Danny/Angell: Two Hot Detectives = Double the Fun!


Adam Fangirl
Super Moderator
Well, I thought I'd open this thread since I don't seem to be the only one who thinks Danny/Angell would be a good ship. ;) I like the idea of Hawkes/Angell since the good doctor is in need of some serious loving, but this one grabbed me in spite of that. :p

Danny and Jennifer haven't had much time on screen together so far, considering that she's only been in one episode, but I loved their interaction anyway. It wasn't overtly flirtatious, which isn't a good idea on the job anyway, but it was definitely comfortable and had a lot of potential.

I get the feeling that these two have known each other for a while--long enough for Jennifer to know just what a pain in the butt Danny Messer can be. :lol: But seriously, she clearly worked with the CSIs while she was being overseen by Benton, and she was comfortable enough to engage in playful banter with both Danny and Hawkes in their first scene during "People With Money." The way that Jennifer said Messer was pretty affectionate, you have to admit. ;) And, of course, once she made it clear that she wasn't going to be teased, Danny knew better than to continue it. :p

I like that Angell seems to have a nice bit of attitude, which she'd really need to be a beautiful woman expecting to be taken seriously in that line of work (at least, on television that's the case ;)). But she didn't seem too bad-ass to me. I think she's generally a nice girl, but she can be tough if the need arises. ;)

I don't think Danny's attraction to her would have anything to do with the comparisons to Aiden that some people have claimed. I just see Jennifer as the type of girl Danny would be drawn to (and this, of course, is coming from a Danny/Flack fan who doesn't tend to follow het ships ;)). She can hold her own, but Danny wouldn't feel unnecessary. Danny, to me, needs to be needed (although he's not looking for needy, which is a whole different ballgame :lol:), and I think there would be a nice balance there between self-sufficiency and the good kind of inter-dependence that happens in relationships. ;) I also think that their interaction would be mostly non-verbal. Danny strikes me as a physical person (and no, I'm not talking about sex, you naughty little bunnies :p), and Jennifer, being a good detective as she is, would be able to pick up on that; and vise versa.

Now, all that having been said, I didn't want to open a Danny/Angell thread until I actually had some fanfic to contribute. :lol: What is a ship without fanfic, after all? ;) So here's my first fic for the pairing. It's pretty basic, no sex or anything. Pre-relationship, I guess you could say. There may be more to follow, depending on what sort of ideas my muse comes up with (she's tricky sometimes ;)).

A Little Celebration

Read and let me know what you think (plus, of course, the required three lines of discussion since I don't want the mods after my butt :lol:). :)

I haven't given any thought to a name for the pairing (well, that's a lie, I gave it some thought, but it was a fruitless search ;)), and at this point I don't think it's a big deal. A name does not a good ship make, or something like that. :lol: For the moment, I'm just planning on abbreviating it DJ (Using Jennifer to differentiate Angell from Aiden). So yeah, the name will come in due time, if at all, so no worries on that front. ;)

Well, now that I've typed far too much, let's hear what other people have to say. :lol:

Sigh...they're so pretty. :lol:


(combined pictures from csi-caps)
Well, I haven't seen the new season of CSI:NY, but, MY GOD, she looks like Aiden! Who's the person who plays her? It's like DnA part deux. I don't know... Just from a 'looks' perspective, I think I'll like this pairing, being the diehard Danny/Aiden fan I am (well, personally, I dislike Danny/Lindsay so...).

Reading what you put down, I'm intrigued :). I'll decide when/if I do take up CSI:NY again.
Ah, Fay. That was a really beautiful fic. I never did see Danny as tentative about anything, but the juxtaposition of the certainty of being able to touch her but the uncertainty of moving it forward a little worked nicely. Can we look forward to seeing M rated stuff with these two? :lol:
What is it with you and Rhonda and demanding the porn? :lol:

*shifty eyes* They can't just kiss forever though, can they? :devil:

I'm glad you liked the fic, though, Springmoon. There should be more to follow, but you know better than most how many fics I have on the assembly line. :lol:

Caderyn, Det. Angell is played by Emmanuelle Vaugier. She is rather gorgeous, isn't she? ;) We've only seen Angell in one episode so far, so it's hard to make a good interpretation of the character, but some people have compared her to Aiden in personality as well as appearance. I suppose that could be a good basis for a fic, but I was never a DnA shipper myself. :p (Of course, I didn't start shipping until near the end of season 2, so that could have something to do with it. ;))

Eek, my muse is stirring! Help me! :lol:
Fay, I'm gonna kill you if you give me another ship! But they look kinda cute...... And you even wrote a nice little ficcie. Fay, I'm gonna get you.
Think these two would be hot and would compliment each other. Angel looks like the one to hold her own with Danny.
I hope Angel becomes a regular detective who comes to collaborate with the NY team, like Frank does on Miami.

Faylinn, I enjoyed the Fanfiction. :)
Oh, I let this fall off the page, didn't I? :eek:

I'm glad you like the fic, guys. :) But iheartnickcath, maybe you should go to a meeting for this ship addiction that you have. :lol:

I really hope Angell sticks around. I liked the friendly way she got along with Danny and Hawkes in "People With Money," but I also liked how she and Mac interacted in "Not What It Looks Like." She's obviously a new detective, but she knows her stuff. Mac clearly trusts her, and that's always a good sign. ;) She's capable and tough, and Danny would pick up on that, I think. ;) She really seems like the type of girl I could see him going for.

As for Danny and Angell, yeah, I'm still loving this idea. She's still mostly an enigma, and I hope we get some exploration of her character this season. I obviously want her to work with Danny more, but then I want her to work with everyone. :lol: Now that I'm looking for the DJ moments, I'll see them anyway. ;)

I've started a fic where Danny first sees Angell soon after the end of S2. He catches her out of the corner of his eye and, being tired and haggard and drained, thinks for just a second that it's Aiden. I don't really think she resembles Vanessa Ferlito that much, but I'll admit that there is a bit of a similarity, and that's all the fic requires. ;) Hopefully I'll get it written and typed up soon. :)
Maybe I should go, Maybe I should drag you with me, considering you've given me two of them!

I really hope she sticks around two, and ooh I figured out where I've seen her before, in House of the Dead. I saw her name in the credits and then I saw her, I was like ooh thats Angell!

And I'll shut up now :D
Two of them, iheartnickcath? :confused: What did I suck you into other than this one? :lol:

I saw Emmanuelle on Two And A Half Men, but I don't really watch that show, so this is really the first show that I've watched her act on. And she's doing a great job so far. ;)

Now, something on-topic about the ship...(it's hard to do with so little to talk about! :lol:)

I think these two met during the summer hiatus. Maybe Angell started to work with the team in lieu of Flack--and of course she had her mentor breathing down her neck. ;) So the team would have had a chance to get to know her during Flack's recovery, and then she became a full-fledged Detective at the same time that Flack came back to work. ;) So Angell was around for Danny to hang out with while Flack was out of commission, and maybe she provided a bit of a friendly relationship (since he didn't have Aiden to hang out with anymore :(). Anyway, I definitely think it's safe to say that these two would start out as friends and then at some point it would move a bit farther than that. My fic, of course, had that happen after "People With Money," but you never know. ;)

The second fic isn't done yet, but I'll be sure to post it as soon as it is. :)
You sucked me into Danny/Flack too! .. You don't get all the blame though, Kimmy and CSIM helped you. *shakes fist* I'm gonna drag you into mine, one of these days!

I never saw her on that show. darnit.

I agree, they got to know each other while Flackie boy was still in the hospital, recoverin' that jazz. And maybe they formed a connection and a friendship. Didn't she say something about busting her balls or something like that?
Oh, Danny/Flack sucked you in all on its own, don't blame me. :lol: But, you know, I'm not easily swayed, so you aren't going to be able to get me into anything I'm not already into. ;) Too bad. :p

Didn't she say something about busting her balls or something like that?
Hmm, that's a very interesting point. Danny probably felt like he had to haze the newbie Detective, not unlike he did when Lindsay first arrived in "Zoo York." ;) But, of course, I don't think Jennifer would stand for that for very long. :lol:

I can see Danny at the hospital trying to hang out with Flack and watch tv and eat jello or something, and Don would just be like, "Damnit, Messer, go do something, you're making me stir crazy!" Because, you know, Danny can't sit still. :lol: So I think he'd tell Danny to go hang out with Hawkes or Adam or something, but that wouldn't be the same, so he'd be like, "then go bug the girl who's doing my job." Which, of course, would be a very tempting idea for Danny. ;) Poor Jennifer. :lol:

Naturally, though, Danny would start out trying to torture her, and end up being friends with her instead. :lol:

But, you know, if I keep going on this line of thought, I'll end up with Danny/Angell/Flack! :lol: (Which, by the way, sounds really interesting... :devil:)
I'll get you, Fay. You'll see. :p

I think Danny likes her, and he'll be able to pick on her easily, cause she seems like she'll be able to handle it and pay him back with one of her own.

:lol: I can see Don telling him to get out and go annoy Angell.

Danny/Angell/Flack ??? Hmm interesting.. *glares* what did I just tell you?
I knew of the actress in House of The Dead 2, the sequel and she recently did a Lifetime movie, and have seen her on some other TV movies.

Faylinn, your theory of her working with the team when Flack was injured and off duty, would not be off the mark. Danny and Hawkes did seem familiar with her when they saw her at the scene. I really hope she becomes an addition to the team much like Frank on Miami.

I can't wait to read your next Fanfiction. :)
So what you're saying, Faylinn, is that instead of our previous speculation that it was perhaps Hawkes keeping Danny company while Don was in the hospital, that it might have been Angell? Interesting theory, and I do buy into it a little. They also seem to have this sort of teasing relationship which, given time, would evolve into teasing of a different kind. Perhaps involving feathers. And tickling.
Oh, Springmoon, my darling, I think just about everybody kept Danny company while Don was in the hospital. :lol:

I definitely like the idea of them having a teasing sort of relationship. I don't think he'd go for a deep friendship with her initially. He'd just look for someone to sit at Sullivan's with and joke about their co-workers. Danny would probably feel that developing a closer friendship with her (so soon at least) would be wrong for several reasons--one, he'd feel like he was trying to replace Aiden, which he doesn't want to do; two, he'd feel like he was trying to replace Flack, which he doesn't want to do; and three, he'd feel like he was just setting himself up for more pain if they did become close and she got hurt too. Actually, I can see Danny at a point where he just thinks something bad will happen to anyone that he cares about. Poor Danny. :(

Anyway, I can see them just having sort of a superficial sort of friendship, joking around but not actually knowing anything personal about each other. Angell, being a detective like Teh Flackie, would be able to pick up on Danny's moods and feelings and know that's what he needed at the time. I don't think there would be any careless sex or anything like that. For one, that would do anything but help Danny, and for another thing, they would know, on some level, that the friendship could grow to be very important in time--and they wouldn't want to risk that...

Wow, that was all deep and thoughtful for a pairing with two people that have only had about 3 scenes together. :lol:

Suffice it to say that I think they'd just sort of hang out and be friends while Don is recovering and Danny is trying to come to terms with what happened to Louie and Aiden. Only after he kind of grew past that stuff could he look at her in any other way.

But, you know, she's patient. ;)

(My muse is stirring up ideas for this ficcy...we'll see what comes out, eh? ;))