Danny/Lindsay #23: Because it is a big deal to us!

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I also liked that Danny mentioned Lindsay and the beaver thing. Perhaps a bit cheesy, but I liked it. I would love to see a photo of that crime scene, please:D
And I think Danny was absolutely right about not telling Lindsay of the incident. At least not on the phone.

Oh yes, the baby name. For a little bit continuity, Louise or Louie would be nice at leat as a second name . Finally we could find out what happened to Louie.
oh no! Not Louis or Louise - poor love. Talk about setting the kid up for a fall! :lol:

I'd like to see them go for something a little different - not exactly Manhattan but you know.

I am so glad we seem to have moved away from angst and have a proper, established relationship!
Sarah just a wee note that you need to have 3 lines on topic in your posts. Nice to see new people entering (and I guess us random old timers appearing again).

I don't think he should've mentioned the 'incident' over the phone, talk about inducing labour prematurely. :lol:
Hi ~Sarah~.

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oh no! Not Louis or Louise - poor love. Talk about setting the kid up for a fall! :lol:

I´d like to see them go for something a little different
Yeah, I really have to confess that I wasn´t very creative:lol:
Perhaps as a third or fourth name with a little mentioning of Uncle
Louie?:D Just kidding.
But I´m really curious about the name. I don´t have any ideas.
Lindsay and Danny discussing about baby names for boys and girls would have been a little, nice scene. Danny making strange suggestions and Lindsay like:wtf:
Perhaps they will discuss it while Lindsay is in labour:D
*peeks in* I'm muddling my way through. I confess I'm a DL fan. Have been from the start, just haven't ever gotten around to playing on here. *waves and goes back to trudging through posts*
Hi thequirkygeek and welcome:)

I´m glad that there´s another new D/L fan. I´m quite new here, too.
And I´ve also liked D/L since Zoo York. I totally like pairings of such different characters.
It´s a little bit quiet here. I´m hoping there will be more D/L fans here again.
Okay, I have some worries, but need to post within spoiler code....
For the season finale, we know someone will probably die. And according to the poll going on for that episode's thread, the general consensus is either Angell or Lindsay and boy are there a lot of Lindsay dislikers out there. So I was wondering, considering no one's mentioned D/L possibly losing each other, have you heard anything? PM me (Finally!!!) if we can't talk here. thanks.

On another note, I agree with those of you who said they were glad he didn't make mention of what happened in the bathroom when he was talking with her. I know he didn't want to upset her, and make her worry and stress, it's the last thing you want to do with a pregnant lady, but I'm wondering if he'll ever tell her just how close he came to dying. :::shudder::: I was kinda freakin' out during that ep worrying for him after he left his vest.
I think it´s ok to talk about it here:).
AJ Buckley said in an interview four days ago that nobody knows who will die. They will only get the script in a few days/weeks. I have really thought that the actors already knew it. So there is no official announcement that it would be Danny or Lindsay. It´s all just speculation so far.
I´m really hoping that it won´t be Lindsay. Danny is safe in my opinion except the actor wants to leave. PV mentioned that they want to show Danny´s and Lindsay´s struggle with parenthood so I hope that´s a sign that Lindsay will stay. Additionally Anna Belknap said in an interview that she is really looking forward to the baby storyline and how Danny and Lindsay will handle the situation. So Anna Belknap didn´t have the intention of leaving the show at that time. But I don´t know what the writers will plan for the finale.
I think we have to wait a few weeks for further information.:(
I hope I could help a little bit:)
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Oh, Linds would have ripped Danny a new one if she'd found out how reckless he was... going after that guy without wearing a vest and all. I loved that he called her "babe" when he answered her call though. I think that's a first. I don't recall him ever calling her that before.
I really liked last night's episode and of course as soon as Danny started picking boy names I knew it would be a girl. I can see them giving her a really girly name like Lily or Ellie-something ending in "Y" or "ie" to match their names.
Despite all the Lindsay haters out there I don't think she will be the one to go. Personally I think it will be Julia Ormand's character that gets killed. I thought I read somewhere that the baby will be born during May 6th episode, if that's the case then won't Lindsay still be on maternity leave during the finale?
I knew it was a girl when Danny said no one is getting close enough to her to get her pregnant. :lol: That was just a dead giveaway. I think he'll be cute with a baby girl. Hehe. Though I think they should have had twins, one of each. :lol: j/k.

I'm not sure how many episodes Anna will be off for maternity leave, but I'm sure they'll probably have her back before the finale. They can't wait till next season for her to have the baby. :lol: But, I would guess that Lindsay, the character will be on maternity leave for a bit after the baby's born, but that's just a guess.
Yeah for the baby name scenes. I totally liked them. It was kind of a running gag of that episode seeing Danny with his pad and thinking of boy names. Kurt or Amos(?) Daniel Messer? Nice names:lol:
I think the boy can be really happy that ´he´ is a girl.:D But we don´t know Danny´s favorite girls names. Perhaps Amosia Daniela Messer;)
I also liked the involvment of the whole team. Great family moment.

The baby will be born in epsiode 23. Perhaps Lindsay will be on maternity leave for one episode. We don´t know the timeline. The finale episode could take place two months after the birth episode. I think Lindsay will be in the finale because she has already been missing for five episodes.
The baby name scenes were totally adorable, weren't they? :adore: :lol: And Danny just couldn't stop doing it. I love to see him so excited though. He's really looking forward to becoming a father. It was funny how convinced he was it's going to be a boy! :lol: So, everyone in his family had a boy so he has to have one as well? lol Looks like his theory was wrong. I'm looking forward to them having a girl. I can see Danny being all overprotective and Lindsay will have to deal with her problem with mothers. I love this storyline so much!
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Bit late but with this but never mind...I liked the fact Danny was excited about picking names and the fact he managed to get everyone else involed with it. Loved his comment about the name sheldon :lol:. His face when he found out it's a girl was good, I think he'd spent so long focusing on it been a boy it threw him but then he did crack a smile as everyone congradulated him. I'm looking forward to when Lindsay returns so we can see them communicate without a phone.
Bit late but with this but never mind...I liked the fact Danny was excited about picking names and the fact he managed to get everyone else involed with it. Loved his comment about the name sheldon :lol:. His face when he found out it's a girl was good, I think he'd spent so long focusing on it been a boy it threw him but then he did crack a smile as everyone congradulated him. I'm looking forward to when Lindsay returns so we can see them communicate without a phone.

Boys run in my family too (I'm the ONLY girl...well and one on the way), so when my brother was looking for boy names for his fiancee and on board baby...his face was PRICELESS when he found out it was a little girl. I saw Danny's face and was on the floor laughing because my brother was sitting next to me on the couch and was like, "dude, it's not funny! It totally throws you for a loop!"

And yeah, I can't wait for Linds to come back so we can see them together again!
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