Danny/Angell: Two Hot Detectives = Double the Fun!

Yep, it's the porn shop and on page 1 of the thread, he's checking out her ass!

Yeah, Danny jokes around with her and they seem to hit it off well. She's never snapped at him, gotten mad at him, or refused to do her job because she has "issues" either. Angell is just what Danny needs right now.

Hopefully after tomorrow, we will get more caps of them and I will be running to this thread to post them.
I like that he's himself around her. To me, that's the most important thing. If you have to change who you are for someone, chances are it's not real love.

There's a natural chemistry between Danny and Angell. It actually feels like they genuinely like each other and enjoy working together, so I can see it progressing to the next level. I can't wait! :D

Dear Danny and Angell,

Thank you for having great chemistry that is evident in actions rather than words. Thank you for working well together and remaining professional, but still showing the potential for something to develop between you. Really, it makes me a happy bunny.

Now, granted, I was disappointed that the much-anticipated scene was lost. After all, I missed seeing the two of you nearly kiss each other. But a great deal of that episode was re-worked, and perhaps it's for the best. I said multiple times that I'd rather see nothing at all than to see Angell used as a prop for other relationships, so I can at least be content that I got my wish.

I will be watching future episodes for the subtle hints such as those that I saw in this episode. Please stay out of the writers' line of sight--generally, it seems that it's best if they don't fiddle with things. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Much love from the little D/J corner of the fandom,

P.S. Angell, thank you for brushing your bangs over to the side rather than letting them poke you in the eyes, and thank you for keeping your boobies covered. :D

P.S.S. Oh, and Angell, if I might suggest waiting in Danny's bathtub surrounded by rose petals? Just, you know, sharing that idea off the top of my head...
Awwww. such beautiful caps. Angel and Danny are so crushing each other. Their chemistry is evident from their body language. It is not scripted and forced. I don't need to be told they have it. I can see it very well.
Fay, you're a ship-thread-makin' MACHINE. Seriously, woman, I think you're out to get Danny with just about everyone!

But we like Angell, yes we do, and since Maka's not there to be all naughty with Mr Messer, we'll happily go along with him and Angell getting it on :D
Danny is one of my ship skanks. I like to put him with several different people--actually, just Flack, Adam and Angell, but that's probably two more than most people pair one person with. :lol:

Angell is definitely a hot, kick-ass detective who can teach the Messer a thing or two and keep him in line. :devil:

Their chemistry is evident from their body language. It is not scripted and forced. I don't need to be told they have it. I can see it very well.
Exactly. They're comfortable with each other, and I love the way they're on the same level--when they talked through the case while walking down the street in "Heart of Glass," I thought that was a great moment. It was like their thought processes were in synch with each other. *sigh* I love the potential. :p
No Hawkes/Danny? I think that would be pretty cute. Sadly, I just keep picturing Hawkes telling Danny he's dirty, because you KNOW Hawkes has a pristine apartment, don't you?

Oops, off-topic. (Danny has that effect on me)

I have finally finally finally got this week's damn episode, so I can finally see what you're all oogling about. Wah!
Hawkes is kind of like Mac for me--I have a hard time thinking how they'd act/think/speak, which makes them hard to write, which means I generally sigh at the pretty and the possibilities but don't really give them much thought. :eek: Danny/Hawkes is hot, though (as is Mac/Hawkes). ;)

(Yep, totally off-topic, but Danny is such a ho that it makes it difficult not to stray. :p)

Now that you've seen "Heart of Glass," what do you think of the Danny/Angell interaction? It's like "People with Money" was for me, with the comfort and the easy way they work together. I really like seeing these two on the same cases, and I hope we get more of them working together this season. In fact, something I'd really like to see would be a situation where Jennifer is the newbie again (like in "Not What it Looks Like" with Mac and the mummy), and Danny knows what he's doing and sort of guides her. Of course, I imagine that this would come with some snarky banter between them, especially if Danny was being a butthead about Jennifer's lack of experience in whatever the situation happened to be. :lol: But she strikes me as the type to give as good as she gets, so Danny had better watch out. :p
Okay, it's about time I got my ass in here.

I thought the interaction in 'Heart Of Glass' was great. Admittedly, I'm a little bit upset that we didn't get our original scene, because I think it would have been a huge indication/opportunity to see just how much potential these two have together. But, if that's the price I had to pay to keep Danny from losing his nut sack to a voice message, then I'll get over it. Still, what we did get was awesome. I love how at ease they are around each other, and neither of them seems to have to be something they're not, they just are who they are when they're together. I also think it's great that even when their dialogue isn't flirtatious or anything, they still seem to give off that kind of vibe, if you get what I mean. And they're still smokin' hot together too. :cool:

Faylinn said:
But she strikes me as the type to give as good as she gets, so Danny had better watch out. :p

Oh yeah, Jennifer definately strikes me as a bad ass. As much as I love seeing Danny do it, didn't you just wish Jen had taken down the perp? I'm sure Danny would have loved to see that too. :devil:

They have major potential, but I'm still reserving judgment for a bit, and I'm openly holding out for a little Flack/Angell too. :p

I love DJ *snicker* C'mon, who didn't love that? :lol:
Oh yeah Angell would keep Danny in check if he ever got fresh with her. She'd have Danny on his knees.
Then Danny would be making his way to win back into her good graces. And the rest is history. :D

Faylinn, do you have any more Fanfiction in the works?
I also think it's great that even when their dialogue isn't flirtatious or anything, they still seem to give off that kind of vibe, if you get what I mean.
Yep, I definitely know what you mean. :D It's effortless and believable. I like it a lot. ;)

Oh yeah, Jennifer definately strikes me as a bad ass. As much as I love seeing Danny do it, didn't you just wish Jen had taken down the perp? I'm sure Danny would have loved to see that too.
Ah yes, there would have been splodey!pants all around. :lol:

They have major potential, but I'm still reserving judgment for a bit, and I'm openly holding out for a little Flack/Angell too.
Hehe, I wouldn't be adverse to Flack/Angell. :devil:

Faylinn, do you have any more Fanfiction in the works?
Unfortunately, no. I have a few fanfics in line to be written, but none of them are D/J, and none of them are cooperating. :lol: My muse, she is being difficult. :rolleyes:
Wow I could say that this thread was dead for a while....
I know that they don't have so many scenes together and that people believe that Angel will be with Flack but I like her more than Linds and definitely more than Rikky (no offence to the other shippers)
I still have a shipper appreciation for Danny/Angell. From the scenes they had, Angel gets Danny and what makes him tick. Danny in Angel's orbit, is more like real Danny from when the show began. Angel is just the woman I picture Danny with. Flack is saved for another female.
When Angell returns, I hope there are scenes with D/A. They are too much sizzle to be ignored. :devil:
love me or hate me, but it reminds me of Danny & Aiden. Even these two have that special rapport (Heart of Glass, People With Money, Commuted Sentences) which is enough to watch rather than describing. trust me, i drool in descreet :drool:

oh, and another thing in common: they both have hot bubblebuts.