Danny and lindsay-you on the ride


Lab Technician
ok i can do this..i can totally do this..d/l ..they so belong together...ok..i got this....whoooo..ok-just perparing myself..go ahead and laugh

disclamer..i dont own anything..trust me

set after finale

any mistakes are my own

lindsay monroe rolled over on her bed and glanced at her clock, it was 3:30 am..'im supposed to be sleeping' she thought.and rolled back over..the reason she couldnt go to sleep was that so many things were running through her head. Flack being in hurt in the explosion, her trying to always please Mac, and Danny. Danny Messer.
lindsay was very skeptical about Danny, ever since the 'call Mac sir' incident. But there was this feeling that she had when ever she was around him, he drove her crazy, but not in the 'out-of-her-mind' way but in a way that mad her crazy for him. She never stopped thinking about him, he was in her mind 24/7,and she enjoyed all the times they spent together, she just enjoyed his presence. But she would never,EVER actually admit that she liked him, that could mess things up. 'Besides' she thought 'he probabley doesnt even feel that way about me'.
Across town
Danny Messer was lying on his back looking at the clock it was 3:31 am. 'Time cant go any faster' he thought. So many things were running through his mind..mainly one thing took over, Lindsay Monroe. Ever since her first day he had known something was going to happen, it had to, he was going to make it happen. She was on his mind 24/7, he refelected back on all the times that they had done something together,and that brought a smile to his face. But he would never , EVER admit that he liked her, that could mess him up, and he didnt know if he could handle that. 'Besides' he thought 'she probably doesnt even feel that way about me'.

Chapter 1
lindsays thoughts were interupted by her cell phone ringing, she reached over and answered it, Mac was on the other end,
"lindsay, there is a DB in Central Park. Im giving you Danny, everyone else is on a case."
lindsay nodded "ok Mac, thanks bye." And she hung up the phone, sighing. Here goes another day.
As she got up and got ready, she was thinking. STILL. Of how this case wasnt any different from the others, she was working with Danny, they worked well off of each other, she knew that, he knew that, and for cryin' out loud the whole lab knew it.

Ten minutes later as she was putting on blush, there was a knock at her door, puzzled at who would be knocking on her door at 4:35 in the morning, she answered it. And there stood Danny Messer with coffee in his hands. She greeted him with a smile.
"Danny..what are?"
"you doing here?" he finished her sentence. Lindsay nodded
Danny handed her the cup of coffee and sat down as she walked in to the bathroom.
"Well Mac called me and told me we had a DB in the park,its already secure so i decided to just come by with coffee, maybe take you to the scene," he was calling to lindsay so that she could hear him.
"Wow, thanks Danny, that was nice of you, ive had a lot on my mind lately" Lindsay began as she walked out of the bathroom and gathered her purse and keys. Danny rubbed the back of his neck.
"yeah i know what you mean". He said escorting her out of the apartment.

The car ride was silent. Lindsay was resting her chin on her hand looking at the tall buildings outside the window, and Danny was drumming his fingers on the steering wheel, singing a song in his head. As they arrived at the crime scene they met Flack, who didnt look so well. That might be from being blown up. Lindsay thought. But shook the thought off, as Flack approched them.
"Good morning, Vics name is Aaron Shay, 32, discovered by that woman" Flack pointed in the direction of a young woman who was wheezing, she was trying to talk to the cops but she was panicing so much it was hard to hear anything out of her. Danny exchanged looks with lindsay and Flack.
" Thanks Flack, we can get something out of her" Danny said as he and lindsay strolled over to the women. She was still staring at the body.
As Danny and lindsay approched the women, she began to calm down. Danny held out his badge.
"oh great...more..cops", the woman was sobbing.
"Actually were crime scene investagators, and we would like to ask you a few questions" Danny said gently. The woman looked from Danny to Lindsay, then back to Danny, and nodded.
"whats your name?" lindsay asked, she shifted her stance so that she was very close to Danny. She could smell his sent, it was intrancing. The woman hiccuped and drew in a long breath.
"My name is Julia Matterson".
That name hit lindsay like a pile of bricks, so she had to reapet it..with her mouth wide open and her eyes big she said,
"Julia, oh my..Julia Matterson, from Bozemen Montana?Right?"
^{gasps} Auda knows where FF page is! :lol:

Anyways, Allie, I agree with my fluffy!friend there. Enjoyed it the second time around too, you should post that other part too! ;)
Thank you all for the neat reviews.umm sorry but i personally want to thank you all: Iluvericszmanda, Auda, IHNC,Mel23,Cordelia,p3karen

Chapter 2

Julia's face became white, and she nodded.
"How do you know me?" Julia asked. Danny was just standing there letting Lindsay do her thing, he knew when to back off, and this was one of those moments. he thought.
"Its Lindsay, Lindsay Monroe, I had no idea you were still with Aaron?".
This time it was Julias turn to be in disbelief. As she racked her brain for that familiar name, she even repeated it a few times, outloud. Then it hit her.
"lindsay monroe? Senior prom queen lindsay monroe..? oh wow..its so good to see you" Danny looked at lindsay. With his usual smirk.
"nice funny...why didnt you ever tell me you were queen, oh my royalty"
Lindsay rolled her eyes.
"So Julia, what happened here?" Lindsay asked turning back to her old friend.
Julia was begging to cry agian. But she began "Well...Aaron and I were getting back from a party at one of my other friends house, we cut through....the park...not thinking anything would happen. Then a man came up behind Aaron and all i remember is Aaron going down, then .....i chased him, but he ran too fast, and ...i ...was ....distracted.." Julia began sobbing agian. and Danny handed her a tissue, she thanked him with a sob.
"Thank you, can i have your address,in case i need to contact you, it makes our job eaiser?" Lindsay asked polietly
Julia nodded and wrote down her address on a slip of paper that a police officer had provided for her.
Monday afternoon
Danny and Lindsay had taken a break from processing, which they had been doing all morning, they came up with very little evidence and the evidence they had collected wasnt showing much of a 'light at the end of a tunnel' kinda thing. Lindsay was on a short wire from her lack of sleep and she even snapped at Mac, which she later regretted when he gave her a stern look.
The two CSI's were on there way to the morgue, where Sid had the body ready, as they walked in, lindsay had a slight chill, so much that she shivered, Danny saw this and stepped closer to her, im so gonna regret this, he thought to himself. Lindsay was trying to hold back the smile on her face, but Sid saw it, and he couldnt help himself.
"Ahhh lindsay remember that 'Montana' conversation we had?" he asked and looked down at the victim.
"So Sid, what is the C.O.D?" Lindsay asked through gritted teeth.
" Your victims C.O.D was a knife wound, he was litterally stabbed in the back, probably by a left-handed woman". Sid said tracing around the wound with his forefinger.
"Linds, your friend, she was left-handed." Danny said turning to Lindsay
"Oh Danny, you dont honestly think that she could of killed him." Lindsay was talking in a stunned tone
"Well I dont know,she seems like she could"Danny rubbed the back of his neck.
"Danny I cant believe you, she is my friend!" Lindsay screamed and stormed out
Sid shook his head "Go fix it", he said as he shoed Danny away with his hand. Danny took the chance and ran after lindsay.

ok tell me what cha think..thanks... :D
Ahh thank you..and i see you Sissi..i see you ..ya cant hide from me..

Chapter 3
Danny ran after lindsay, being faster than he thought she was landed them both on the street outside the crimelab.
Lindsay could hear Danny screaming her name,and she didnt care that as she walked briskly down the sidewalk that people would turn their head backs to stare at her, and watch Danny chase her, she was on a mission. To get away from Danny Messer.
"MONTANA...........MONTANA..oph sorry ma'am,heres your bag, dont worry,NYPD...........MONTANA" Danny was screaming as loud as he could. Lindsay however just stopped in her tracks. As she turned she saw Danny running at a constant speed, but there was something different about this moment that she couldnt put her finger on, as she heard sirens,loud sirens.Which when you live in New York City isnt all that uncommon to hear. She wasnt even paying attention to her sourroundings,just foucused on Danny. She saw his eyes become bigger and sirens become closer, Danny then went from a brisk pace to a full out running, he grabbed lindsay and pushed her agianst the wall, just as a speeding black mustang drove by,followed by several police cars.
Lindsay was breathing hard as she was pinned agianst the wall by Danny, he pretty much had just saved her life. They didnt even notice that they had been standing in the postion for close to five minutes now.
Danny couldnt believe what was running through his head at this moment, so many things i wanna do to her, he kept thinking.
They kept looking in each others eyes and Danny got up enough courage to break the silence that sourrounded them.
"Mont....Linds, im sorry about insulting your friend" Danny said, finally releasing her wrists, for thats how he had pinned her agianst the wall.
Lindsay wanted nothing more than to be mad at him, she tried with all her strength to build up anger agianst him, but as she was looking into his blue eyes, she lost all her strength,literally, as when he let go of her wrists she had to catch herself from falling, but she stood up and focused on him.
" No Danny, I shouldnt have freaked out like that, Im sorry."
Danny was rubbing the back of his neck, he then decided he was going to do it, no matter what. If she turned him down he wasnt going to care, what was he kidding if she turned him down he was going to be the saddest person in the world. Then without thinking he asked
"Montana....go...out with me tonight..please?"
Lindsay looked a little stunned, no..no ..no.. she kept thinking, this could mess things up in the lab..no..no.. but instead of listning to her head she listned to her heart. She sighed and closed her eyes then gulped back the lump in her throat. Opening her eyes slowly she nodded.
"Of course Danny."
Relief swam through Danny, oh god what are we gonna do, wow i feel like Im in high school agian, she just makes me so nervos, maybe I should cancel, no Danny did you see the look in her eyes when you pinned her agianst the wall, she likes you, and you like her....dont be stupid. He felt stupid standing there fighting with himself, inside his head. But I cant wait for tonight, he smiled.

tell me what ya think