David Caruso girlfriend pregnant again

congrats to david and liza! 51 and having a baby, thats just plain awesome. more power to them. :)
I had my little girl at 38. Her brother is 20 and her older sister is 18,she is almost 8.I seem to have more patience with her than I did with the "big kids" (her phrase) but not as much energy LOL. Congrats David!!!
Congrats to David and Lisa. I am sure he feels like he is on cloud 9. Sucessfull show and family. Lucky guy.
Mougie said: "I had my little girl at 38. Her brother is 20 and her older sister is 18,she is almost 8.I seem to have more patience with her than I did with the "big kids" (her phrase) but not as much energy LOL. Congrats David!!!

My hubby and I spread out life's little pleasures too. The oldest is 26 with 4 children of her own. The middlest is 21 and our youngest is ll. Three only children in one family. And yes, you may have less energy with the youngest, but in my case we had alot more help too. And she keeps us young. Of course we haven't quite reached the traumatic teens yets so that could change very quickly. David siring another offspring reminds me of a comment a teacher made in junior high when a classmate made a crack about and older teacher having a new baby. "Just because there is snow on the rooftop, does not meant that the fire in the furnace has gone out." And speaking of David's rooftop (were we?) Do you think that he's still really that red or has the gray started to creep in and we have to do touch-ups now? Not a slam either way but personally, I think those blue eyes would be even prettier with silver hair? (Do redheads actually go silver?)
IF you see my post in the Horatio/DC thread there is a picture of his kid as DC is on the cover of TV Guide this week (US).
Geez, why am I the last person to hear this news? UGH! :(

Congrats are in order, congrats to Liza and David! :D

The age of 51 is not old folks. He is a spring chi..... rooster! :lol:
Silk,you are right,having big kids means I have help. It also means she thinks she is as big as they are!!! LOL!!! I had people that were supposed to be "friends" ask me if I had lost my mind having a baby at that age. She was a suprise but a very pleasant one. After she was born I had people ask me if she was my granddaughter,a foster child,or if she was adopted. I hope David doesn't have to go through that. People can be such jerks.