Danny/Lindsay #22: I've fallen in love with you...and I can't let go

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Re: Danny/Lindsay #22: I've fallen in love with you...and I can't let

As I've already discussed with Meg, the fanfic writers are handling this 'bump' better than the paid writers. Digressing.

I for one have no desire whatsoever to see marriage or mini Messers (I know peeps, pick yourselves back up) for a long time.

<-Original title don't you think? :D
I don't wish to see any hint of pregnancy test kit in the finale - things will be flung at the tv! I don't wanna see drama! At most I want a stupid argument that becomes suprisingly heated over heads or tails (stupid!) then I want a make out seen. Max - just outta flared passion. No more. No happy fluff. Yet.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #22: I've fallen in love with you...and I can't let

Are we talking about babies? Oooh...I like Messer babies but I believe that's only supposed to come in season 7 or 8, and the writers need to leave that to us fanfic writers - please.
Amen to that dude! Leave all that to people who know how to write about that kind of stuff!:guffaw:

Yay Messer babies! I do have to agree, leave that to us for just a little longer... 'cause then we get to decide how they come about :devil: :lol:

Also we get to choose the gender, what they look like, what cute little anecdotes they get... aww... just the thought of little DL babies makes me want to manip. And I can't do that until I get back from my dance session. DAMMIT!!! :brickwall:

Is it Hump Day? 'Cause I need something to watch.

Do we have any news of DL in the finale? 'Cause those "Snow Day" pics got me all pumped...
Re: Danny/Lindsay #22: I've fallen in love with you...and I can't let

has no D/L in it at all, a few nice scenes for Lindsay and Danny is hardly even in the episode. Here's hoping there is some D/L scenes in next week's episode, but from the promo on CTV, they focused exclusively on the Taxi cab killer, nothing to do with Danny/Lindsay once again. Still, Lindsay had some nice moments and there was no drama as far as D/L was concerned this week.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #22: I've fallen in love with you...and I can't let

has no D/L in it at all, a few nice scenes for Lindsay and Danny is hardly even in the episode. Here's hoping there is some D/L scenes in next week's episode, but from the promo on CTV, they focused exclusively on the Taxi cab killer, nothing to do with Danny/Lindsay once again. Still, Lindsay had some nice moments and there was no drama as far as D/L was concerned this week.

Please see message below this one.....clicked send by accident and darn it lol.
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Re: Danny/Lindsay #22: I've fallen in love with you...and I can't let

has no D/L in it at all, a few nice scenes for Lindsay and Danny is hardly even in the episode. Here's hoping there is some D/L scenes in next week's episode, but from the promo on CTV, they focused exclusively on the Taxi cab killer, nothing to do with Danny/Lindsay once again. Still, Lindsay had some nice moments and there was no drama as far as D/L was concerned this week.

Your wrong there. I think there is gonna be a lot of D & L next weeks episode. They showed Lindsay standing in the rain and then getting into a taxi. With the suspense that she could be getting taken by the taxi killer.....(hopefully not)

Now does everyone else think that the way they are going to bring D & L back together is that Lindsay goes missing.....Danny flips out and says it's all his fault.....he pushed her away and *ahem* with Rikki and now Lindsay has been taken hostage. Danny and Mac and the team work to find Lindsay and when they get a location Danny sprints into action rescuing the damsell in distress and they embrace and he declares his love for Lindsay and she declares her love for him again and......I'm gonna sound like Danny.....BOOM.....D&L back together and stronger in love than before.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #22: I've fallen in love with you...and I can't let

Wow, Catey,
That is a big disappointment! We were all hoping we would get some explanation, but no. What were the spoilers for this ep? IS there something that's been removed?

Last night there was a new ep here in Holland...but I didn't even watch it. The broadcasting company decided to make an item about our crownprince and his wife...Like someone wants to see that....And therefore NY was rescheduled...and by the time it aired, I was already asleep. :scream:
Re: Danny/Lindsay #22: I've fallen in love with you...and I can't let

ilovedanny2 said:
Your wrong there. I think there is gonna be a lot of D & L next weeks episode. They showed Lindsay standing in the rain and then getting into a taxi. With the suspense that she could be getting taken by the taxi killer.....(hopefully not)
ilovedanny2, I believe Catey was talking about the CTV promo, which is usually different from the CBS promos. E.g. we had the Danny/Rikki scene in the CBS promo for RND, there was no DL at all in the CTV promo.

So I take it we see Lindsay getting into a cab in the promo? Ooh, that sounds promising. What if they use Lindsay as bait into trying to lure the Taxi cab killer? I mean, that sounds kinda cool and I always like to see Lindsay doing more than just processing evidence. I wonder what Danny's reaction would be if they did go that route and Lindsay is, once again, in face of danger and there's nothing he can do. Hmm, well I'm kinda sick of Danny playing the hero right now, so I don't know. I really hope if they do use Lindsay to lure in the killer, that it's not a simple plot device so Danny suddenly jumps up and realises how much he loves her. That would be cliche - and stupid, and it would annoy me.

I don't, however, if we see Danny extremely worried about Lindsay so we at least can see how much he cares about her. It's just the thought of him suddenly spilling the L word to her at that point is rather...shallow and unmeaningful. That's more fanfiction stuff and should be left off screen. The writers can come up with something more creative than that. I really hope they do. (But I'll take the love confession anyway, even though I won't be 100% happy. Maybe...84% ish. :p)

We got no DL in the last ep at all, which was kinda disappointing since I was hoping for some kind of clarification on where DL was, and what Lindsay actually knows. The fact that we only have three episodes left makes me think they're going to try and steer away from Danny's mistake and focus more on how DL's relationship itself. There's just not enough time to have Danny tell Lindsay and have her proper reaction to him on screen. Besides, the likely outcome would be Lindsay acting like a complete :censored: to Danny, and although it would be "realistic", I don't think that would go over too well with the audience.

Hopefully next week we get some kind of clue as to whether Lindsay knows about Rikki or not, because I'm going to be really annoyed with Danny if he's left that part out when/if he's trying to make it up to her, or getting her back.

The supposed date next week is still kind of bugging me, because it just doesn't fit in my head. *sigh* Who knows, maybe we'll get some idea of where they are together during the scene itself (if it stays in). What if Lindsay teases Danny about Rikki or something, would that be too close for comfort between them? I mean, if she did, that would tell me some time has passed, depending on their reactions - maybe Lindsay's known for a while too, and that they're trying to move on, leaving the past behind.

One thing I hope we don't get is Rikki telling Danny that he needs to tell Lindsay about what happened between them. That means Danny took Lindsay out under false pretences and I don't know how any of that would be pleasing at all.

What kind of scene would you all accept for Rikki to be in, and with who?

Personally, at the very least I want her and Danny to acknowledge that what happened between them was a mistake and that it'll never happen again, and never did after that one day of stupidity. I think that would be enough for me, and a parting of ways with them telling each other there's nothing more than a possible friendship between them, and they both need to move on with their seperate lives.

Having a scene of Danny going to find Lindsay after the Rikki scenes would be good too. Maybe she's waiting in a cafe for him or something. Or he goes to her apartment with a copy of Jaws. :)

It's probably too much to ask, but who knows - the writers are known to give us stuff out of the blue (SD, RND etc.). Hopefully whatever happens to DL, it's realistic and they're taking it one step at a time. That's probably my biggest concern.

(Having some kind of note that Rikki will never come back would also be comforting :p)
I think the one good thing about having no DL and minimal Danny in the last night's episode was that Lindsay had her time to shine. Having a DL scene would have probably stolen more attention from the great scenes Lindsay had throughout the episode, and we also saw that her relationship with Danny isn't affecting her work anymore - and that's a very good thing. :)

Hopefully next week brings us and even greater episode with much for stuff to gush about. :lol: I'm kinda sick from all the drama so this episode was quite a good breather - do drama, no dl. Some shocking Gerrard scenes, but hey, as long as it's not screwing up DL, I'm good.

Wouldn't it be somewhat...nice if Gerrard (after what happened to his daughter) is nicer to Lindsay than the rest of the team (he's always had the history of butting heads with the team, especially Danny and Mac)? He's closer to Lindsay, and hates Danny's guts. How lovely :lol:

SpeedsDaughter said:
Yay Messer babies! I do have to agree, leave that to us for just a little longer... 'cause then we get to decide how they come about
I love the idea of mini-Messers running around but I really hope the writers don't go that route. Actually, I'm kinda torn as to what should happen. I want DL's relationship to progress (all the way past marriage and into old age :lol: ), but at the same time, I don't really trust TPTB's abilities in keeping DL out of the way. I don't want them to be at the forefront all the time. Possible drama between them would be having to switch shifts to take care of the baby, and they don't see much of each other, they're cranky and they fight until they sort things out and get back to being a happy family.

Oooh, as for marriage (*daydreams*), wouldn't it be funny if the cast list was changed from Lindsay Monroe to Lindsay Messer? :lol: Haha, I doubt they'd do that but I think I'd chuckle and squee everytime a press release comes out and I see "Lindsay Messer" :p I'm weird I know.

I imagine the Messer wedding plans continously interrupted by the never-ending stream of cases that would miraculously come in at the same time as their planned date. :p Poor them, at least imagining the possible 2 week honeymoon's a lot nicer :devil: Hmm...hotel room - and there's no coming out for days on end.

I like it. :D

But yeah, realistically, I wonder if they'd ever show a wedding on screen. Maybe DL working together one day, they've suddenly both got rings on, and they daydream together about their special day. And maybe they both have to take off their wedding bands because rings are seriously annoying when it comes to latex gloves. Danny can slip his onto his chain, and Lindsay, her necklace. :D For some reason, I'm thinking a season premiere. :)

Yeah...that would work. I love fluff. :D

I want season 5 to come now...I'm tired of angst and season 4 is turning out to be a complete flop (thoughts are subject to change after the airing of the finale). :p

Here's to a good episode next week! :)
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Re: Danny/Lindsay #22: I've fallen in love with you...and I can't let

I didnt mind the lack of DL in the last ep....im glad Linds was sooo great and at that point IMHO her strength and demonsrtation of abilities beyong the triangle is far more important than showing us some more heartache concerning Danny.

and about the next ep....judging from the promo
(triangle related scenario here)
since we know Rikki is back next ep.....and she appears towards the end...
Linds is going to see Danny or sth and she sees Rikki or finds out about Rikki and leaves all very upset...very very upset...and goes down the street to take a cab..forgetting in her bad emotional state there is a CAB KILLER....she is all upset and wanders back and forth..not thinking straight.....and while she tries to catch a cab...they are in a similar shot showing us another person opening the door of a cab but in a way to get us confused about who is getting on the cab and so as to end the ep there and make all of us go.....WHAT???????????:wtf:

so what do you think?????????too crazy?
Re: Danny/Lindsay #22: I've fallen in love with you...and I can't let

ilovedanny2 said:
Your wrong there. I think there is gonna be a lot of D & L next weeks episode. They showed Lindsay standing in the rain and then getting into a taxi. With the suspense that she could be getting taken by the taxi killer.....(hopefully not)
ilovedanny2, I believe Catey was talking about the CTV promo, which is usually different from the CBS promos. E.g. we had the Danny/Rikki scene in the CBS promo for RND, there was no DL at all in the CTV promo.

So I take it we see Lindsay getting into a cab in the promo? Ooh, that sounds promising. What if they use Lindsay as bait into trying to lure the Taxi cab killer? I mean, that sounds kinda cool and I always like to see Lindsay doing more than just processing evidence. I wonder what Danny's reaction would be if they did go that route and Lindsay is, once again, in face of danger and there's nothing he can do. Hmm, well I'm kinda sick of Danny playing the hero right now, so I don't know. I really hope if they do use Lindsay to lure in the killer, that it's not a simple plot device so Danny suddenly jumps up and realises how much he loves her. That would be cliche - and stupid, and it would annoy me.

I don't, however, if we see Danny extremely worried about Lindsay so we at least can see how much he cares about her. It's just the thought of him suddenly spilling the L word to her at that point is rather...shallow and unmeaningful. That's more fanfiction stuff and should be left off screen. The writers can come up with something more creative than that. I really hope they do. (But I'll take the love confession anyway, even though I won't be 100% happy. Maybe...84% ish. :p)

We got no DL in the last ep at all, which was kinda disappointing since I was hoping for some kind of clarification on where DL was, and what Lindsay actually knows. The fact that we only have three episodes left makes me think they're going to try and steer away from Danny's mistake and focus more on how DL's relationship itself. There's just not enough time to have Danny tell Lindsay and have her proper reaction to him on screen. Besides, the likely outcome would be Lindsay acting like a complete :censored: to Danny, and although it would be "realistic", I don't think that would go over too well with the audience.

Hopefully next week we get some kind of clue as to whether Lindsay knows about Rikki or not, because I'm going to be really annoyed with Danny if he's left that part out when/if he's trying to make it up to her, or getting her back.

The supposed date next week is still kind of bugging me, because it just doesn't fit in my head. *sigh* Who knows, maybe we'll get some idea of where they are together during the scene itself (if it stays in). What if Lindsay teases Danny about Rikki or something, would that be too close for comfort between them? I mean, if she did, that would tell me some time has passed, depending on their reactions - maybe Lindsay's known for a while too, and that they're trying to move on, leaving the past behind.

One thing I hope we don't get is Rikki telling Danny that he needs to tell Lindsay about what happened between them. That means Danny took Lindsay out under false pretences and I don't know how any of that would be pleasing at all.

What kind of scene would you all accept for Rikki to be in, and with who?

Personally, at the very least I want her and Danny to acknowledge that what happened between them was a mistake and that it'll never happen again, and never did after that one day of stupidity. I think that would be enough for me, and a parting of ways with them telling each other there's nothing more than a possible friendship between them, and they both need to move on with their seperate lives.

Having a scene of Danny going to find Lindsay after the Rikki scenes would be good too. Maybe she's waiting in a cafe for him or something. Or he goes to her apartment with a copy of Jaws. :)

It's probably too much to ask, but who knows - the writers are known to give us stuff out of the blue (SD, RND etc.). Hopefully whatever happens to DL, it's realistic and they're taking it one step at a time. That's probably my biggest concern.

(Having some kind of note that Rikki will never come back would also be comforting :p)
I think the one good thing about having no DL and minimal Danny in the last night's episode was that Lindsay had her time to shine. Having a DL scene would have probably stolen more attention from the great scenes Lindsay had throughout the episode, and we also saw that her relationship with Danny isn't affecting her work anymore - and that's a very good thing. :)

Hopefully next week brings us and even greater episode with much for stuff to gush about. :lol: I'm kinda sick from all the drama so this episode was quite a good breather - do drama, no dl. Some shocking Gerrard scenes, but hey, as long as it's not screwing up DL, I'm good.

Wouldn't it be somewhat...nice if Gerrard (after what happened to his daughter) is nicer to Lindsay than the rest of the team (he's always had the history of butting heads with the team, especially Danny and Mac)? He's closer to Lindsay, and hates Danny's guts. How lovely :lol:

SpeedsDaughter said:
Yay Messer babies! I do have to agree, leave that to us for just a little longer... 'cause then we get to decide how they come about
I love the idea of mini-Messers running around but I really hope the writers don't go that route. Actually, I'm kinda torn as to what should happen. I want DL's relationship to progress (all the way past marriage and into old age :lol: ), but at the same time, I don't really trust TPTB's abilities in keeping DL out of the way. I don't want them to be at the forefront all the time. Possible drama between them would be having to switch shifts to take care of the baby, and they don't see much of each other, they're cranky and they fight until they sort things out and get back to being a happy family.

Oooh, as for marriage (*daydreams*), wouldn't it be funny if the cast list was changed from Lindsay Monroe to Lindsay Messer? :lol: Haha, I doubt they'd do that but I think I'd chuckle and squee everytime a press release comes out and I see "Lindsay Messer" :p I'm weird I know.

I imagine the Messer wedding plans continously interrupted by the never-ending stream of cases that would miraculously come in at the same time as their planned date. :p Poor them, at least imagining the possible 2 week honeymoon's a lot nicer :devil: Hmm...hotel room - and there's no coming out for days on end.

I like it. :D

But yeah, realistically, I wonder if they'd ever show a wedding on screen. Maybe DL working together one day, they've suddenly both got rings on, and they daydream together about their special day. And maybe they both have to take off their wedding bands because rings are seriously annoying when it comes to latex gloves. Danny can slip his onto his chain, and Lindsay, her necklace. :D For some reason, I'm thinking a season premiere. :)

Yeah...that would work. I love fluff. :D

I want season 5 to come now...I'm tired of angst and season 4 is turning out to be a complete flop (thoughts are subject to change after the airing of the finale). :p

Here's to a good episode next week! :)

Here's what's bugging me. The preview showed Lindsay.....soaking wet and then hailing a cab. You don't think that just maybe Rikki came and talked with Lindsay and Lindsay was hailing Rikki a cab?

Or maybe the taxi killer will take Lindsay and not kill her but use her as bait to get what he wants from the crime lab and Danny will do anything it takes to get her back.

Ok below is how I think it's gonna go down.

Lindsay is gonna hail a cab....possibly distraut.....maybe Rikki talked with her and told her what happened between Danny and her was a mistake and that Danny loves you. Lindsay is gonna find the quickest way back to the lab.......ie.....taxi.....forgetting about the taxi killer.....she wants to make things right with Danny. She gets in but the killer realizes she's a cop and will use her as bait to get whatever he wants out of the police force/crime lab. He will make a video or something that states he's got one of their own and send it to the crime lab.

Meanwhile, Mac and Flack do their best to keep Danny from finding out but he finds out from gossip from lab techs. Danny flips out.....he knows if he didn't push her away.....she wouldn't be in the sittuation she is in now.

I do see Danny missing her like crazy and gonna make right by rescuing her. It's gonna be a case of......him feeling guilty about what happened with Ruben and he's not gonna let another person he loves get killed. He's gonna overcome his guilt of Ruben dieing by rescuing Lindsay and telling her he loves her and her only and boom they will be back together.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #22: I've fallen in love with you...and I can't let

Liffy said:
We got no DL in the last ep at all, which was kinda disappointing since I was hoping for some kind of clarification on where DL was, and what Lindsay actually knows. The fact that we only have three episodes left makes me think they're going to try and steer away from Danny's mistake and focus more on how DL's relationship itself.
I really don't know at this point. The fact that their little argument over Rikki was not in last night's ep (there was supposed to be one in the school, Jen :)), makes it almost impossible imo to clear things up in just the three remaining eps...:rolleyes:

I'm getting more and more worried about that scene now too...I just really want to know whether Danny has told her or not...I just cannot imagine that Lindsay would suddenly decide to go anywhere with him after the last scene they had together. :wtf:

Rikki telling Danny to fix things with Lindsay would be totally unacceptable for me...why does he need anyone to tell him that :brickwall:...he should come up with that himself and say goodbye to Rikki on his own account and not because someone tells him to. He is the one who must decide what is really important in his life and for his future and act on that decision.

What kind of scene would you all accept for Rikki to be in, and with who?
  • I would really only like a scene in which Danny tells Rikki that he has decided that what they did was not the right way to deal with his grief and that she should look for other ways to deal with hers too. And he could tell her about his feelings for Lindsay and that he realized that she is much too important for him to give up on her.

Your idea of Lindsay waiting for a cab and the split shots of someone else entering the serial killer's one sounds thrilling, but I'd hate for Lindsay to find out about Danny and Rikki like that, so if that's what makes her upset I don't like it..

I just hope there will not be any Lindsay/Rikki scene in any of the upcoming eps...I don't think there is any needs to misuse Rikki's character like that or to hurt Lindsay even more...D/L need to work this out TOGETHER and not with any other interferences..

Lindsay actually hailing a cab in the promo, may however suggest that Danny does need an extra push to snap him out of the fortress he has built around his emotions

Despite the fact that there was no D/L at all, I loved it that we finally got to see Lindsay do interrogations again AND helping a teenage girl and not backing out off talking to her when she asked for that...I really hope we will get more of that stuff from now on...and I do like the idea of Gerrard (how shocking was that end :eek:) taking a liking to Lindsay.
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Re: Danny/Lindsay #22: I've fallen in love with you...and I can't let

Liffy said:
We got no DL in the last ep at all, which was kinda disappointing since I was hoping for some kind of clarification on where DL was, and what Lindsay actually knows. The fact that we only have three episodes left makes me think they're going to try and steer away from Danny's mistake and focus more on how DL's relationship itself.
I really don't know at this point. The fact that their little argument over Rikki was not in last night's ep (there was supposed to be one in the school, Jen :)), makes it almost impossible imo to clear things up in just the three remaining eps...:rolleyes:

I'm getting more and more worried about that scene now too...I just really want to know whether Danny has told her or not...I just cannot imagine that Lindsay would suddenly decide to go anywhere with him after the last scene they had together. :wtf:

Rikki telling Danny to fix things with Lindsay would be totally unacceptable for me...why does he need anyone to tell him that :brickwall:...he should come up with that himself and say goodbye to Rikki on his own account and not because someone tells him to. He is the one who must decide what is really important in his life and for his future and act on that decision.

What kind of scene would you all accept for Rikki to be in, and with who?
  • I would really only like a scene in which Danny tells Rikki that he has decided that what they did was not the right way to deal with his grief and that she should look for other ways to deal with hers too. And he could tell her about his feelings for Lindsay and that he realized that she is much too important for him to give up on her.

Your idea of Lindsay waiting for a cab and the split shots of someone else entering the serial killer's one sounds thrilling, but I'd hate for Lindsay to find out about Danny and Rikki like that, so if that's what makes her upset I don't like it..

I just hope there will not be any Lindsay/Rikki scene in any of the upcoming eps...I don't think there is any needs to misuse Rikki's character like that or to hurt Lindsay even more...D/L need to work this out TOGETHER and not with any other interferences..

Lindsay actually hailing a cab in the promo, may however suggest that Danny does need an extra push to snap him out of the fortress he has built around his emotions

Despite the fact that there was no D/L at all, I loved it that we finally got to see Lindsay do interrogations again AND helping a teenage girl and not backing out off talking to her when she asked for that...I really hope we will get more of that stuff from now on...and I do like the idea of Gerrard (how shocking was that end :eek:) taking a liking to Lindsay.

I think it's gonna take Lindsay getting kidnapped to get him to open his eyes and snap out of the tiff he's in.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #22: I've fallen in love with you...and I can't let

Okay, so I just saw the promo and to me Lindsay doesn't look very...distraught or sad. She looks like she's tired, wants to go home, and is annoyed because she can't get a cab. Maybe that's just me, but that's what I got from the promo.

I really cannot see the writers using Rikki to do anything more regarding DL, because she can't fix anything - she can only makes things worse.

We don't know 419 is a cliff hanger too do we?

ilovedanny2 said:
Lindsay is gonna hail a cab....possibly distraut.....maybe Rikki talked with her and told her what happened between Danny and her was a mistake and that Danny loves you. Lindsay is gonna find the quickest way back to the lab.......ie.....taxi.....forgetting about the taxi killer.....she wants to make things right with Danny. She gets in but the killer realizes she's a cop and will use her as bait to get whatever he wants out of the police force/crime lab. He will make a video or something that states he's got one of their own and send it to the crime lab.
Okay, I'm sorry but I really don't like the idea of Lindsay being all happy and OMG I have to go and make things right with Danny! If she does find out about him and Rikki. Personally, I think that would just make Lindsay seem stupid.

And as for sending a video? This guy's a serial killer, he takes pleasure in killing - and he's not doing it for the money. So I don't think he'd want to contact the crime lab. Maybe it is Lindsay that's possibly taken by the killer cabbie, but she's also the one who worked the whole boot scene. Who knows, maybe she'll figure out how to get out of it without anyone coming to her rescue. :)

dutch_treat said:
I really don't know at this point. The fact that their little argument over Rikki was not in last night's ep (there was supposed to be one in the school, Jen :)), makes it almost impossible imo to clear things up in just the three remaining eps...:rolleyes:
Well, I think they could clear it up by having some kind of scene where it's clear that Lindsay knows about Rikki. Maybe if the scene is between Danny and Rikki, and he tells Rikki that he had to tell Lindsay about what happened between them, and that, he needs to make things right with her because she's too important to him to let go.

If we get that, and then possibly a kidnap scene, then at least the danger Lindsay's in doesn't contribute to Danny's realisation of his feelings for her. It could be that he settles it with Rikki, they part ways for the better, and Danny tries to go off and find Lindsay but she's somewhere else being wet (did it look like the outside of the lab? Things like that change all the time, so who knows, maybe she's just coming out of the lab and it's pouring and she just really wants to go home after a long day).

I'm hoping that somewhere during the basketball game, or when they work together, we get something that tells us if they're trying to keep their friendship or w/e. It's possible that the game is just between them as friends and the scene with Rikki has Danny admitting that Lindsay's more than a friend to him, and he needs to fix it. :)
Well, since we got an entire episode without DL, maybe that means that some time has passed too, and that by the next episode, DL are trying to salvage their friendship at the very least, because I can't see Lindsay simply cutting Danny off. He's her best friend - and she still needs that from him.

I can see them working their friendship part out first, and maybe by the finale we see them deciding to take their relationship to the next level, starting over, and putting the past behind them.

dutch_treat said:
..and I do like the idea of Gerrard (how shocking was that end :eek:) taking a liking to Lindsay.
See? Writers can shock us in a good way without using DL - there is proof! I thought it was very well done :) Haha, Gerrard giving Danny grief for messing up with Lindsay kinda makes me grin (despite how rediculous it sounds). :p

ilovedanny2 said:
I think it's gonna take Lindsay getting kidnapped to get him to open his eyes and snap out of the tiff he's in.
I think from 417 we saw that Danny's slowly realising that he's losing her. My strange head says that I think there's a higher chance that 417 happened alot later after 416 and that Lindsay already knew about Rikki, but none of them knew how to handle it/react. *shrugs*

I really hope the whole Lindsay cab scene has nothing to do with Danny. Cos that would annoy me. I'd rather see her coming out of the lab, or subway or something and just frustrated because she's wet and cold. :)

No more drama please, if the writers are going to fix DL, I don't see how drama is going to do any fixing.

Yeah, I can't believe I forgot this, but it's Reed that's supposedly taken by the cabbie killer. So I don't think they're going to have an encounter betweent he cabbie killer and Lindsay. Maybe she hails a cab but then realises it's probably not a good idea and wanders away - still wet. :)

I like wet Lindsay. :)
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Re: Danny/Lindsay #22: I've fallen in love with you...and I can't let

I think from 417 we saw that Danny's slowly realising that he's losing her. My strange head says that I think there's a higher chance that 417 happened alot later after 416 and that Lindsay already knew about Rikki, but none of them knew how to handle it/react. *shrugs*

I like that possibility. It would explain why she said it was hard. If they were just going to be friends without being in a relationship, I don't think it would have bothered her as much that he wanted to watch movie. It could just be me because I want her to already know about Rikki, instead of dragging it out more with only 3 episodes left.

She didn't seem that sad to me either. I was wondering why she was wet, but I thought she was just leaving work or something, like Liff, and it was raining. With the subway closed she got wet trying to get the taxi.

I could do without the Danny saving her scenario. It would be cute, but even in that situation I don't think Lindsay would give in just because, now he realizes he loves her.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #22: I've fallen in love with you...and I can't let

I think from 417 we saw that Danny's slowly realising that he's losing her. My strange head says that I think there's a higher chance that 417 happened alot later after 416 and that Lindsay already knew about Rikki, but none of them knew how to handle it/react. *shrugs*

I like that possibility. It would explain why she said it was hard. If they were just going to be friends without being in a relationship, I don't think it would have bothered her as much that he wanted to watch movie. It could just be me because I want her to already know about Rikki, instead of dragging it out more with only 3 episodes left.

She didn't seem that sad to me either. I was wondering why she was wet, but I thought she was just leaving work or something, like Liff, and it was raining. With the subway closed she got wet trying to get the taxi.

I could do without the Danny saving her scenario. It would be cute, but even in that situation I don't think Lindsay would give in just because, now he realizes he loves her.

Ok they are saying that us D & L fans will be very happy with the outcome of Danny and Lindsay so i sense that will be.......they are getting back together.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #22: I've fallen in love with you...and I can't let

Wow, again a new promo, again a confusing one. Why are the promos of epis with Rikki always the confusing ones? :lol:

I also don't think that something might happen to Lindsay. I'm not sure, didn't someone say that there might be a double-cliffhanger at the end of the epi? But I also might be wrong. But we know from the spoilers that Reed will be in danger because of the cabbie killer (and he's in the press release, what else should they use him for?). And we know that Lindsay will be in 4.20 and will talk to Hawkes, so nothing major might happen to her. It wouldn't be the first time that the promo is 'wrong'. Like in 4.13, where Rikki had her gun pointed at Danny and at the end we heard a shot, although there never was a shot. Some action for Lindsay would be nice, as long as nothing happens to her, because I'd freak out if something would happen to her. But I anyway don't see why she should meet the cabbie killer. Especially because in the epi after that Reed will be in danger. This would be a bit too much in my eyes.
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