Danny/Lindsay #11 ~ "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

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Re: Danny/Lindsay #11 ~ Don't Bet Against the Country Girl

Moriel, my fluffy friend is so getting to start thread #12--I'll make sure of it---as long as it is something spicy and has that new season *smell*!!! Here's to the fluff---my it rule our threads and our couple! :lol:

Here's something nice for you Moriel, since I totally loved the pic you posted:

Lust Baby!!

I think that Mac has been wanting Danny to find someone since "Til Death Us Do Part" when he made that comment about love. As far as Stella, after the ordeal she went through, I could see her rooting for two people to find good love that doesn't hurt! ;)
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11 ~ Don't Bet Against the Country Girl

iheartnickcath said:
Hey, Danny's hot the way he is, I just want a little rougher outta him.. Oh come on, don't even gimmie those looks, yall know ya want it to!
Lol, no arguement here Lynn! He's always hot...swoon worthy all the time! :devil: And him looking a little rougher...okay! :D What I'd love is for Linds to get in trouble and for Danny to start beating people up to get to her...resulting in him getting to her while looking rougher! :devil: :lol:
Moriel, my fluffy friend is so getting to start thread #12--I'll make sure of it---as long as it is something spicy and has that new season *smell*!!! Here's to the fluff---my it rule our threads and our couple!
Auda I just adore you! :D **Does a little dance!** Yay I get to start the next thread! :D And I will do my best to make it spicy :devil: and have it have that lovely new season...D/L's almost canon smell! :D
And as for the pic...LOVE that hon! Yummy! :devil:

Fluff Rules!! :D
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11 ~ Don't Bet Against the Country Girl

Lynny comes with pressie update on the CatNip/M&M ficcie. Surprises *coughsleavecommentscoughs*
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11 ~ Don't Bet Against the Country Girl

Keich! Hi! :D

Lynn Yay for a ficcie update! :lol: I'll go read it and make lots of fun comments! ;) :D

Random fun question...Danny calls Linds "Montana" as HIS name for her...what do you think Linds should call Danny as HER name for him? (Other than "Danny" I mean! :D )
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11 ~ Don't Bet Against the Country Girl

:D * pies and cakes and confetti for all! runs around handing individual sweets to all in the shape of D/L love * New thread! Yayayay! :D What a fun year this is gonna be for us...D/L canon sweetness and all...* licks lips in anticipation - squee!* :p

okay...as far as what the team would say? I think Flack would be the most verbal with them about it, seconded only by Stella. Here's why: because I see Flack as being Danny's best friend (of sorts) and I think that even in Season 2 Flack sort of kept an eye out for Lindsay, as far as like, keeping her out of harm's way and making sure no one got too rough with her or whatever, because I think he realized that his good buddy had feelings for her. ;) Just like he'd have Danny's back, Flack would have Lindsay's - not just cause she a fellow cop but also because of Danny's feelings. I think Flack would say stuff like "Where's your boyfriend?" or "Hey, Lindsay? Why's Messer late? You wear him out last night?" :lol: I could see her blushing at his teasing a bit, but he would only do it when he knew she'd be okay with it, and I have a feeling Lindsay could dish it right back. :D Stella would probably be more emotionally verbal, in the sense of asking Lindsay if she was okay after a fight or having a convo about Lindsay and Danny's deep feelings for each other, etc. I think I could see Mac being happy for Danny but also having a sort of fatherly talk as far as "What're your intentions, etc" Hawkes would probably just congratulate or maybe say one or two things, not so sure about him.

Moriel - I too noticed that Lindsay calls Danny 'Danny' a lot in Super Men. :lol: yeah yeah, I know it's his name too, but you're right, she does say it like every other line she's says to him....but I think it's so cute and sweet when she does. ;)

I can't wait for LOLD tonight! :D *squee!* :D But I have an actual question for you guys:

I know I've heard some of you guys say in your posts that Danny only calls Lindsay 'Lindsay' when he's being serious and all, and pretty much any time else he calls her Montana - cause that's his name for her and only his... :D * grins - so sweet! more cookies passed out* But I honestly can't remember a time when he ever called her 'Lindsay'...there are some episodes I haven't seen, but in all the ones I have I've only ever heard him call her 'Montana' or 'Monroe'. So the question is: How many times has Danny called Lindsay 'Lindsay' and when? :confused:

:D off to D/L dream land! ;) *blows kisses and candy to all*

~*~ Mad

'No, dangerous - I might ask you to marry me.' Danny Messer
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11 ~ Don't Bet Against the Country Girl

Don't Bet Against the Country Girl...you might lose your heart to her...Danny did!
Auda I didn't notice this when I first came into the thread...I LOVE it! And that's so true...Danny's heart is totally stuck on her and I just adore her too! :D

Lol, Hi Mad! I must say I love your posts, they just ooze excitement, it's fabulous and contagious! :lol:
"Hey, Lindsay? Why's Messer late? You wear him out last night?" I could see her blushing at his teasing a bit, but he would only do it when he knew she'd be okay with it, and I have a feeling Lindsay could dish it right back.
Lol, I could SO see him saying that to her! He'd say and she'd blush like a tomato, I'd love to see that! And yeah I think she could dish it back to him...I think she definitely has a sassy side! :D
she does say it like every other line she's says to him
I know huh, she totally does! And yeah I agree...it is pretty cute! ;)

As for your question Mad he's only called her Lindsay a few times that I know of, and at the moment the only one I can recall is in COTP (the finale) when he calls her while inside the building that was blown up to send her the pictures he took...he calls her Lindsay then. That's the only time I can remember right now...I think he's called her Lindsay a few times like when talking to someone else about her....but yeah can't think of any other specifics at the moment! Sorry hon... :D

P.s. Auda didn't you say something in the last thread about thinking Danny should go more casual...as in "nekkid" sometimes? :D Well here's a present I found just for you! ;) :devil:
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11 ~ Don't Bet Against the Country Girl

I got up early and i still missed the opening. Oh well. Yay! New thread!

As for what the others would say... i pretty much agree with what you guys have said.

And for Mad's question, Danny only really calls her that when he's worried about her like in COTP when he arrives at the bomb site and sees her - he's like "Lindsay, u alright?" so cute! I can't think of anymore right now, 'm still half asleep. it's like 8am here. (well, that's early for me anywayz!) :lol:

Peace out :cool:
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11 ~ Don't Bet Against the Country Girl

Yay! New thread! And my first thread opening. :D

Anyway, I've been going through your posts, and here are my thoughts:

I think that the team would be ok with Danny and Lindsay dating, and I agree that Flack would be the one making more blunt observations. However I can totally see Mac going all fatherly over Lindsay and asking Danny what are his intentions. :D (this sounds so old-school)

M: Look, Danny, if you don't mean anything serious with her, just don't go that way. You two will have to work together and this relationship will affect the entire lab.
D: So, what are you asking me? Not to date Montana? Because, as much as I respect you, I can't do that. I...want her...in my life.
M: Well, who would've known. It did happen to you.
D: What?
M: Love.
D: I guess you were right.

I think that it would be great if we see Danny admitting his feelings for Lindsay to someone else, before her.

Moving on, I agree that it would be great to see some change in their physical look. I really liked Anna's shorter hair in "Medical investigation". Maybe the change can be work-related. As for Danny, well...he really looks perfect. However, if he takes hisa glasses off for Lindsay, I'm all for it! :D Oh, btw, regarging that scene in "Risk"; well, I didn't take that as a totally bad scene.
Since Danny saw Lindsay in that dress, saying that she was in the opera...maybe he just thought that there's no way that he's her type. So, when he saw that girl in the subway, he thought: "Yeah, this is more my league: picking up girls in the subway. I should probably stick with the safe thing."
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11 ~ Don't Bet Against the Country Girl

AHHHH NEW THREAD..CONGRATULATIONS..THREAD..AND Mis..i love that..i think that senario is awsome
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11 ~ Don't Bet Against the Country Girl

iheartnickcath said:
No, em. We want an angsty post, dangit!

an angsty post is not a good 'new thread' present. you're getting fluff. be happy with the fluff.

as for new looks...i don't know. i'm not big on changing looks. they can either go really well (flack s1 to flack s2) or really bad (nick's pornstache) therefore, i will not give an opinion, only see what happens.

and as for Mad's question. he has called her lindsay before. do i know exactly when or where? no. probably either early on before he first started calling her montana. *shrugs*

off to write your thread present. bye!
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11 ~ Don't Bet Against the Country Girl

He called her Lindsay in RSRD, when he went to Mac with the results.

He didn't call her Montana between Manhattan Madhunt and Stuck on You, but they didn't really work many cases either.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11 ~ Don't Bet Against the Country Girl

YAYAYA New Thread. 11 already! :D

Great convo Misery. So sweet. Mac knows all ;)

I figured he'd call her Lindsay during angsty scenes. He calls her Lindsay in CotP when he's sending her pictures...
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Hi P3karen :D You can enjoy Auda's present too, I figured everyone would love it! :devil: (Nekkid!Carmine) what's not to love! :D ) Nice present that you brought too...liked that! :D
like in COTP when he arrives at the bomb site and sees her - he's like "Lindsay, u alright?"
Soph Hi! Does he say it then? I don't remember him doing that...huh, good job! Guess I'll have to watch that part again!

Hi Mis! I love your little convo between Danny and Mac...that was great! I would love to see that :D And as for the thing about "Risk" mmmm, dunno that I like that! :p :lol:

Lol, Hi Allie, Em! :D
He called her Lindsay in RSRD, when he went to Mac with the results.
Hi Pizza! That's right he does say it then...good job! :D

DB!! Hey hon! :D

Yay for a new thread! And I can't wait for our premiere...41 days y'all! D/L's gotta be canon, they just gotta!! :lol:
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