to call a character a 'whore' is unacceptable. It's a term use to degrade women.

That's not about criticizing an opposing opinion.
Yes, let's avoid using terms like 'whore' - if there's a less offensive way to say something, that's usually the best way to do it on a board like this. Expressing a negative opinion about Lady Heather's actions and behavior are one thing, calling her a 'whore' isn't necessary. People are (obviously) offended by the use of that word.

I'll admit that I didn't see this word the first time I read through the thread because I was kind of skimming posts. Everybody has a lot to say. :p

To reiterate Top41's point, we all have the right to our opinions, whether we're huge GSR fans, can't stand GSR, love a character to bits, can't stand a character or whatever else - however, with that being said, I think we can all step back and try not to get too heated. Potentially-offensive words are bad, as are rude comments about (and harsh behavior toward) other posters. All of it affects the energy of the board, so to speak. It's impossible not to get passionate about things sometimes, but we need to know when to take a step back and chill. :)
Since it's Billy's exit, I hope they keep it as just him. He's been such a huge part of the show, just as himself, and I think to have him running off with Sara would diminish his exit
I will be devastated when this character Grissom exits CSI, he's the heart a soul of the show, but I understand he's burnt out and wants to pursue a personal with his true love Sara, and that will bring him to the heights of his exsistence. He's not an impulsive nor impetuous type man and takes time to make big decisions in his life, and to think he might just walk off into obilivion is absurd, he's going to have the peace and happiness that's eluded him for so long~and that's a beautiful thing:)Go David Rambo, you are our hero!