Danny/Carmine #9 -Just a Dirty Pair of Jeans, Maybe No Shirt

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Re: Danny/Carmine #9 -Just a Dirty Pair of Jeans, Maybe No S

Maxi said:
As far as I noticed they didn't work this much together.(Ducking under the table)Lindsay had a lot more cases with Mac than with Danny.
More Flack/Danny time would be great. Perhaps a nice showerscene. :devil:

First off, welcome to the boards Orison!! Happy posting. :)

I hate to agree with you Maxi but you're right. Danny and Lindsay didn't work alone together as much as it seemed. Maybe because it's just painful watching them together. :rolleyes:

They worked together 11 times but that total includes only 4 that they worked alone. I could have sworn it was more. :)
Re: Danny/Carmine #9 -Just a Dirty Pair of Jeans, Maybe No S

I think it seemed like more because, toward the end of the season, they always worked together. Earlier on she worked with Mac more, but as the season went on the Danny/Lindsay thing started to take over.

*cough* Have we forgotten that this was originally supposed to be a picture thread? Tsk tsk ladies, this just will not do! I'm going to have to force Carmine to visit each of you and make sure that you are severely punished...and I'll add my name to the list too, just for fun. :devil: :lol:

I think we need the ass picture to get us back on track. :devil:

Fay, do I have to go punish everyone?...

Listen to him, acting like he doesn't want to. ;) :lol:
Re: Danny/Carmine #9 -Just a Dirty Pair of Jeans, Maybe No S

Hey, I've posted tons of pictures in here!! ;) Fay if you're gonna have Carmine punish us for not posting more pics, there would never be another pic posted. :p I say bring him on. Punish me good Carmine. I've been naughty. :devil:

He can't fool us. We know that he wants to punish all of us. :D

Love the ass picture. Can't see it enough.
Re: Danny/Carmine #9 -Just a Dirty Pair of Jeans, Maybe No S

:D Carmine dealing out punishment? I'm there!

Love his look in that pic! Great post Faylinn!
Re: Danny/Carmine #9 -Just a Dirty Pair of Jeans, Maybe No S

"WOAH there Don..."

"you still owe me those five bucks!"


i love the shirt in #1! :D does anyone wana make a caption for #3?
Re: Danny/Carmine #9 -Just a Dirty Pair of Jeans, Maybe No S

Danny: Hey Hawkes, does my ass look big in these pants?
Hawkes: ...You're asking that now?
Danny: *hurt* I just thought I'd ask.
Re: Danny/Carmine #9 -Just a Dirty Pair of Jeans, Maybe No S

:lol: Love that caption Faylinn! Great pics afrikana, I love them!
Re: Danny/Carmine #9 -Just a Dirty Pair of Jeans, Maybe No S


*talking to self* breathe danny-boy. just coz i'm stuck with these fangirls doesn't mean i'm going to die here... right?!?!
Re: Danny/Carmine #9 -Just a Dirty Pair of Jeans, Maybe No S

Faylinn said:
Danny: Hey Hawkes, does my ass look big in these pants?
Hawkes: ...You're asking that now?
Danny: *hurt* I just thought I'd ask.

Nah, he's going...

Danny : "Man, Don's got some jeans just like that..."
Hawkes : "Will you shut up and process already? You've been talking about Don for two hours!"
Re: Danny/Carmine #9 -Just a Dirty Pair of Jeans, Maybe No S

:lol: But Danny would quickly add "And his ass looks amazing in them...and out of them" before Hawkes could protest. Heh. :p

The D/F lurve is strong on these boards. :lol:
Re: Danny/Carmine #9 -Just a Dirty Pair of Jeans, Maybe No S

I can see Hawkes rolling his eyeballs from here! :D He just wants in the action, is all!
Re: Danny/Carmine #9 -Just a Dirty Pair of Jeans, Maybe No S

:D That pic is awsome afrikana!

Yeah it is Faylinn. Seems like the D/F love is popular everywhere.
Re: Danny/Carmine #9 -Just a Dirty Pair of Jeans, Maybe No S

Woot! The Three Musketeers are making their way into the rest of the board. :lol: Cause you know Danny and Flack would love to invite that sweet little bar of chocolate to join them. ;)

Danny: She's right Hawkes...


^^All kinds of dirty captions for that one. :devil:
Re: Danny/Carmine #9 -Just a Dirty Pair of Jeans, Maybe No S

I think I'm just horribly in favour of anything involving Hawkes. That man needs some lovin'.
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